Deux à Deux: Prologue (drama WIP) 21K words [21 September 2024]

I think this will be like bloodhounds

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whats that?

A webtoon and kdrama it’s super good

This is where the demo ends; I fixed the italics error and put a note that the demo ends there for now. Next update in a week ish.

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This is such an exciting question, thank you for asking!!

So basically, MC’s personality is fairly flexible, but the main variation in personality you can have (so far—I hope to add more complexity) is whether you’re more of an “ingenue” or a “siren.” Since this is largely a romance game, that will dictate whether you’re more someone who gets pursued/flirted with/flustered (ingenue), or whether you lead/pursue/flirt with other people more actively (siren). I do plan on revising the stats a bit, though, to have more variation in personality beyond just how MC interacts romantically.

Also, you won’t have to become cold and cruel, but if you choose a kind or reserved route you might get stepped on a little bit from time to time, specifically with the Lyonses. I sort of wanted that as a major aspect of the game—MC can be tough and take-charge, but they can also be more mellow, or even a little pathetic lol.

TLDR: you can be a kind MC, but that doesn’t guarantee the other characters will always be kind back (especially with T. and N. Lyons).

Hopefully that answers your question! :slight_smile:


My kind of story :slight_smile: Keep going! This is another on the list of WIPs I’ll keep up with.

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@moderators hi! I’m trying to edit this post but the pencil to edit isn’t showing up? Do you know if the post is locked for some reason or if it’s a glitch?


Hi, Ray – Let me take a quick look, and I’ll send you a DM regarding what I find.

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I think you should finish the prologue/chapter 1 first. I don’t like just stopping at a random point. The story is very interesting so far tho. I like the differences in gender.

Yeah I agree with this. The next update will be the full prologue! I have it all mapped out (it already looks insane lol) and now I just have to go in and write the text and code. I’ll update then :slight_smile:


This sounds very good! I like reading good stories. Makes the world a lot more colourful! :partying_face:

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This got me interested because it has a sport I hope it develops on the boxing side too so we can have a story that leads into it. Like we can be a Mike Tyson with Don King because of your dealings with the couple and the another path be we mess with the couple but we don’t get too deep with them as we go up to champion leve.

I’m very appreciative of this game thank you


Choosing You wink “alright if you insist” Come out with error bad label

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Thank you for letting me know! I believe that error is because I haven’t finished coding the prologue yet—I posted this before realizing most people post when the scene is complete. Next time I’ll only post full scenes :slight_smile:


I keep getting errors so I cant finish.
Screenshot 2024-09-23 020937
Screenshot 2024-09-23 021725

However, I like what I read so far.


This looks great so far! Looking forward to see what’s next!


Update on Schedule: I think the prologue will be released this Sunday instead of Friday, just so everyone knows! Sorry for the push back, work has been way crazier than I anticipated this week. However, I have still been coding and writing and shouldn’t need more time than the next few days to get it released :slight_smile:


This was such an enjoyable start! I’m personally really loving MC and Coaches banter so far. I’m so curious to meet the additional personalities that will arrive in MC’s life. Can’t wait for more!

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AHH thank you so much!! I hope you continue enjoying it, I think it’s going to be really fun :slight_smile: