Oh I am dying to play that game … And see a Drag game that don’t stereotype Drag queens. Because They present in the media as weak and dunno more. When the few Drag queen I know are very funny and charismatic strong people and capable of defending themselves from hordes of Assholes. Also CHARISMA filled game with feathers and ruthlessness. Is a game made for me so I don’t even have to read demo to be a moment one download… POISON os ready to kick ass and steal hearts
Oh the new voice in the video is so good, it is very amusing.
It’s the author. I thought it would be nice for him to do his own VO for the trailer.
I hope there will be stilettos and feathers. Lol I am a glam girl I would totally hope An Elvira Awesomeness style Glitter and Darkness… THE HYPE IS REAL.
Yeah, you’ll want to max your glamour stat
If There are a game made for Mara is this … Comme on a bard ruthless and charismatic
has to be best drag queen ever… NO ONE WILL REMAIN IN POISON WAY…
Day 1 purchase! I adored the beta!
So I’m guessing you’ll have to be gay for this game? I’m a bit confused.
When given the option to specify if you’re in a relationship you have a choice of boyfriend, girlfriend, etc., so no.
Gotcha. That’s something I was a bit concerned about. I’m a straight guy so I wasn’t sure if this game was created at my exclusion. I appreciate the clarity.
My dude, drag’s for everyone.
I’m not sure if I agree with that sentiment. Generally speaking, drag is almost always used in context of individuals connected to the lgbt+ community. I’ve never heard of straight men starring in Drag competitions, though I won’t admit or pretend to be an expert.
I’m just glad the game isn’t excluding anyone. That’s all
You would be amazed how many cishet guys are drag queens.
I mean, it’s a queer art form for sure but it’s far more accommodating than a lot of people think.
I am Spanish and in Spanish drag shows are very culture accepted I have been with my grandma in some as kid With some drag singing spicy Flamenco song there is also Drag that is woman dressed as male in Spanish traditional. We also have Drag Queens carnival contests in tv in Canary islands world famous. And many aren’t gay not only LGtb Drag is a style a defiance a charismatic way and strong way to see life.
Oh, so the game is taking place in Spain? That’s actually kind of cool. Generally most CoGs and HGs feel like they are happening in the US.
No no is not in Spain. I am trying to explain that drag is part of many cultures and is not gay only