Dice & Dungeon Masters - WIP

Picked three colours but only gave me the two choices

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Lonily thank you for spotting this bug! I’ll aim to have this fixed with the next update.

I have concluded the poll on how to procede with in game roleplaying seccions and the winner by a landslide was:

which was what I was hoping for. Thank you to all those voted, I really appreciate it! To those that wished for a different outcome on the polling, I hope the more detailed sections will satisfy and I will do my best to make it so. Also, regarding the randomised sections, think of them a little like random encounters in a table top game . . . I’m hoping to make several files worth of them and divide them up into appropriate sections (i.e. some will in town encounters, some dungeon encounters, some overland encounters, etc.), so that when they are called forth, they will fit into the roleplaying seccion setting and plot wise . . . I’m really optimistic that this approach will help speed the game creation along once I am back at it.

Progress on my other presented game project S&S is still coming along, though maybe a month or two till that update is complete. Probably still at ETA of this summer for work to resume on Dice & Dungeon Masters.


Hello all - just a general check in with a quick poll. First, still a bit away from work continuing on with Dice & Dungeon Masters, though the goal is still sometime this summer. Might be late summer rather than early summer, however.

So, thinking ahead on the game, I was curious on which game system you would like to play in the game besides D&D . . . aiming to have a bunch eventually in the game, but after the first session, will probably have one of the other systems take a turn, so which one would you like to see first?

  • Determinity (alternate universe variant of Alternity)
  • Hack Lord (AU variant of Hack Master)
  • Pathward (AU variant of Pathfinder)
  • Skies of Light (AU variant of World of Darkness)
  • Starward (AU variant of Starfinder)
  • Tears (AU variant of Rifts)
  • Unliving Sands (AU variant of Deadlands)
0 voters

I like the Pathfinder games from Owlcat so Pathward sounds fun too


Super fun, plus those are the ones, aside from D&D itself, that I have the most experience with, so I bet I’ll be able to write and code them easier.
I’m gonna let the poll run for a while yet, but looks like pathfinder AU and WOD AU are the clear winners at present.


Poll Results for prefered game seccions outside of D&D were 1st: Pathward (AU Pathfinder), 2nd: Skies of Light (AU of World of Darkness), Starward (AU of Starfinder), and Unliving Sands (AU Deadlands). Thank you to all who voted!

Still working on my other game at present, after which work will resume on this game. Based on my current speed towards finishing the content for S&S that I want to do before pausing that for a bit, I think I am going to put ETA for the update of Dice & Dungeon Masters to be a bit later than first planned . . . probably late summer, early fall. Thank you for your patience and my apologies that my projects honestly tend to run a bit slow on releases.


World of Darkness was surprisingly close

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Yes, definitely a strong backing for WOD as well, which makes sense as COG has a good number of games set in that universe. I look forward to eventually working on WOD AU content as well - for a good number of years I was in a vamp campaign that literally ran from ancient times in Carthage and Rome all the way into the Dark Ages. Shall be fun to give it a whirl, though figuring out how the whole AU part will fit in is going to be tricky.

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I like the concept

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Thank you Yareli.

For those waiting for the update, pretty much same as before, hopefully a few more weeks on my S&S game, then onto reviewing editing for this game with perhaps a quick editing update, and then finally onto new content. Not sure, but I might release the new content as a couple updates rather than one, which I realize runs counter to poll results, but has the benefit of letting me test the game better, see how it looks and acts in actuality, and gives everyone new content sooner. Not 100% sure yet though.


So in short, I am now on pause from my other presented project, Sense & Sorcery, and now, after a brief break, I shall recommence work on Dice & Dungeon Masters . . . there is a bit of left over editing for me to look at from last time around, after the brief break and doing that, new content will finally be worked on. Thank you everyone for your patience and my apologies that this has taken a while.


Break is more or less done for me, and now I am onto reviewing the editing and hopefully to get the new content going. I am going to probably try to focus on the in-game session of D&D as I think that’s what people are most looking forward to. This first session has a fairly static albeit excentric and interesting DM in the form of Lyra/Lyr (depending on which gender that GM is) however as the game expands, I want to make the DMs/GMs more adjustable and selectable as far as what sort of character they will be and thereby what their sessions will be. On brainstorming for this I have been trying to figure out what qualities make a DM/GM unique compared to other DMs/GMs and have come up, preliminarily, with the following:

********* Personality Characteristics of Dungeon Masters/Game Masters: *********

-Immersive vs Casual Storyteller: Does the DM sessions work in such a way to make the players forget the real world and get pulled far into the game or is it more of a fun, easy going low key play? Immersive DMs might have epic descriptions, use careful wording and accents, probably have characters speak with colloquial and etymological care specific to the setting and proposed time period, and may well make it seem that the world they are brining players to has been carefully planned and crafted (even if it wasn’t!) …over simplification but they may be more story focused sometimes- on the other hand casual GMs may be happy to let players just have fun and enjoy the game and don’t worry to much about fancy accents except when its fun and are happy to have characters use contemporary slang as they will…once more an oversimplification but they might be more combat focused than Immersive DMs.

-Planned vs Ad Hoc: Is the DM the type to make notes for their notes and agonize over balancing everything and adding just the right contingencies for all possible scenarios … or … is the DM the type that maybe scribbles a couple lines down on a note card, cracks open a drink, belches, and then starts the session without any more a due?

-Special Effect Artist vs Barebones Is the DM the type to use props and such . . . i.e. mood music and incense sticks, maybe costumes, and more . . . or are they the type of DM that may or may not even bother with minis and a map?

-Critical vs Chill: Observant and prone to expect players to play by the rules and pay attention or relaxed and okay with players slacking off a little or a whole lot.

-Mini Mapper vs Mind’s Eye DM: Does the DM need battle maps and minis for most everything or is the DM happy to never bother with a single mini or map?

-RAW vs Sophist DMery: Does the DM go by the Rules As Written in all things even if it means nixing creative solutions and play ideas or is the DM happy to let rules get stretched or even broken if it means more fun for the table?

-Punctual Start vs Grudaual Starts: How keen is the DM on starting at an exact time? Do they prefer some shoot the $^#@ time before each session or is it arrive and start play right away?

-Gory Storyteller vs Safe Storyteller: Does the DM prefer violent, sometimes nauseating descriptions where characters are losing limbs and suffering all sorts of trauma and death in the most nasty and descriptive ways or does the DM prefer a more G rated Disney style campaign world where characters may get into scuffles but miraculously no one ever really gets hurt in the end.

-X-rated DM vs G-rated DM: Does the DM make their games intended only for adults or is the DMs games safe for all age groups?

-Group Size Preference, Large vs Small: Is this the sort of DM that is happy to have several large groups playing in multiple rooms that they’ll bounce back and forth from with perhaps subDMS helping out or is the DM the sort that really would like only tiny tables with perhaps 2 to 3 players MAX?

****************** **Dungeon Master Skills ** ***********************************

-Geek Culture
-Knowledge of Game

Some of these are a bit rough yet and if you think that some of the categories above overflow into other ones, well, I agree, you’re probably right, but this is what I have for making the definable DMs later on in the game. Once the categories have been decided, basically using conditionals, either the text or scenes themselves would differ from one value or another, in very simple terms. Making it happen, of course, will be more challenging.

As it will be a while before I reach the definable DM section and have sessions with these DMs, I just wanted to start the brainstorming process, and farm out to the group in case any of you had good ideas of anything I missed in planning the variable/definable DMs. Have you had some experience with one DM or another that felt key to your experience with that DM that could not be encapsulated by one of my proposed variables above? If so, I’d love to hear about it so I can better fit such in and plan better… obviously, in the end, it will be just a model and won’t be perfect … thankfully - I think! - we can’t encapsulate a person, which a DM/GM is, but hopefully we can get close enough to make the game more interesting and have some fun.


Those are very interesting stats

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Thank you!

Over last night I brainstormed some more and I think I’m going to add a couple more to those already listed:

-Monty Hall vs Ebenezer Scrooge DMs: Will the PCs be endanger of being buried alive beneath piles of loot and treasure while they adventure through golden dungeons or is the DM unlikely to give much more than a chipped copper piece as loot?

-Killer DM vs Savior DM: does tye DM delight in bringing danger to the party in a desire to increase the TPK count perhaps dropping the whole dungeon on top of the PCs or sending a roving tribe of Tarasks if the kill count isn’t high enough - vs - or is the DM more likely to conviently drop extra healing potions of wands of CLW or send a passing cleric at just the right moment?

I … kind of forgot these two as they are already so set in gamer culture DM tropes, but they are a must.

Also, I’ll probably let each DM have two personary traits like the ally character, though those will be more emphasized in out of play contexts vs in game.

Once more, if any of you have suggestions on how to best encapsulate a DM or GM stat wise, I’d love to hear. Goal is to make them customizable and fun!


Progress continues on for the game. When I release the editing update there will also be a small amount of new content which will likely include some expansion for chapter 3 and a teaser start for chapter 4. The D&D character creation section should also be expanded, though even when it is complete I think there will still be a lot of room for expansion. I hope it will do justice for ttrpg and D&D itself, but there are limitations to what can be reasonably be included.

As I have been working on these sections, a couple matters have come up.

The first is the matter of the Gods in the game. Presently, I am leaning towards having the gods for Lyr(a)'s games differ from some of the other ones, but sort of 50-50 on that. There was also some thoughts on tying the Gods into some of my other works, such as LotSC, but not sure on that either. Regardless, for this first in game campaign world, the gods and setting will be my own, but on pondering it further for the larger work . . .

  • Keep all deities the same throughout all campaigns in the game
  • Have the deities differ from campaign to campaign
0 voters

and also

  • I would like the deities to be customizable up to a point
  • I don’t care if the deities are customizable or not
0 voters

Which comes to the second matter of thought. So, the first campaign in game is my own, presented through Lyr(a), however, at some point perhaps we might have some parody versions of some of the more famous campaign worlds. Honestly, I’ll have to look into what the open liscence allows and doesn’t and what is fair for a parody work before I’d add those, but if it does seem workable, which parody of a campaign world for D&D would you most like added (can pick two):

  • Dark Suns
  • Dragon Lance
  • Forgotten Realms
  • Grey Hawk
  • Ravenloft
  • Spell Jammers
  • Taldori
  • Some Other Option (reply with which it is)
0 voters

Note: Taldori is the Critical Role: Tal’Dorei Campaign Setting . . . I realized I’d badly mangled the spelling but I am unable to correct the spelling due to it being a poll.

Anyway, these polls are mostly food for thought for latter on in the game. In the short term, hoping to have editing good to post within a week or so, and when I do, hoping to have chapter 3 more complete, chapter 4 with a teaser start, and the D&D character creation module more complete.


Thank you to all who have voted on the current polls. I’m going to let them keep running for a while, but definitely some interesting results so far.

It’s taking a little longer to get the mini update done than I was hoping. Bug fixes are done. Editing is reviewed and I am now just waiting for editors okay for my readjustments. As mentioned last time, there will be a small amount of new content. Very little added to chapter 2, a descent amount to chapter 3, and a tiny teaser for chapter 4. Some of these are taking longer than expected - I am eager to share them with you all, but they are not ready yet, sadly. Originally I was hoping I’d be able to post them early next week, but looking at my real world work schedule, I think if I get these posted by the weekend after next, I’ll consider myself lucky.

After that mini-update, I will commence working on the next round, which will be the larger update mostly focusing on the in game table top roleplaying session or sessions, depending on how far I go. Might sneak in a few tiny updates for real world problems and fandom sections as well with the larger update, but they will not be the primary focus. Not sure, but I have given some thought to having an alternative start where you avoid the main story and just go straight to playing dnd or other table top games, but if I do that this time around will depend on how content addition for the current bits go time wise.

Thank you for everyone’s patience and sorry it’s taking a while.


So here is the good: Mini Update Released

But lots of bad too: Probably tamper your expectations for this update. It’s a lot shorter than what I was hoping for and if you like typos, various errors, and such, then be glad - this is the update for you! Lots of cleaning for me to do on the update . . . which I will do . . . hopefully in the next update. Some of the typos result from a missed or misspelled tag here or there (indeed, some diologue sections are completly missing due to this). So much more to add yet!

So what is in this update that I feel is noteworthy:
-Various bug fixes, including those mentioned in the past few months. Thanks again to those that pointed them out.
-Some editing. Thank you to our editor! As this is a work in progress, many sections have not been edited yet, but those that have definetly look so much better than they would have otherwise.
-Some more dialogues and various scenes in chap 2, 3, and 4 - but these are small. While I mostly liked what is there, be warned that it’s not a ton of new content.
-Start of religion section for Lyr(a)'s campaign world. (Larger question of how to handle in game religion to be decided yet.)
-Pregen selection section.
-Various work arounds.

To be honest, this was kind of a rush job . . . no point hiding that. Work and family stuff is a pernicious time thief, yet, though some areas of this look a bit rough, I am truly pleased with the progress of the game and the new sections. Looking forward to getting you more, but it’s probably going to be a few weeks. Thinking I’m probably going to do the larger update as a few smaller updates (which goes counter to poll results, so I appologise, but I am finding that way I can see the games progress better and you get some new content at least a little sooner.)

In conclusion, sorry for the new bugs, typos, etc. I will try to have those cleaned up next update. And hope you enjoy the new content.

Note: Will probably conclude the polls soon. If you haven’t voted and want to, please do so soon.


RIP, it’s not a big deal, sometime stuff doesn’t work out much.

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Thanks Dragomer.

Ha, yeah, hoping to have it a bit cleaner sometime soon, hopefully . . .

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