Thank you guys so much. Any help is great help honestly. Along with the close knit group of friends, a squad if you will, we have also finally agreed on the MC backstories. The female and male MCs will be some kind of higher up, middle management, or scientist person but definely human. Whereas the genderless option will be a robot that has gained sentience. Through that we have agreed on androids (and maybe cyborgs too but I’m not too sure about that one because they are basically just people with hi-tech prosthetics), being a subjugated group and seen as machines despite displaying intelligence. I’m just going to try really hard to not make it too like the Quarians and Geth from ME.
Thank God that I managed to scratch out the killing game shows and teen love triangle stuff.
I think I’m going to make him agree to narrowing it down to one planet. Since we are trying to narrow ideas down in the first place maybe that will make the process easier?
That sounds absolutely adorable but probably not what we are looking for. And Happy Birthday dear~
Omg. I can’t imagine that. That’s like asking the people who voted for Lex Luthor to imagine that he would go insane from the weird synthesized drugs he was secretly taking for months while a giant hunk of kryptonite is about to smash into the earth in Superman/Batman: Public Enemies. I don’t think these things can be predicted.