I have a questionnaire at the beginning of my game to enable the player to specify things about the character they wish to play in the game. This questionnaire is itself a part of the story. (The player character is filling out a recruitment form to join the organization they will be a member of in the story.) So I need the questions to fit the (filling out a recruitment questionnaire) scene.
I would like the questionnaire to ask:
“What do your friends call you?”
And give the player two choices: the first being to specify their nickname via an input_text box, the second being to choose not to have a nickname by selecting “I don’t have friends”. (See attached image for a mocked-up graphic of what I’m trying to do.)
Is this possible? Or do I need to ask the player to first choose whether or not to have a nickname and then ask them to specify the nickname on a subsequent screen (if they’ve chosen to have one)?
I understand how to do the latter. i.e.:
Do you have a nickname by which you are known to your friends?
What do your friends call you?
*input_text nickname
*goto nextsection
#I don't have friends
*goto nextsection
I just would prefer to do it like in my graphical example, if possible.
Please state your full name as you wish it to appear in Sol System Defense Corps records:
*input_text fullname
We are very pleased to meet you, ${fullname}!
Please indicate how one would most appropriately address you in a formal setting:
*input_text formalname
And what do your friends call you?
#My friends call me...
*input_text nickname
*goto howdy
#I don't have friends
*goto nickornot
*label howdy
Howdy, ${nickname}! (May we call you ${nickname}?--We have found that the Corps operates most effectively when we can all be friends.)
#Yes. ${nickname} is fine.
*set friendly true
*goto nickornot
#No. I am properly addressed as ${formalname}. Protocol demands that all members of the Sol System Defense Corps address me as such.
*goto nickornot
*label nickornot
*if friendly
*set name "${nickname}"
Thank you, ${name}.
*goto pronouns
*set name "${formalname}"
Very well, ${name}.
*goto pronouns