Drawing Board Guild, now recruiting coders, editors, developers, and everyone else! Earn a piece of ownership now!

Howdy, I am Fredrick. Founder and leader of Drawing Board Guild. We are currently writing a Choicescript gamebook and would appreciate your collaboration, great or small. As coders, editors, writers, or game designers. We are currently working together to create a gonzo fantasy RPG that takes place in an unforgiving desert where gold is expensive, and life is cheap.

Out other members include @Gilbert_Gallo famous for titles like “The Pirates of Donkey Island.” he’s made many books and RPGs on both tabletop and otherwise. along with everything on this here website. https://www.gilbertgallo.com/ An impressive repertoire indeed, possibly the smartest man in Italy since the inventor of sliced pizza.

There’s also Roni who occasionally helps with translations. Very eager to please, he’s more enthusiastic about the English language than Choicescript. Otherwise, we’d link to his profile. Still, he is eager to please, and boy does he please. Here’s a link to his Youtube channel, his opinions are his own. (Saw you ree!) Saudi Arabia Misheard Anthem - YouTube

Finally, there is Jonah Grey AKA @rinzygreye who created the now canceled Project H.I.V.E a skillfully written WIP that was programmed with amazing skill. Unfortunately school mean’s that he needs some help. Which we do not fault him for.

So how will we get paid?

Well, that is voted upon by us all. Currently what’s worked out is that after expenses are paid the sales will be based on the percentage of words written. With a word of code counting as four words of standard writing. That way it is fair. If this doesn’t seem reasonable then you may ask for it to be reconsidered, and voted upon. This is not to say you have to dedicate your life to us. Of course not. If you just want to write a minor quest with some neat loot re-used from your game master notes.

Man Fredrick you’re such a great leader, as well as intelligent, strong, good looking, perfect, and humble. How do we sign up?

You just gotta fill out these questions. Even if you don’t think you have a chance the worst we can say is no. They might seem weird but most of these questions are to see what you’d be best at, and whether or not you’re honest. If you have questions please either ask us here or email us at drawingboardcoop@gmail.com


I don’t think this is posted in the right category? (Edit: topic has been moved)

Also, you don’t actually say much of anything about what this ‘Drawing Board Guild’ is, or what they will be doing.

Understandable concerns. I wasn’t completely sure where to put this, and am sorry for any confusion. I have edited it to clarify our mission as people who are creating a Choice Script game book, I couldn’t speak much about specifics however because it would sound like bragging.

Sorry, is that a joke, or serious?


We probably need something. Nobody’s going to sign up for a project if they don’t know anything about what that project involves.


I am very sorry, I had gotten help with this to make sure things didn’t go wrong. I followed the advice overzealously. I have edited the post in an attempt to fix that mistake, and am sorry about all of this. This is my fault and I will not blame the people I work with. Thank you for your understanding.

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That’s OK, no need to apologize!

I see that you added the genre of your story now, which I think will help people decide whether or not it might be for them. Good luck finding your team!

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Yes, you’re right about helping. Though I already found part of our team, and don’t want to discredit the work they already did. God bless you.

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Submitted on a whim, also this is my formal apology to whoever has to read our stuff, as I definitely worded more than I needed to.

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Well thank you for your submission. Unfortunately something caught on fire. So I must put it out before reading. None the less thank you for your honesty.

I hope you guys find the right people and put something together to build experience. Right now your biggest need is for an editor.

Thank you sir. We’re chugging along nicely at this point.

I am rubbish at questionnaires. However, I’m a bit good at this [will that be any use? :thinking:]

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That’s impressive unfortunately, there aren’t any belt sanders in the desert. If you want to talk further about anything else you can do please send me a private message.

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:sleepy: :sneezing_face: Wrong kinda sand :sneezing_face: :sleepy:


(PM sent)

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