Choice to specify a nickname using input_text or choose not to have a nickname

I have a questionnaire at the beginning of my game to enable the player to specify things about the character they wish to play in the game. This questionnaire is itself a part of the story. (The player character is filling out a recruitment form to join the organization they will be a member of in the story.) So I need the questions to fit the (filling out a recruitment questionnaire) scene.

I would like the questionnaire to ask:

“What do your friends call you?”

And give the player two choices: the first being to specify their nickname via an input_text box, the second being to choose not to have a nickname by selecting “I don’t have friends”. (See attached image for a mocked-up graphic of what I’m trying to do.)

Is this possible? Or do I need to ask the player to first choose whether or not to have a nickname and then ask them to specify the nickname on a subsequent screen (if they’ve chosen to have one)?

I understand how to do the latter. i.e.:

Do you have a nickname by which you are known to your friends?
		What do your friends call you?
		*input_text nickname
		*goto nextsection
	#I don't have friends
		*goto nextsection

I just would prefer to do it like in my graphical example, if possible.


Yes, unfortunately. I’ve never thought of your use case, but it does look neat.

You can keep your original schema more or less.

And what do your friends call you? 

	# My friends call me... 
		*input_text nickname
		*goto next
	# I don't have friends. 
		*goto next

Just don’t forget to have this on the second choice:

*set nickname "${name}"

Otherwise, it will just be a blank space if you use ${nickname} in the text, this way the first name will show up instead.


That is sad. But your solution does enable me to keep the tone I want. Thank you @cup_half_empty !

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Thank you @malinryden . I am dealing with the various names a different way. But I think I’ve got it all covered.

In startup.txt I have:

*create name "unknown"
*create fullname "unknown"
*create formalname "unknown"
*create nickname "unknown"
*create friendly false

then, in this scene I have:

Please state your full name as you wish it to appear in Sol System Defense Corps records:
*input_text fullname

We are very pleased to meet you, ${fullname}!
Please indicate how one would most appropriately address you in a formal setting:
*input_text formalname

And what do your friends call you?
	#My friends call me...
		*input_text nickname
		*goto howdy
	#I don't have friends
		*goto nickornot

*label howdy
Howdy, ${nickname}!  (May we call you ${nickname}?--We have found that the Corps operates most effectively when we can all be friends.)
	#Yes. ${nickname} is fine.
		*set friendly true		
		*goto nickornot
	#No. I am properly addressed as ${formalname}. Protocol demands that all members of the Sol System Defense Corps address me as such.
		*goto nickornot

*label nickornot
*if friendly
	*set name "${nickname}"
	Thank you, ${name}.
	*goto pronouns
	*set name "${formalname}"
	Very well, ${name}.
	*goto pronouns

I think it all works!


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