I’m working through CS’s tutorial and I’m on exercise 20, which is where I run through the test project, debugging along the way. I’ve hit my first snag. Could I have some help?
This is the error message: “increasing indent not allowed, expected 0 was 4”
I’ll include a screenshot below of what the script looks like.
I believe the text must be indented to the same level as the *set commands, and the # options are at the right level, just indent the text to the *set levels.
For some reason I can’t give an example but like * = indent
Is there a reason why my *goto_scene03 isn’t blue? It should be blue. The strange thing is, the command only turns blue when I space bar between “scene” and “03”, which creates another error since there is no there’s no scene in my list called “scene 03”.
And @AChubbyBlackCat
some lil’ tips
Name scenes with the order and brief description
(e.g. 01_beginnning)
Adjust variables with *set var + xyz, make sure to include the ‘+’
Use same method of indents (tabs or spaces)
And if you make another scene don’t forget to list it in startup!
(And if you need to create a non-temporary variable don’t forget to first create it in startup!