December 2023's Writer Support Thread

Thank you!


Thank you!

Still buzzing about it several hours later :grin:


I don’t have much of a trick, but more of a realization of how my little brain works. I can’t work with self-imposed rewards, deadlines, or assurances. What I can work with is immersing myself in a community and catching “the spark”, the little light that erupts and burns in your head until you give it a physical form.

Also found out very recently that my mind tends to work in little spirals, picking things up and looping back to previous projects. It’s not very conclusive to actually finishing projects. However, I’ve stopped feeling bad about it because I know I’ll come back to them eventually.

Recently, I’ve been getting into board game design and realized the amount of theory that it has. Managed to pick up a few things that could broadly apply to game design as well as managing to make one (extraordinarily bad) board game in the spare time! And now I’m coming back and trying again to finish up my choicescript project after a four or so month hiatus.

It took me a while of poking and prodding my mind with a stick to see how it goes about kicking around.


Glad to see people appreciating board game design! It’s such an interesting subject.


I wish I got into it earlier! Loss aversion, player interaction, how expensive custom dice are, and the thirteen or so random things I learned really put things in perspective.

The bad thing is that now I won’t be able to turn off designer brain if I ever play Monopoly again.

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Try playing it as a tabletop RPG! Fun times.

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I accomplished a major goal in November, though the project that it belongs to is still a secret one. Of course, finishing any task always inevitably leads to the next more difficult task, so the next stage of that project is part of my December goals.

December! The last month of 2023. How exciting.

At the same time, I’ve also been making renewed progress on The Flower of Fairmont, which I’d planned to return to, once Turncoat Chronicle was out in the wild. Now that I’m digging back into it, I’m reminded of how complex the chapter structure I chose was. Still, I think it’s realistic to finish the main throughline of chapter 3 this month.


Joined a book club and we had our first meeting two days ago. It was incredible and really rewarding. One of the members messaged the entire group today to apologise for showing up sick to the discussion (he was hopped up on cold medicine so nobody noticed) but he thought it would be fine because it didn’t seem like covid. Guess what? It was covid.

Wish me luck.

Even if it wasn’t covid, fuck that guy. Selfish piece of shit. Stay home if you’re sick.


So sorry Will. I’m attempting to work from home this week even though I really don’t have the time for it (have so much I need to get complete which is on a timeline so I’m a bit stuffed now. Have been working stupid hours lately which is probably why I’ve gotten sick when someone has coughed near me) because I felt a bit flu-y and didn’t want to risk infecting anyone regardless of if it turned out to be flu, covid or just a nasty knock you about cold. It’s going to seriously mess up my schedule, but I spoke to the others involved and no one wants to risk getting sick (or worse) right before Christmas, so yeah, if you are able to you should stay home or at least mask up in my opinion. I can’t imagine risking it and not even warning anyone just because I didn’t want to miss a weekly fun club meeting :frowning: (I’m guessing he didn’t even have a mask on even knowing he was ill?) That guy is not going to be popular if anyone gets sick. I’m feeling really upset for you, that was not ok. Hope you’re ok!


Good luck :four_leaf_clover:

The lack of care for others’ health is infuriating. I’m sorry you’re experiencing this.


Good luck! (Wish it would be so easy to just stay home when you’re sick though. I mean, at this time of year, I get sick every ****ing time I leave home and if I’d have obligations where I need to appear physically every day, I’d be constantly sneezing until May. Of course, nobody’s going to get fired for not appearing in a hobby meeting, so that’s different.)

In other news, I had a very interesting discussion about differences between Perissodactyla and Artiodactyla, and now I know what the mounts in my bizarre world look like. That’s a step forward in my “I married a supervillain” story, so, kinda thrilling.


So Story Structure. Okay, that’s pretty easy to start out with. Have you already looked into the 6-act structure? What about the Hero’s Journey? If not, here’s seven story structures you can read up on that will help you with structuring your story so that it isn’t random:

  1. Freytag’s Pyramid
  2. The Hero’s Journey
  3. Three Act Structure
  4. Dan Harmon’s Story Circle
  5. Fichtean Curve
  6. Save the Cat Beat Sheet
  7. Seven-Point Story Structure

Well… At the moment,t he game is a hyperfocus for me. I’ve used it to replace a rather LARGE hyperfocus that was maintaining MOST of my dopamine production for a very long time, so… I guess just by obsessing over it?

I mean technically yeah you could but why would you put yourself through that. Which it turns out you don’t, so there’s that. xD

That said, that’s a pretty good system right there.

HOLY SHIT THIS. Accountabili-buddies are a MASSIVE help. Yeah.

Me too. I call it my Cycles. My husband hates it.


Dunno if I’m doing this right so correct me if I’m wrong.

December goals:



I’m a software dev, it wouldn’t be any trouble - it just doesn’t have any benefit, either (although I need to re-transfer my symbol file, I have way better unicode list on my phone). I actually originally put *page_breaks and *choices in when I started, to see where I intended to have them (it affects the writing! You can’t just put it wherever), but didn’t like how that messed up the wordcount. I still have placeholders like <LastName> in the text though.


I’ve never heard of six-act structure! 3-, 4- and 5-acts, yes, but not 6. Interesting!

I support this goal.


I’m so sorry you’re ill - I hope you make a smooth recovery.


Good luck, Will!

. :revolving_hearts:

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You’re doing it right.

Survive, @will!


We must fight till the end…right now my battle is with grammar. :crossed_swords:


Me: decides to start a dark fantasy project.
Also me: starts writing in a much more casual and humorous tone than usual.

I don’t think my brain has gotten the memo. :sweat_smile:


sometimes such a contrast is where greatness is made!


It can be dark fantasy comedy?