Dice & Dungeon Masters - WIP

No issue, stuff happens.

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Thanks Dragomer

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Thanks for the update, lil bit sad my research for tiefling build not yet accomplish but i will wait patiently :grin: never play table top game before and your story make me want to try it lol… Goodluck :grin:


Thanks Where_One! Yeah, I love me a tiefling . . . next to elves (a classic but a goody) they are probably my second favorite to play as, followed shortly by Celestials/Aasamars. So glad the game is inspiring interest in tabletop roleplaying . . . real life ttrpging is a lot of fun. Won’t say all tables everywhere are inclusive and welcoming, but many are. At some point maybe I’ll add some links in the stats menu of the game to add real life directions for those hoping to join in on the games, but for now I’d recommend the WotC D&D Adventure League and Pathfinder Society organized roleplaying groups as generally good ways to get into organized play, though there are many alternatives, with the best being to find a few of the Core books for the roleplaying game of your choice and a few friends to play it with.

Anywho, next update is a way out yet, but here’s to my getting it done!


This demo is so much fun, I love the writing style, I love the premise. It seems like you could use an editor for some parts, just cuz of minor errors, and honestly if you’re looking for someone I’d be happy to help with this. Amazing project, I can’t wait to read more!


Amazing work.

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Izan thank you for playing; very happy you’re enjoying the game!

baskershark thank you very much for playing and the positive, thoughtful review. And thank you for the very generous offer. Yes, totally agree that I do need an editor. Part of the problem is that I do most of my programing in Notepad++ and my plug-in for the spellcheck add-on has stopped working, not that it ever was that great in MHO. I recently started using the Choicescript assistance program CSIDE, which does have spell checking capacity, though there are some pros and cons to using that program - eventually I’m going to port Dice & Dungeon Masters in there and that’ll at least find some of the spelling problems. That all said, yes, once more, I definitely need an editor. Sadly, as I, like many, am living paycheck to not even the next paycheck I have no money to pay for editing services at this time. Also, even as a free service, there are certain stipulations I’d have in regard to editing. If still interested in editing for my game, please send me a message on here or an email and we could then discuss it further.

Beyond that, for everyone, work continues on the next update, however, for a few reasons, progress is slow: Work is kicking me, family stuff is kicking me further, I’ve been a little ill, and this project takes the right creative energies and humor to write and code correctly, which sometimes has been lacking. Definitely will be another update sometime relatively soon, but not sure how soon.

In the meantime, regarding the fandoms in the game, I was wondering if people would like Choice-Decision Point elements to the fandom tv shows? I’m kind of mixed on this myself with a few pros and cons:

-Pros: I like to have a decision point at least every other page, I like my games to have strong agency for the world and the experience. Letting the player be able to change the plot of the fandom show just seems like it would be fun.

-Cons: Having the player be able to alter the plot of a television show might threaten suspension of disbelief, might have minimal impact outside of the tv show itself (though I can think of a few ways to give it a little relevancy), will take longer to write and code.

So what do you think - thumbs up or thumbs down to adding limited choice elements to the fandom tv shows within the game?

  • Yes, add choice elements to the fandom tv shows
  • No, do not add choice elements to the fandom tv shows
0 voters

As always, thanks for reading and playing; happy holliday season to everyone!

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Somewhat hotfix update finally uploaded that will bridge Free Time Activity 1 with the dialogue Scene with Ally NPC and then flow into Free Time Activity 2. That’s sadly as far as the story goes so far, so not much more here than last time.

I’m going to leave the poll up from the last post a little longer as right now its tied; if it remains tied or nearly tied, I suppose I’ll make very limited decision points for the fandom tv shows in the game that will be optional and would be able to be turned off either at the start of the game or via the stats menu later in the game.

Going to press on for one more update of some sort to hopefully get nearer to the end of the current chapter and fix up some of the present incomplete and missing sections, but no ETA right now.


Poll is now concluded with 54% yes to choice points in the fandom tv show sections, and 46% no. Really close, so, as mentioned earlier, I will probably make the choice points for the fandom tv shows optional and try to keep them very minimal.

Thank you to everyone who voted!

Work on the next update continues though I’d never call the progress fast.


Small update released. Sorry, I know vote was for longer updates, but this is what I had the time for at present.

Some highlights on this update:

-Two new player classes, the librarian and the general. Each with new player skills that will eventually be usable at the gaming seccions, once the game gets that far.
-Small expansion to chapter 2 and some of the corollary areas, though tons more to do on all that yet.
-Small start to chapter 3 accessible via a jump from the current end of chapter 2. Not much here yet, just get to meet the other players and gm.
-I did add a small guide to joining real world organized game play and such and added some handy links, accessible via the stats menu.

While I am loving the feel of progress for this game, it might be a bit before the next update. Life has been a bit lately (very sick family member stuff and some real world job issues), which tends to put me in to fowl a mood to write what should be a fun, comedic game about table top roleplaying and also takes so very much of my free time and energy. I really want to see where this project will go to though, so fear not, may be a bit, but we shall get there eventually.


Not exactly an update per say, but just a quick note that there just might be a wonderful bit of editing to be posted to the game soon. Will post again when that is done.


Hello all - happy to write that thanks to baskershark’s wonderful work we now have editing done on the prologue, chapter 1, and the current fandom sections, which in most cases is scene 1 and 2 for the fandom. Thank you so much for the editing again! I really think the look and feel for the game has improved a lot.

Now, as far as the next update, we are probably still a few months away. Next up on my itenirary is an update for my Sense & Sorcery game and I’m also hoping to formally present Super Sorority to the forums at some point, if I ever feel its ready for that . . . but after the updates on those, Dice & Dungeon Masters will be next . . . probably sometime during summer, which I feel bad about as this is obviously slow progress. In the meantime I might release some polls at some point to help stream line expectations and desires for the game.

Thank you again for everyones support and playing and trying my game!


>I choose a human boy for my character’s figurine

>I select the option that has my character decide that overall, my figurine looks sexy

>I am arrested by the fbi



Well, frell, if my players are being arrested by the FBI, maybe I need to add some conditionals or something?

Serious good segway into one of the polls I wanted to post though and something I’ve actually been going back and forth for a while - as in nearly since I started making this game a couple years ago. In the game, one of the short hand tags used for most NPCs, including major characters and even the prot, is “girl”, “boy”, and - and this is the kicker - “child” . . . the first two I feel fine on, as its common coloquel / vernacular to refer to young men and young women as “girls” or “boys” but for non-binary options I was a bit stuck . . . “child” was the best I could come up with, but it seemed a bit cringy, even to me. Then again, there is precedent for this word being used in a similar colloquial / vernacular manner, i.e. such as Abba’s/Mama Mia’s “Does Your Mother Know” song ( Does Your Mother Know? (Christine Baranski) | Mamma Mia (2008) | Screen Bites (youtube.com)) … although even there its rather tongue in cheek and obviously very conscious of the same problems.

So, should that tag, for non-binary characters be changed, or is it alright to use child as the tag? If the not alright, is anyone aware of a good tag to act in a similar manner to “boy” and “girl”?

  • Okay to use “Child” as a tag for young adult non-binary characters.
  • Alright in most contexts.
  • Nope - never alright.
  • Not only not alright but “boy” and “girl” also shouldn’t be used.
0 voters

Possible alternatives

“Small adult”
“Chronologically challenged”

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Everyone should be called like this

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Agreed Chronologically ChallengedTM is gold, though I’m more looking for a word that could be subbed in as the non-binary equivalent for boyfriend or girlfriend and I don’t know if chronologicallychallengedfriend has the right ring. Still, thanks for the suggestions . . .at present with current polling thinking of leaving things as they are, but I’ll leave the poll open for maybe another week or so to see if feedback changes.

I’ve dated a few NBs and theyve all preferred “partner” to replace bf/gf. It might be best to just have a variable for boy/girl/child and another for bf/gf/partner


Thank you KennethsBrother. That is good information . . . I’ll probably make to separate tags for the two scenarios in that case. Beyond that, poll results seem to indicate child, boy, and girl are okay to use contextually, which works with me. Thank you to all who voted and contributed!

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Thinking forward to when progress continues on this game, I am going to now post a poll which I will leave up for probably at least a couple weeks. This poll will be regarding the best way to go about doing the actual in game roleplaying sessions in regards to focus and amount of detail.

At present I am leaning towards having the in game roleplaying seccions begin with a more detailed section which will go on for at least a few pages of in game action before going to a sort of revolving snap shot focus which will have more generic, repatable story elements that will probably come of as sort of similiar to the personality questions encountered during the player pointer section, (i.e. the party encounters this scenario, how do you respond) . … these would go on for probably before a few pages, before reverting back to a more focused section that will be a tighter more fucsed narative and probably an in game plot point, rinse repeat, etc.

Obviously, the more focused and detail orientated, the longer the section takes to plan, write, and pull off, but I feel that at least a few (and probably lots more) are needed per in game roleplaying seccion to make the game feel real and lively enough. I’m hoping the less detailed sections where the camera kind of pulls away and random repeateable elements are used will not pull players out of the game and will still feel fun . . . but sometimes what I think and plan turns out to be way different than the reality of how everyone else feels. Ergo the poll . . .

so . . . how much detail do you want for the in game roleplaying seccions?

  • Every section of the in game roleplaying sessions needs to be super detailed
  • A combination of detailed sections mixed with less detailed sections is fine
  • tons of less detailed sections is actually prefered
0 voters

Once more, sadly, its going to be a few months before the next update, failing my suddently getting a ton of free time or something fortunutly strange.

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