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you have to get adult member role
How do I view the nsfw demo?
As @Krieg_Enthusiast mentioned, you’ll have to join the Adults Readers group. After you do that, you’ll be able to access all NSFW threads.
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how do you achieve this?
You need to join the adult readers’ group:
Okay the presentation get me intrigued gonna check this out then.
Wow if this is the prologue then well done, it’s already quite descriptive about whatever is going on in the story.
So far MC still blank canvas here not into the customization yet.
Looking forward to resolution of the mob event after “house” event.
Oh, wow, much thanks for opening the thread and linking the update, @HarrisPS! I got really surprised! I’ll make sure to update the information in the first post, given that you gave me such an opportunity.
Thanks! And, yup, that’s the prologue, and it’s still not finished yet. Customization will happen in the next chapter, when the plot will get more… peaceful, so to speak.
EDIT: Oh oh oh, seems I mistook “old demo” for the actual demo you are updating… there may be some of my own responsibility in that, but I think you should take it as a lesson to make the first link in your description be the one you want people to click. As for my comment about the demo I played, I think I’ll still leave it down below, since I took the time to write it, and it’s still mainly feedback on something you wrote, at the end of the day. I wish you the best in your writing endeavours, maybe I’ll give the new demo a try sometime.
Man, you sure drag on a lot! Instead of giving a straight explanation to an understandbly agitated crowd, the protagonist drags and drags and drags things out, getting lost in his own thoughts and recalling past events in his mind, as if he were having an schorlarly debate instead of trying to calm things in-situ! Goodness gracious! THAT SAID, when it comes, the payoff for all that reading sure is well worth. You sure achieve making the reader share the protagonist’s feelings, and transitioning from his emotional states, from remorse at his actions leading to what’ll likely devolve into violence with an innocent crowd, into dread at realizating the truth.
The issue I have is that at that storytelling pace, I see it taking 10 years for this story to go places, let alone for it to be completed. I hope this is a side hobby for you to do in your spare time (in which case there’s no critical issue with your way of tackling this project), rather than something you want to make your main income source - if it’s the latter case, I’d urge you to reconsider your approach to the pace of both the story and of your update releases. Your process needs streamlining if you want to put out a finished release this decade.
Personally I’m not feeling the “sees things no one else does” quality of the protagonist, but I can see Berserk’s “eclipse segments” inspiration on it, so it’s something that, though I personally don’t enjoy/makes me somewhat uncomfortable, I can stand due to an interesting underlying narrative. The mutiple POVs at the start may be a tad jarring to some at first, but you use them to great effect and imo they have a great payoff, so you achieved that very well.
I don’t know how many outcomes there are when it comes to the cabin confrontation. I got the one where the father wounded the son. And when it comes to the options I was given (let him laying there/take care of him), I found myself wishing for an option to tend to his wounds. I’m not asking for an outcome where he makes it, but at least I didn’t picture the MC I was playing as to leave someone to bleed out, if he can in any way try and prevent that from happening.
dang no update yet?
search demo In Adult area
thank you
The demo is interesting so far!! Though, I cannot wait to create my MC!!
boy do i have news for you