During my character creation process I have the required input of the character’s name and an input for a nickname.
I would like to make the nickname optional, ie if the player just presses enter/next the nickname will default to the full character name, but choice script seems to always demand an input.
Is there a way around this other then a prior choice where they pick if they want a nickname or not?
Not really, no. *input_text needs something even if just a single character, so the only way to achieve what you want there is to make it optional for the player to decide in advance.
And how shall we address you?
*input_text surname
And you you have a nick name you care to go by?
*input_text nickname
*goto next
*goto next
*label next
*if (nickname="")
Surname: ${surname}
Surname: ${surname}
Nick Name: ${nickname}
Just my thoughts on the matter
*Edit For fun I wanted to see how to add a bit more to it without it being to complex so I have:
And how shall we address you?
*input_text firstname
Do have a middle initial?
*input_text middle
*goto step
*goto step
*label step
We do require you last name please
*input_text lastname
*if (middle="")
*set fullname firstname
*set fullname (firstname& " ")&lastname
*goto step1
*set fullname firstname
*set fullname (firstname& " ")&middle
*temp name ""
*set name fullname
*set fullname (name& " ")&lastname
*goto step1
*label step1
And do you have a nick name you care to go by?
*input_text nickname
*goto next2
*goto next2
*label next2
*if (nickname="")
First name: $!{fullname}
First name: $!{fullname}
Nick name: $!{nickname}