@mishraraj The rule on the forums is that you aren’t supposed to ask for updates or for when a game is going to be done. Thanks, @Lucha_Markre for responding.
It’s a good rule. Writers get an enormous amount of stress. It’s one of the big reasons that I disappear for months at a time while creating.
That said, I hope to start beta testing by the end of July still, starting with my Patreon supporters. That’s been my goal and I think it’s still attainable, but we’ll see. Family stuff never ends and I still have a full-time job to deal with. Luckily for me, my track record indicates that I really WILL finish this game… eventually.
Lots of Easter eggs and plots for those who have played my other games, but as a prequel, you can totally start with this one and you don’t need to know anything about the others.
Beta testing first and everyone’s welcome to help.
I made a nice end to conquering all nations, played through to the infinite in arena. Fixed a bunch of bugs and balanced it. Works well.
Wrote and coded the peace events in diplomacy. I think it’ll work well too. I’ll test it with the next play thru, but first I need to enhance random events.
Ok. Actually I was not aware of the rules that we are not allowed to ask for updates.I highly appreciate your work and games and Definitely it takes a lot of time and effort to make this happen.
Thank you so much for replying and next time I will make sure not to violate this rule.
Keep working on it and wishing you good luck.
Will ther be any sideline story also ?
I mean one will me main story that will get over at one time , but will there be other sideline story that will go for infinite time .
Something like a war between the Daria and barbarian or a hostile nation vs Daria and it may go endlessly
The game has a few concurrent things happening at once: building everything, the main story, dealing with the other nations through war or peace, and fighting in the arena.
They all wrap up to an end, except for the arena fights which continue infinitely.
That won’t be necessary this time. The difficulty modes (easy, normal, and expert) will give various challenges to the player, but in the end, the main thing it does is take longer to complete. You won’t get locked out of any of the story through low stats or poor playing. Instead, it will just take longer to get there.
I’ve been feeding the code/writing through Grammarly. It’s doing a great job of finding errors, but it’s slow going. The wordcount is a little over 100k, but similar to Paradox Factor, it’s very non-linear to the point that the wordcount doesn’t indicate the length of the game in the slightest.
I’m glad I’m doing it though. There will be enough errors/bugs to find/fix without having to spend even more beta test time finding/fixing these things. The downside is that it takes time now.
Same universe, different timelines. Both disappeared, we don’t know what happened to them, once the game is released, we might get some insight of the Som’Reth Civilization before they disappeared
Big news! I have finished Daria: A Kingdom Simulator and the Beta Testing is very close to starting.
As a perk to my Patrons, they will get first access, jumping to the head of the line. In fact, it’s already begun! There are people trying out the new game RIGHT NOW.
I’ll be play-testing and working on the game during this time also. Eventually, I will begin the official Beta Test using the Choice of Games forums. I’ll announce it here and create a new topic.
I’ll be happy to have everyone help me debug and test this unique game. So, be patient, it’s coming! I’m eager to share the new game. It’s VERY different from anything else out there. I hope everyone enjoys it.