Consolidated Thread of Game Ideas For Authors

Awww :smile: That’s okay. The idea sounds really cool, and I like games with magic in them.

Hopefully we can see it some day! :smile:


Well like I’ve mentioned I’ve been building it for years. It’s been my dream to put it altogether someday. Yeah it’s massive, I’ve got tons of sketches short stories some artwork ect… heck I’ve even got a few main characters lined up. Paid for a commissioned art piece of my favourite lead semi-antagonist.

MORDUGRAD! (Name of a very important city)

My commission, he’s called Azazel. A wandering fire Djinn that records collects and explores stories legends mysteries.


VERY cool! :smiley: That’s a pretty amazing piece of art to go with it too :slight_smile:


My favourite artist ever!!
Kinda inspired me so yep!

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Well, you have my support all the way snoe if you ever do do it, which I hope so because it will be a shame to see a good idea disappear.


I want to write a game about spies so bad. I’ve actually written a bit for one, and have all the characters lined up… but it would be so long! And it would take so much research! And I’m already working on something!

But spies.


Spies, hmm hang on…
enters her endless archive of endless ideas, half written stories and hate mail
I had a spirit spy story I was going to do but…can’t code and never knew what wattpad was back then :sweat_smile:. Please feel free to take it also…

Please…someone use this idea…it’s killing me!!! Been with me for 2 years guys and its starting to be awkward keeping it under lock and key.


Hello please call me MaI have an idea for a game and I hope someone likes it enough to maybe write it am not a writer myself at least not a very good one and I don’t think I could write a good choice of games now I don’t care about credit or money and I mean it when I say that I just want to put a idea out there do with it what you will… (I want it to be noted I came up with this idea after binge watching Merlin and I think if you decide to write this please watch that first I want it to have the same general feel as that show)

The story is based on Arthurian legend you can play as Arthur, Guinevere, Merlin and finally Lancelot though you can change their names and gender later I think it would also be good if you got choose how they looked such as skin tone, eye color, hair color, hair length and if it’s say curly wavy or straight and the last two height and body shape now of course if you wish not to you don’t have to go into that much detail I just personally like it when you can now also I want all of them to be more or less around the same age give or take three or four years at most now you only get to play as one character through out the game though you can influence the others and at the beginning you can choose one good part of the other character’s personality and one bad of course you don’t have to do this with whomever you choose because your molding and shaping your own character as the story goes on am not in charge of what you decide to do with this story but please keep my idea for the character’s in tact and please keep my ending of course though for everything at the beginning and middle I want there to be plenty of drama romance magic politics and finally character development as for the ending there can be some variables but I want Arthur or whoever you decide they are to die saving Camelot and Avalon that’s all I got to say for that please keep all of that in mind now am going to write up the character’s back story’s again please keep them in mind.

Arthur Pendragon (or whoever you decide)
Was raised on a farm with his mother and twin sister Morgana (I’ll get to her) he more or less took care of the farm and everyone in his family from a young age until around twelve or thirteen when Uther Pendragon after realising his wife can’t give birth remember’s he sent away their mother after finding out she was pregnant with them and he brings them back to his kingdom to be raised as future ruler’s now Uther is not a bad guy but he’s not exactley a good guy either and treats them both with indifference.

Merlin Emyrs (or who ever)
Was raised in Camelot and has always had an affinity for magic even going to a far away school in Avalon to learn more about it he doesn’t meet Arthur until their both in their late teens when Merlin is officially done with his education and is sent back to Camelot.

Guinevere (or whoever) is a minor noble and her family has a good army and a good plot of land were most of the citizens are pretty happy with their lives she grows up a bit ignorant but still smart and adaptable she and Arthur are in a arranged marriage and have been for a while though neither knew this until their mid teens when they finally meet not to get married but both their parents thought the two should get to know each other.

Lancelot (or whoever)
was born a peasant and since he was a kid wanted to be a knight and started traveling to different kingdoms trying to be one since he was sixteen though none accepted him because he was just a peasant though he did stay for a little while in each place watching the other knights train and learning what he could from that he eventually joined a group of bandits through some unfortunate events you have no control over this does wind up being kind of a good thing since he learns a lot with them before he runs off to Camelot to try one more time to become to a knight and Arthur seeing how he fights makes it happen they are friends since that moment.

Now I only want to give a brief summery of Morgana her and Arthur are very close always have been until they start fighting for the throne along with some other things that could happen in the story basically lots of drama and a hint of betrayal and it’s really all I’ve got to say about her you can do with her what you wish but I do want these two to have a genuine and good relationship at first now moving on in the story you can basically romance whoever you want to even other main character’s you want to set up Merlin and Arthur go ahead or any other combo you can think of or of course there doesn’t even have to romance if the player doesn’t want it this is all I have to say on this idea I hope someone good decides to write this and takes all of what I wrote here seriously any questions feel free to task and if anyone does decide to write it seriously please send me a link to a demo I’ll try not to say anything of you write unless you want me to I mean I’d be happy if anyone decided to even write it and make it a thing anyway good day all. :wink:

4 posts were split to a new topic: Would be interested in playing a disabled character?

Something that’s been brewing around in my head and fueling my interest in art:

You are a teacher in a school full of witches, demons, angels and the like, a la High School DxD or Demon King Daimao. Aside from ensuring these students are properly educated, you’re also one of the few truly Human, and therefore clueless, members of staff.

Unbeknownst to the supernatural world at large, the PC is actually immortal, so in addition to juggling keeping your identity as something “More” than human secret, you get to play the part of a mentor, teaching your students how to survive in a world you know too much about and have managed to stay completely hidden from without any powers aside from an artifact or two, your wits, and a laundry list of achievements dating back to the dawn of time.


How about a game about a Hitchhiker?
This could do down many ways…

  1. future Hitchhiker who is out to stop an alien war
  2. an aliens on earth who wants to take over the world, but doesn’t have any transport itself.
  3. a escaped prisoner from a prison, with a lot of stories to tell.
  4. a real life situation e.g. a runaway kid or adult.
  5. a kid with unwanted superpowers so they run away to keep everyone safe because they are so unstable.

You can see where I am going here right?

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Number 2 had me laughing. :smile:


A dragon rider story told from the dragons point of view.


We need more storied where the MC is a monster. :pensive:


I was considering either featuring Peter Pan in my future Wonderland game, or making a spin off, as i already have what i think would be a pretty cool idea for a Peter Pan CoG game.

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I have two ideas for games that I’ll probably never use, so any one else could use them if they want:

  • Shrunken

The MC wakes up to find that they’ve been shrunk to the size of an ant by a race of minuature men who wish to sacrifice the MC to Mother Earth so that she can rid herself of the “giant pests”.

The MC is rescued by an opposing faction of mini-men, and…that’s all i got.

  • Arena

The MC is a prisoner being forced to fight to the death in the arena for the public’s entertainment.

Eventually, the end goal of the game would be to earn your freedom. Thing is, other contestants want their freedom as well.

Make enemies and allies alike. But remember; some day, you may have to face your allies.

Romance would be possible, though some romances may not end well, considering the premise of the game. Try not to go and fall in love with your fellow contestant. However, there could be other ROs…


Asian simulator:
You have to be as asian as possible. Making choices that are Asian gets you point, making choices that are not Asian loses points. You need to be the most Asian Asian ever who ever walked the earth. Ever.

Things that gives you points:
-Being good excellent at Maths
-Speaking Ingrish
-Squinting your eyes

Things that lose points:
-Not listening to your parents/teachers
-Having friends
-Dishonoring your family

If you become best Asian you get a medal. If not you dishonor your family. That’s like worse than death. And that’s bad.

Go now and be the Asian-est Asian ever.

I’m just poking fun at myself for being Asian. Don’t take this idea seriously please.

If you’ve never played fate/extra its sort of like that arena idea you have

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What about…hmmmm…how to put this?
A library where any book you pick up can take you inside, and things can come out? Has this been done?

Or maybe when future and past clash together into one dimension where everything is in the present and where there is no past or future. So there is magic and advanced technology and stuff all together, check, King Arthur and Lincon are in parliament discussing public issues.

Maybe something like where the camera is the MC, and it is going on a paranormal or alien adventure, or maybe something like where the characters are constantly talking to the camera.

I am having a moment, this is not all thought out well…

Yup :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: