December's Writer Support Thread

I don’t think it’s corny. I think it’s adorable. Also, good luck :slight_smile:


Right now, writing is pretty much all I’m doing at the moment.
I wrote a lot of stuff so far, I am in the process of running through it, editing, altering, and more than seldom, rewriting it.
The biggest decision I have right now, is to set it this year, or next year. Though, I’m leaning into seting it next year, simply because from the way it’s going, it won’t be done by the end of the year, and I’d rather not feel like I was playing catch-up.
Also, having minor difficulties with punctuation.


Happy December! My goal for this month is to focus on worldbuilding for my wip, and finish the first draft of a project I’m working on with a friend. Good luck to everyone on their goals, we’re almost done with this impossible year. We can do this.


The end of the year is almost here. It’s kind of exciting!

For this month, I’m thinking of writing a little less and focus on planning some extras, a few more scenes from future chapters and also relax for a bit. I have a backlog of shows, games and books to catch up on, so that should be fun.

Good luck this month!


@Luiza – Congrats on your release today!

I closed your WiP thread so all the discussion on the released game will be in the release thread. I suggest removing the demo link (if not yet done) and taking it down from the hosting site (or turning it private).


I finally figured out the missing piece of information I needed to successfully use “multi-replace” script.

The multi-replace variable needs to be numeric for the script to function properly for more than two replacements. The Wiki does not specify this, nor did a search of the forum turn up this.

My guess is that this was/is obvious to everyone but me.

"This does not look good, $!{pcname}." Turning on @{companionmr "her"|"their"|"his"} heels, $!{companion} watches the trader and her family lead their heavy laden wagons away from you. "They say there is not much left at the post."

Such a simple sentence that helped me become a better scripter.

@Havenstone – Two things.

  • Would you add a sentence in the multi-replace entry in the Wiki, stating the initial variable used needs to be numeric if more than two replacements are called for?

  • the Wiki said they are migrating our Wiki to new software over this week… is that something that we need to be concerned about?

Edit – What I am reading today:


Thank you for the assist; I’ve updated my post; hopefully it reads correct now.


Already done, and thanks!! I’m excited for people to play it!


Only if you’re multi-replacing three things. If it’s just two things, Boolean works:


*set companion_heshethey "he"
*set companion_himherthem "him"
*set companion_hishertheir "his"
*set companion_plural false


*set companion_heshethey "they"
*set companion_himherthem "them"
*set companion_hishertheir "their"
*set companion_plural true

Then this for both:
$!{companion_heshethey} @{companion_plural wave|waves} ${companion_hishertheir} hand as a greeting.


Moving along nicely. Thanks @Eiwynn for the opportunity to procrastinate a bit. :slight_smile:

My current work is my first try with multi-replace. :slight_smile: Before Starship Captain, I didn’t allow the “they” pronoun simply because of time/tech constraints.

My “To Do” list is nearly done. I’m working through the whole game to add a new concept still, but I’m 3/4 done, so I should complete it tomorrow.

That leaves me with one last, big, social scene. Not even the end, but I knew I wanted this scene all along, so the rough draft won’t be done until I finish it.

I think both could be done by the end of the weekend. :slight_smile:

After that comes Alpha Testing. I’m not certain how I’ll measure that with respect to this thread, but either way, I like check in here to see everyone making progress.

Keep it up! :slight_smile:


Would writing parts of an English class essay count?

My school work aside, I’ve started a word document last month where I just write, whenever I feel like writing creatively. I got up to over 2000 words!!! And I I daydream up something good enough for “cataloguing”- adding to the cohesive story that I have dubbed the Daydream Universe, if you will I will add more, until I can possibly work up the nerve to create a or Aciveofourown account and maybe post it there.

Because my imagination is constantly pumping out daydreams, some of them are movie like quality. So… why not share them?


My first chapter for my game is done (just awaiting art/fx), but I’m so busy these next two weeks that I may not even get to the next chapter until week 3. :frowning:


My goals for this month:

  • finish chapter 3, which I expect to be roughly 15-20,000 words
  • add fixes to previous chapters

And best of luck to everyone else on your goals :slight_smile:


Hi everyone! :love_letter:

I have bad news and good news to share.

Bad news first: I didn’t win my NaNoWriMo challenge. Alas, my shifts in the covid assistance department prevented me to finish the 50K words challenge, but hey! I’m not giving up!

Good news: I just realized that in order to (hopefully) publish a hosted game you need to write at least 30K words. And my game now counts 38831 words!
This means: I don’t have to worry to reach 100K words as I did until yesterday, but only to write the best story possible!

I am SO happy! :muscle: :muscle: :pirate_flag: :pirate_flag: :love_letter: :grinning: :grinning:

As always, never stop writing, stay safe and if you need to talk to someone, I’ll be always there for you!


I took the weekend off and spent it with the family. :slight_smile:

No immediate progress, but this is a marathon, not a sprint, right? :slight_smile:


I’ve finished my English essay!!! (And by finished I mean handed it in!)

Has for my “daydream universe” story/creative outlet… I have nothing to report on yet.


Today i read a very good commentary in one of my games and I am really happy, as I am not used to receive long and very passionate reviews from people I don’t know for once. And about writing. I have written a lot, sadly, most of it is in interviews and in work for the jam, think I love to do. But sadly, doesn’t add to my own game count. Thankfully, the work in the jams is teaching me a lot about the other side of literature and organization. And interview interesting people is very cool in their own way…


My sleep schedule is absolutely destroyed, so my usual writing hours are between 11pm - 5am. I usually keep writing until I can’t keep my eyes open, so about 2-4 hours are spent writing a night. Though more times than not, I do get distracted from writing and spend an hour or so in the forums, reading WIP’s haha


Usually in the morning when I wake up, or at night (like, 10p-2a). I drive a lot for work, so most of the planning is done in the car lol.


Oh boy! My writing our is well, whenever I feel like writing or I dream a Daydream worthy or epic enough to work. I always have an inspiration explosion, I just have to remember/want to write it down!


@poison_mara could you please send me a link where I can read about your games? I tried to find them but I guess I am too noob to succeed by myself.

I’d really like to read something made by you

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More of my games are made on cys engine due one of the major flaws Cog forum has in my humble opinion. There is no place for small games, all is set to Wip. But due to fact, I am not in a level for making a game for publication there is no place for my games in here. The reason why I tried to implement the workshop.

Not everyone is ready to make big wips… And those people have no really good place to post their games in this forum

In this thread, I have some of my latest games