Dragon Kin (WIP)

Sounds about right being on the run has the risk of not being told basic knowledge therefore plot device kid exists and can become a possible future ally or friend/ romance option later when the inevitable reunion occurs.


What exactly is a dragon kin? Is it the same as a dragon? Is it a half breed?

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Here u go


Thanks. I am so mot good at finding things :sweat_smile:

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I had to Google search it when I read the story for the first time lol


Same here though I assumed it was some type of human hybrid based on the name.


This was new fantasy stuff for me. I didnā€™t know about this one

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Mood totally new creature type to me as well more used to anthro type dragons or dragon shifters til now.


Hello everyone, firstly thank you all for taking the time to provide feedback as well as discuss the book on the thread. As a thank you I updated the game again today. I fixed a few of the items you all brought up as well as finished adding the content for the remainder of the chapter.

Currently itā€™s 3 Chapters, 24.5k Words, 31.9k coded)

Still no save function but I havenā€™t forgotten

June 30 - Game Uploaded to DashingDon
July 1st - Initial WIP Post, Game Updated
July 2nd - Update 1.1


I honestly canā€™t wait to see G again.

The idea that they were around the same age but MC can be almost 6ft something tall, conjured a hilarious bit of imagery. Buff baby.

Omg an update just as I was about to play again!


Got a quick question regarding the Dragon Kin in their human form, when they have their scales and wings out do they also have a tail unlike the picture in the dashingdon demo or is that in the base dragon form?


In the fight with the bandits you miss spelled halt you put hal ^^


I wasnā€™t expecting an update so soon considering how new it is but Iā€™m glad the errors were fixed to make for smoother story telling.

The hunters finally remembered our actions in the past so things are bound to get interesting now especially with our trip. I think know who the person was the hunters were talking about. The reunion will probably happen soon


Your comment got me rolling on the floor but itā€™s so true. I only just noticed now thanks to u. No wonder the adventurers wet themselves at the start and ran away


I was feigning for more before I even got to the end. Iā€™m looking forward to meeting all the characters. Iā€™m itching for the moment MC is found out.


I wanna be be a purple dragon :sob:

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Glowing red eyes are pretty and feared


I would assume dragon kin is like dragon that have second humanoid form, how they can have this Human form? I guess that need to be answered by the author what kind of story we adapting here? Is Dragon at some point have crossbreed with Human? Or itā€™s their innate ability to be able to change form according to their wish? And most importantly how can Dragonkin can be detected by human while theyā€™re in Human form? Are they have some scale in their human form? Like how much their body is covered in scale ? Have wings? Or tails? What the distinguishing feature?

I think thatā€™s fun part of the story to explore in detail especially for the opening part of the story.


Purple too


Well at least in part from what we can see in game it took tine and effort on the MCs part to get there scales to be unseen so could pass as human though not much could do about the eyes. The kid has a skill even at early age and with some training could see our real eye color and it was at least thought to be able to see in night and was a skill born with. Those who are more powerfull in perception might be able to pick up on that an more is my thought. The MC is definitely the youngest of there kind mentioned in recent years an only one other mentioned so far so im curious to see if others have hidden themselves away and have fled not to mention the host of other questions lol