Choice of Rebels: Uprising — Lead the revolt against a bloodthirsty empire!

Still Why so focused in Breden. If she is a spy who want destroy me. Why the fuck she only tries if I have Breden She could accused ANYONE ELSE

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I also noticed there are couple scenes where Breden is mentioned to have unexpectedly cold or calculating look. Like when they kill Linos or suggest killing Horion and Linos if you decide to first kill Simon/Suzanne after Hector’s attack because it would be stronger message

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Well… like i mention, Breden already smell Joanna could be a fellow assassin, because she knows the trait…

Breden is very fond of us , and a young assassin who may be not as loyal as the elder assassin , joanna cannot take the chance, and she knows breden already tries to pinpoint her in the council meeting of the rebel…

Most importantly, if Breden had been taken the fall … there will be a false sense of security that the culprit had beeb dealt with, we are now safe since everyone thought breden had been killed… then joanna can tell all the story abour how it was a sad story being betray by someone we love … but the fact is she will be the one putting the final blow in the crucial moment…when we are living in a false sense of security :slight_smile:

Well She is dead in my play through so I win!!

She could easily disguise into another person, i never saw her body… so…:wink:

I have 40 men that never came with me as they were in rebel group and none is old. She is not with me. Remember 40 followers

Oh… it is easy to use magic to change one’s face… she could be like that hannibal guy who tear the skin of the face of your follower and put that skin to her own face… it is possible, oh yeah they did that in mission impossible too :slight_smile:

Well then she has telecommunications and teletransport. As I and daddy are the only ones who come from the agora. Noone came with me and the group in the forest was there during years. I don’t say she is one of the multiple spies. I only say she is not responsible in my play through. Maybe Havie have different people doing stufg in base stts and who we hve in the group. In fact if I were Havie ai would design it randomly.

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Alright i agree with you, conclusion is… There is still no clear evidence Breden is the traitor … it is something like during a murder case, each witness only witness certain fragment of the truth, each witness will present individual perception of their own, but no one witness the whole picture yet :slight_smile:

I think it was mentioned the traitor would remain same person no matter what playthrough :thinking:

You mean old Joana Orchard who you’ve known all of your life? The elderly helot who used to tell you stories about your mother? who is as much a family member to you as your own father? and whose hair turned white from repeatedly being forced to watch her own family members harrowed?

So tell me,

Why is it that if you don’t intervene in Rim Square that Breden is the only one who “escapes” and survives?

How does an uneducated and illiterate helot like Breden learn a top secret kryptast code?

Why does your rebel band only get poisoned if Breden is a member?

Don’t these three facts when taken together seem extremely suspicious to you? Especially when you also add into consideration her/his actions to undercut your authority?


Oh hahaha, actually i know Breden is a kryptast, no doubt about it… , but i also think Breden is the spy who love me, she didn’t betray me. .hehe … well i think there is 2 assassins in our camp, one falling for us… and the other realise it , so the other try to get rid of the good assassin…

Joanna actually fit the profile perfectly , wasn’t it been told each aristocrat family has a krypstast , just to ensure everyone is loyal… so joanna had been with the family for so long because the family had been loyal, so there was no reason to dismantle our family … but here comes Breden who got involved with us, so joanna initially just want to ensure the mc won’t got involved by ordering the capture of everyone , without Breden’s approval and knowledge… and along the way joanna want to get rid of breden perhaps in a hope that mc will return to the dark side? After all , joanna had been with us so long, she perhaps still hoping we will see the right cause through the darkness of her master…

Breden undermine my authority ? You meant the way she show the mules to the kids , that was nothing wrong to cheer the kids up… perhaps i am a CHA2 character , that didn’t affect me at all … and her action before the final battle? There was nothing wrong for her to speak her mind… we are running a democracy right ? So everyone will have equal chance to speak … just as King Arthur didn’t mind Sir Gawain speaking up against the betrayal of his queen :slight_smile:

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Yeah Kalt is in love with the MC.
But he is defiant surely. So I won’t name him a loyal follower.
I have seen Zvad, Simon/Suzanne, Bjel, Etthena, Elery, Radmar… Each one of them had sacrificed their life for the rebellion, not necessarily in one single play through.
(And some leaders like Breden, Korszata, Young Earn etc are intentionally spared in the story. That doesn’t mean they are not loyal.)
Personally I think Breden may or may not be loyal to the band.
But she is definitely in love with my MC. She disclosed the krytast code for saving the life of the MC while not caring for her own life.
(She didn’t want to use the code for herself)

So, what I wanted to say is that there is a difference in Love and Loyalty.
Again loyalty to my MC or just only to the rebellion, this thing matters.
Those who are loyal to the band, are good for the rebellion. Their advice is precious.
But I would offer the leadership to someone who is loyal to the band as well as to the MC.
A leader needs to put his idea while there is yet to take a decision. But when the final decision is made, all the leaders irrespective of their stand prior to the decision making should support the final course of action.

That’s why I prefer not to choose anyone as leader who is not loyal to my MC.

Everyone who joins your rebellion has a story behind their motivation of joining.
Kalt/Radmar are short-sighted rebels, who have little understanding of how things work in the real world.
They don’t care what the leader has ordered, rather they do whatever they feel is right.
They know no discipline.
They keep on defying my MC’s order.

Radmar would kill Breden(even the MC) without giving any opportunity of any fare judgement.
Kalt tries to kill the Nobles(Horion and Linos) even when my MC has a clear order of not doing so.

As you said, unlike Radmar, Kalt is loyal to the MC.
And he seems to have a better understanding of things than Radmar.

Yeah, he is loyal, intelligent and an efficient administrator.

I was unaware of this thing.

I trust him so I taught him Theurgy.
Gave my blood fials to him instead of stacking somewhere.
When he would be able to see the world, then I would surely give him some opportunity to lead the band. But for now, it’s a no.

@Eric_knight @Cari-san

Joanna is not the traitor.
When you let the Harrowing happen then Joana Orchard isn’t there in your band but still poisoning happens when you have Breden with you.
I think there are more than one spies from different factions.
We will know more in the coming installments.

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Unlike Breden however I think Joanna gets Harrowed if you don’t stop it. IF she is betraying people to the Hegemony she is likely doing it for the same reasons the helot mc’s father is, to get to live longer herself. Unlike Breden she really does seem to be a helot.

It doesn’t rule out the same sort of circumstantial and opportunistic “cooperation” the helot mc’s father engaged in from time to time, but if Breden isn’t a kryptast old Joanna certainly isn’t. Still I don’t think Joanna is guilty of that, as unlike the mc’s father she wasn’t really able to save her relatives.


Hmm, when does Radmar kill Elery?

And yeah, he tries to kill Breden, the Kryptast. After she seemingly poisoned half the camp to make them easy pickings for Harrowing. I think that’s fairly understandable.

He’s not really the backstabby type.

Yebben also has zero experience being in charge of anything more onerous than a mule train, unlike all the other options for interim leader. The PC isn’t an armchair general, they lead from the front. Yebben would have to do the same, and he doesn’t seem the type to me.

Maybe he’d be good, but I’m not going to put someone in charge of the entire band without testing them in a smaller role first.


For me, leadership worked itself out during the battle: Kalt and Radmar got killed, and my character, still blinded by love (didn’t marry her though) for Breden, dragged her into Xaos with him. Even if she is a spy (and yeah, she probably is), she’s going to have to use that charisma to keep both of us alive in the badlands. Hopefully Elery can build more of a spine with a bit of independent command.

My character’s issue is being 2 COM 1 INT 0 CHA- Breden is kind of a necessary crutch for the way he does things, and no good charismatic replacements are lining up, yet.

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Well… If , and i mean if both Breden and Joanna are Kryptas, they did it because they had been train as an assassin since small , like most assassin movie… Breden may have a chance to remorse herself because she is still young, her blind loyalty may not be strong enough …

Yupe…at least we both agree that there could be more than one spy than Breden, a person we can’t notice …

what did we know so far ?? 3 cooks (Breden was one of them) and the person who distributed the food ( which i thought was Joanna , but it may be other person) …hence the trial against Breden is still inconclusive … Breden walk free for now, since the charge against her/him can be against other suspects for now … benefit of the doubts , that’s what you call them right ? :-):grin:

And that’s a reasonable concern. But the PC also didn’t have any experience in leadership before starting to lead the band and he did great (or good enough depending on your choices).
Also my point isn’t that Yebben is the best choice but rather that he is an solid one and that other candidates have other downsides so dismissing Yebben out of hand would be a mistake. If however, after consideration, you still decide to pick someone else, more power to you.

Now I have a few questions for the all-knowing @Havenstone
What is the attitude that Xthonos religion has towards new knowledge? How deeply does the canon go in explaining how the world physically works? Is it a realistic goal to reform the religion to not only not condemn but encourage unbiased inquiry into the natural world (or at least stay out of its way) or is the new order ushered in by the skeptical player always going to have the advantage in that area?

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Maybe you are right. Still just to be sure when I play as a helot I always choose the MCs father as the “trustworthy” elder when they talk about testing the band. He has some issues too, but I don’t belive he would be a spy or traitor no matter how much he seems to hate the MC.

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