Dragon Kin (WIP)

This is good I already played it few days ago, it suddenly pop on dashingdon, my suggestion is adding some save feature so it’s easier to test every choice and path.


Got a bug where they mayor calls me a blacksmith even though I chose to be a hunter.


Play you’re games just now and i like it. can’t wait for update


Well apparently according to the dragon experts in the game dragon used to be intelligent but everyone kept telling them to be quiet when our actions showed signs of an sentiment smart life form such as letting the adventurer live


Basic Human supremacists in charge… knowing the Dragon Hunters and the Adventurer Guild leadership that is intentional and it is obvious those groups hold sway over the nobles in some form.


Really good. It’s awesome playing a dragon kin instead of being a friend to one. I love how powerful we are and only getting stronger. Cannot wait for further updates! Keep it up!

Also cannot wait to meet Eve again. I wonder if she will remember MC?


Yep that’s the gist of it which is why nothing has been done yet. Our last report should cause some action soon. They refuse to acknowledge the existence of other smart creatures


One of the best wip I read in a while, can’t wait for the next chapter.


You’re awesome, found and fixed. Will be ready for the next update :slight_smile:


Fixed it, thank you for pointing it out!


10/10 :heartpulse: I’ll do my best to keep this rating throughout


I like it the only problem I really had was having to be friends with the child it was annoying I get why and can understand it
but it would be nice to either one get a decision to just ignore her or have a decision to see how you actually view them either
*yea their a good friend
*meh they are okay
*i hate them but they can give me information
Something like that and if you option 2 or 3 or just you can always then have a fourth decision when they are attacked to
*run away
Not wanting to risk exposing the thing you have Ben keeping secret and knowing what could happen if it’s known it would be nice

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I do believe the plot made the reveal necessary but agreed would love an option to be more annoyed or outright hostile to the child if anyone wants to go that route as the mc


Yep it’s plot reasons cos the MC wouldn’t awaken their power through rage or sadness if it didn’t happen or form a bond with the child. It was a necessary evil to advance the story and besides it was probably going to happen sooner or later revealing our true form. Even the MC knew it wouldn’t last.


Personal I think you did a great job I just can’t wait until we see a Gavin again or another Dragon Kin that is either young or old


Time will tell how he will react to seeing us again and how he felt about that tragic night. I’m also looking forward to it


My opinion about human is we need them, we maybe strong sure but human to us is like goblins to human they’re numerous but unlike goblin they’re innovative, probably better to start swaying some human to our cause especially the slave and the downtrodden, they can make good ally, being cruel will only make human unite against us which is not in our advantage, we need to undermine this fanatic racist human faction prove their belief is wrong sow discord and make them disagree with each other.


You know being dragon kin I suspect MC probably can live very long time, so while this is still early in the story can MC have harem? You know responsibility to repopulate the almost extinct race? The problem with dragon is low population we as dragonkin need to change the mindset of the dragon here starting from ourselves.


yeah I think the child plot was necessary because mc also learned more about human and their skills too. something you most likely wouldn’t learn from observing them.


Yep the MC didn’t even know about the night vision skill which they were born with. The MC had no one to teach them this stuff being on the run.