Welcome to my CoG contest-entry-in-progress! The purpose of this forum WIP is to gather feedback as the game progresses and to in turn hopefully improve the content for a stronger contest entry. The game will be following the Choice of Games game-structure, and thus somewhat different from my other projects and a somewhat new experience for me. Writing in this manner is at the same time, both rewarding and challenging. But that aside, you’re interested in the game itself!
The contest has a deadline of Jan 31, 2018. Thus, I’ve developed for myself a schedule I will be attempting to stick with, which translates easily into a release chart which may be useful to YOU:
Deadline: 13 months
Roadmap: Chapter 1 - End of December
Roadmap: Chapter 2 - End of February (three way split, ‘2 chapters of work’)
Roadmap: Chapter 3 - End of April
Roadmap: Chapter 4 - End of June
Roadmap: Chapter 5 - End of August (small split?)
Roadmap: Chapter 6 - End of October
Roadmap: Chapter 7 - End of December (eight way split, ‘2 chapters of work’)
Roadmap: Memories - miscillaneous (I’ll be working on them at various times)
Roadmap: Editing DONE, contest submission - End of January
Goal: ~250k words, ~30k per chapter, ~15k per split.
More immediate roadmap:
Successful? Integration of changes to chapter one. Finished.
Currently working on first of three possible branches for chapter 2.
The game is intended to be ‘intelligent sci-fi/fantasy with religious and mythological tones ala Xenogears or Evangelion’. Once I gain more insight in how the game comes across to people, I’ll have a better idea of how to coax the game in the best direction for it, but for now it’s going to likely seem like there’s a lot going on that may be confusing in certain ways. My hope is that answers will come which will clear the confusion later in the story, but I would still like to gather impressions and thoughts on your reaction to this approach.
With regards to time constraints, the game is not liable to be as wide as I otherwise would make it, but I’ll be relying on you all to inform me if there’s enough variety.
You’re entirely welcome to speculate and communicate on anything regarding the story. Some things I may not be able to confirm or deny until certain in-story information is made available, but I will happily explain what I can. In fact, please do- I’d like to see what you can guess at before the information on the truth of the matter becomes clear. And of course, any bugs or continuity issues, please inform me of and I’ll stamp them out as quickly as possible.