December 2023's Writer Support Thread

I mean, darkness and comedy aren’t exactly incompatible elements. They aren’t even contrasting ones, really, they go hand-in-hand more often than not.

My WIP is a story about a misanthropic android with magic PTSD in a world so bleak and dystopian it makes Warhammer 40k look like Star Trek by comparison. The latest comment compliments the game’s humor. Make things dark enough, comedy will be born even if you’re not trying to be funny.


That wasn’t the plan, but I guess I’ll see what shape it ends up taking. :laughing:
Since it’s still very early on.
Not sure I have the skills to write actual comedy, though.


You don’t have to force it, just write what comes naturally. Comedy can be low-key. (Although I understand where you’re coming from. I recently read an article on Mythcreants that opened my eyes on a lot of things regarding comedy.)


If you want an example that mixes darkness and comedy, check out the Shining Vale show.


Currently I am fighting with the dooming feeling that makes me go away from people mostly the people I love and care most. My inner voice trlls me I am a nuisance and I am harmful for them, or they do not want to be with me at all.

The fear to harm others causes harm to everyone sometimes.

Still, Friends always have the way to tell me when I am being too stubborn and stupid to my own good , and everyone else.

So I still here and still learning about how to be healthier.

I am a WIP lol


Amen, and so are we all…

Glad you’re here, Mara.


I hope everyone’s first week of December went as expected or better.

My work on Patchwerks this week has been productive, and I am trying to keep the momentum going starting the second week, tomorrow.

This upcoming week, I am working on a snarl that is in front of me, making a major change to address feedback I received harder to implement.

I think this is the most frustrating part of addressing feedback – coming to a part of your work, which because of earlier decisions, is a quandary to figure out to implement change.

If worse comes to worst, I am looking at creating a new path, but I would rather not do that because that means a lot of work.

I am trying to figure out a way forward that will not require as much time and effort as an entirely new path will require.

I hope everyone’s second week of December goes well.


Very much feeling this!

So far December has been exhausting and it feels surreal that it’s only the 7th. On a lot of days, writing has been akin to pulling teeth and I have been wholeheartedly embracing “perfect is the enemy of done” because what I’m drafting is further from perfect than even my first drafts usually are.

Among other things, I’m feeling the need to go back to earlier chapters and add in bit-part named characters so that when I then put them in peril, which I’m currently doing, the player goes “uh oh, hope that person doesn’t get eaten by crocodiles!” or “oh thank goodness, those crocodiles know what they’re doing”, rather than “who? am I meant to know who this crocodile-victim is?” But I also want to get through the chapter, so a lot of it is a step up from placeholder text before I figure out who exactly the crocodiles* are menacing and how to make the player care about it.

*there are no crocodiles, but I wish there were.


I am no longer interested in your crocodile-exclusionary game :stuck_out_tongue:


And here I was getting really thrilled about the crocodiles. :neutral_face:


Zaledo has crocodiles.

I actually have a couple of very vague might-do-it-one-day game ideas that would include some crocodile peril.



We demand crocodiles!


“No croc, sink like a rock!”


After a horrid few tired days and posting about it above, I actually got really in the zone over the last couple of hours which was a nice surprise. I’ve got past the really fiddly bits of the chapter which I feel much rejuvenated about. Even if there are no crocs.





My meds seem to have Not Worked today. Have next to zero focus and little energy (whacked sleeping schedule isn’t helping); perhaps I’m just fatigued from working on a single chapter for so long.

Nevertheless, I’m keeping at it. Hopefully getting past this blockade will give me a bit of a boost!


I finally managed to figure out how a tumblr blog works. I recall a moment where it all just, clicked, and I felt like a toddler being given free reign in the cockpit of a spaceship. A spaceship that’s on fire, but a spaceship nonetheless.

I still need to fill out some posts, namely the synopsis (y’know, the most important thing), but at least it is functional! Instead of doing that, I ended up on a 2-day detour during which I was enlightened to the glory of the BR Standard Class 9F 2-10-0 Steam Locomotive. I regret nothing.

Hope you have all had a good first week <3



This being the SS Trashfire?

Here, have a kitsune:


Good luck! <3 My battle is just pumping out at least 5K words a week which is a minimum while I try to at least be prepared for exams. :weary:

Honestly, Just wing it. I don’t even know how I managed to get mine up but I did so good luck (Like, I seriously don’t know how I even got it up :skull: )


Vale/Vivian’s a mixture of Joker from Batman, Judge Dredd and Jinx from Arcane and, it’s just so hard to get into that mindset. It’s easier writing a dominant, manipulative smexy dude, or a femboyish, cute, clingy guy, but it’s not easy writing a manic guy who wants to set the world on fire just so he could fan the flames inside the MC’s heart :weary:

I got sick, so have an unscheduled snippet.

You rush into the robotics lab, step over a bunch of tangled wires, sidestep a giant metronome, and finally find Sparkgap. Well, what you think is Sparkgap; all you can see is a pair of legs hanging from what looks like a giant boiler, noises of working coming from inside it. But you don’t recall him having a habit of leaving random legs lying around, and all of the workers definitely had theirs when you passed them on the first floor, so you’re pretty sure it’s him and not some weird set piece. Definitely not a raid.

“[City] is under attack,” you announce without ceremony.

“I heard,” comes from inside the gigantic contraption. (You are even more sure it’s Sparkgap. You are not sure what the machine is.) “It’s causing quite a buzz in the hive. Pun not intended.”

“You need to help them,” you say.

“I can’t see why. Nor what’s your stake in this, for that matter. It’s their fault you’re here in the first place, in case you forgot.”

“That doesn’t mean I don’t still care,” you say. “Don’t you?”

“Not particularly, no. This might surprise you,” he deadpans, dropping out of the metal behemoth, landing on the floor and turning to you, all covered in oil and soot and wearing protective goggles over the eyes, “but I don’t like people overmuch.”

“You’re an Ashguard!”

“Was. They stopped paying me salary when I was declared dead. Fancy that.”

“But still. You promised.”

“No I didn’t. I promised to not harm them. I didn’t promise to help them every time when someone else harms them.”

“But,” you say. “If you know they’re being harmed, and you refuse to help them, you are causing them harm.”

“That’s…” he removes the goggles and blinks, the stripe of pale clean skin now visible around his eyes making him look like a reverse panda. “Blast it, you’re right. You should have been a lawyer.”