Curious Cuisine (Superhero/Cooking)

Well the new bit is only there if you know the other parent this still needs some finetuning to account for adopted kids (thanks for reminding me) but…

Happy to help :slight_smile: it’s a great game

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I like it. Adds a sense of plot advancing to the path. And ramps up my anticipation to see where this all goes.

I also saw the rewrite on the vision when passed out (at least when playing with a hated, divorced, ex), which works well.

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Awesome read! Keep up the great work!
Question (don’t remembered it being asked): How much diffirent powers one person can possibly learn? How much diffirent powers our characters will be able to learn?
Also some little typos.


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Right now the plan is

up to three powers (one major two minor) from the catalogue you can get at APORIA

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Does that mean we don’t get powers if we go to the hotel?

Major spoilers:

Whether or not you get powers is determined through various other choices throughout the game. The catalogue is more of a bonus so the player can read up on stuff before the chapter (ch4 & 5) where you will possibly get powers.

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Well I hope there will be a hint how to avoid parent powers since I’d rather my kid be the special one.


the more contact you have/had with powers and the more in favor of them you are the more likely it’s to get powers


Love the game so far especially the cooking premise. Though I wish there’s a señorita and the señora one on the dear letter at the beginning, but I’m okay with it.

Will add that with the next update. :slight_smile:
On that note: if people could name some neutral forms of address in other languages that’d be helpful


For the time being: what shout out/cameos to other cog/hg games have you been able to spot so far?
(Curious if i hid them too well)

In Ojibwe - Wiin, means he, she, him, her.✓&q=he&commit=Search&type=english

You can probably find all kinds of interesting words to use if you cruise through that dictionary, most things being gender neutral.

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Major Spoiler ahead:

Below is an overview off all powers available in the game

Acidokinesis: Acid-Manipulation
Aerokinesis: Air-Manipulation
Alcokinesis: Alcohol-Manipulation !!
Atomkinesis: Atom-Manipulation
Chlorokinesis: Plant-Manipulation
Chronokinesis: Time-Manipulation
Cibumkinesis: Food-Manipulation.
Cuppediaekinesis: Candy-Manipulation !
Cryokinesis: Ice-Manipulation
Elektrokinesis: Electricity-Manipulation
Epidemiakinesis: Disease-Manipulation !!
Fabrikinesis: Fabric-Manipulation
Ferrokinesis: Metal-Manipulation
Haemokinesis: Blood-Manipulation !!
Hyalokinesis: Glass-Manipulation
Hydrokinesis: Water-Manipulation
Keríkinesis: Wax-Manipulation !
Meteorokinesis: Weather-Manipulation !!!
Nosokinesis: Disease-Manipulation
Oleokinesis: Oil-Manipulation
Papyrokinesis: Paper-Manipulation
Photokinesis: Light-Manipulation
Pyrokinesis: Fire- & Heat-Manipulation
Sonokinesis: Sound-Manipulation
Technokinesis: Technology-Manipulation
Terrakinesis: Earth-Manipulation
Toxikenesis: Poison-Manipulation
Umbrakinesis: Shadow-Manipulation
Vitakinesis: Health-Manipulation
Aetherkinesis: Essence-Manipulation !!! !
Summoning: Animals
Summoning: Gravity
Summoning: Vehicles
Summoning: Weapons !
Summoning: Illusions !
Body Alteration: Limb Detaching
Body Alteration: Medusa Hair
Body Alteration: Rubber Limbs
Body Alteration: Size Alteration
Multiplication: Cloning
Multiplication: Splitting
Shapeshifting: Inanimate Objects
Shapeshifting: Living Beings
Animators: Construct Control Puppeteering !
Animators: Autonomous Constructs !
Communication: Non-Corporal
Communication: Non-Humanoid
Communication: Omniglots
Mindwarpers: Telepathy or Hypnosis: Oneirokinesis (Dream-Manipulation)
Mindwarpers: Telepathy or Hypnosis: Puppeteering (Mind-Control)
Mindwarpers: Telepathy or Hypnosis: Somnokinesis (Sleep-Manipulation)
Reality Warping !
Power Amplification
Power Mimicry
Power Theft
Power Synergy

! = Requires one prerequisite
!! = Requires two prerequisites
!!! = Requires three prerequisites
!!! != Requires a special prerequisite

See anything you have questions about? Anything missing?
And yes, it’s over 60…


I don’t know enough people on here to recognize shoutouts.

well, but you’ve played other CoG/HG games. :wink:

Am i looking for authors or characters?

characters so far. Some refs to places/events too

Is it bad that you said and yes it’s a total of 62 is the reason I counted?* (brain sometimes tells me to count when told something is a certain number)
Btw I counted it 3 times and came up with 66 each time. Did I miss something?

No, in fact i missed something. It’s indeed 66. Sorry.

Also, for those worried about how to pick from such a heap:

ch3 and ch4 are stealth litmus tests to determine your strongest category, and you can further narrow things down to have a choice from up to 10

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