Choice of Rebels: Uprising — Lead the revolt against a bloodthirsty empire!

I shan’t ask anymore.

Havie could it be possible Implement a choice at beginning of second game that tell Saucepan and theurges something like I am totally against theurge and want destry theurge so don’t give me a chat about theurge.

Basically I as player love Theurge and all lore. Mara is like you go Pope in face relating all your heretic adventures… It has no sense a known anti theurge being bombarded with people explaining theurge. And Mara all chill … when wants murdering them.

Yes, that’ll be a possibility.

Well, you still may get quite a bit of the info before it becomes clear it’s coming from a Theurge…at which point you can go all BURN THE HERETIC if you like.


One more jarring things some rpgs have is Have people from other side that your character despise and promises annihilate Chill like lovers telling all their secrets.

Even if I think mara is quite and a big HYPOCRITE due she eats theurge food has used theurge medicine and other theurge enchanting stuff and has two theurge spears… So lol HYPOCRISY BIG LETTERS .

That doesn’t sound like a good idea. In a best case scenario, assuming you will let us pick a stat boost before the meeting, it’s Theurge of the First Kyklos against a Theurge of the Third Kyklos, and an Ennearch’s protégé. Also, I’m calling it now, that Ennearch was in a romantic relationship or at least had sex with Cerlota.

Where do you get all that info? I do not think any part of 2nd part is up for demo.

As role-playing Questions that have no sense and are bad should be included even if conclusion is fatal. Due i could be role playing a stupid zealot that it will attack theurges is his nature so is the correct choice even if for a metagaming perspective isn’t good option.

This sounds like it will be more feasible if some sort of regional fragmentation occurs. From the little we know so far there doesn’t seem to be much of a “Hegemonic” culture.

Another option to consolidate power would be to maintain the imperial rule already in effect and slap a fresh coat of paint on it, although I suppose you would need to pay at least lip service to the existing religion to do that.

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Or you can try to go the cosmopolitan and skeptical reform route. The church in particular also seems to be loathed enough, more so outside Shayard and Karagon that breaking it is also viable and in fact a must if you want to abolish slavery and the caste system. Which in turn seem to be requirements to obtain and maintain large degrees of power as a cosmopolitan and non-believing former helot.
Certainly one such as my mc who has no desire to base his “legitimacy” on the outright lie and fabrication of “lost nobility” nor play the game by the decadent and largely unwritten “rules” and customs of the current “nobility”. That would at best be like agreeing to fight in a boxing match with both hands tied behind ones back. :unamused:

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Ooo I can’t wait to get to that point!

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when i go to jail i get no code.all that nobel does is poison guards and then take me outside.i tried to see his face or told him thanks.

but i get no code.i kept my mouth shut in both cases where i did not believe brenden and stayed away from meeting and where i did all brenden wanted.

so what am i missing?i got the spears though.

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The Kryptast code?
It was given by Breden the night of our marriage :slight_smile:

She didn’t reveal how she got it , she just ask me to say those words if i got captured … so it indicates she is connected to the spy assassin organisation, however she could be a kryptast herself or she stole it from her master ? :slight_smile:

And i understand that if there was no Breden in the group , the poison incident won’t happen but my theory is that there is a 2nd traitor/kryptast in our group and that traitor recognise Breden, was furious that Breden betray the Kryptas , thus he/she frame Breden by poisoning us… if there was no Breden, there was NO reason to frame Breden but we won’t realise there was a traitor among us…
Breden actually force the traitor to act and expose his/her existance :slight_smile:

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thank you for info .i just can not bring myself to keep know a fake friend or fake lover?i feel no need of it.

i have always noticed you are a very positive thinking person.i think if there was another traitor there job was more to do everything to fail our rebellion. rather then hurting one of there traitor.if you can feel even when brenden is not there spy would want to do everything to hurt us.why does that spy then lets us fight and does not harm us?i mean spy were sent to join these groups have them grow and then wipe them out right?

so to me brenden is one who does it.maybe she did not want to do it and had to for positive sake?maybe she does loves or say likes our mc?still she does her job whatever the reason.

is that sword worth it?i mean keeping her?


In my opinion that has no real sense as the leader of rebels is me not Breden. I have no her in group no attack. If the poisoner were other will poison my effort anyway moreover if another supposed spy is not in danger to be discovered by a former Spy like Breden. I mean i understand someone in love him her will believe Breden is an angel . Still more adamant clear can’t be that she he was a spy and she he sell his her group what probably didn’t expect was she he being harrowing with group so maybe she he was and is vengeful against hegemony. I don’t care what my Breden is SHE WILL DIE ON FIREEEE


Oh that sword is Awesome !!! Trust me :-):stuck_out_tongue:

You can keep it or give to Simon/Suzane … i think in future it will be great in a good blade master’s hand…

As for why the traitor only want to harm Breden, well my theory is that IF Breden is loyal to us, eventually she will be able to pinpoint the 2nd Kryptas , she already suspect there is a spy among the elder, hence given time , Breden could trace the pattern… well simply because Breden will know who has the pattern of acting like her…Lol

And the 2nd traitor know it is dangerous to allow Breden to help us… ummm think of it like the Syndicate of Mission Impossible allowing Ilsa Faust to become Ethan Hunt’s lover and work with him;-) Ultimately they brought dowm the Syndicate together, MC and Breden could be the next Hunt and Faust if they are allowed to work togather against Kryptas… that’s why the traitor want to keep my MC and Breden apart :slight_smile:

Well Breden is one of my RO, i have a 2nd MC romancing Suzane but i still keep Breden around :slight_smile:
@poison_mara… well perhaps i am a Cha 2 character, Breden never seem undermine my authority at all, in fact she help boaster my leadership, i had one playthrough where i listen to her plan, and stay with the villagers , teaching them reading and writing in the last chapter… that was fun as well…

And since i am playing non looting rebelion, every week it was me and Breden pleading for mules, food and supplies to survive the winter without a single robbing or looting :wink: you could say Breden and I compliment each other even if we are not lovers :wink:

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Your hands will be tied no matter what. You will have made promises to get in that position and those people will come calling due. I suppose you could go on and kill all your creditors when you get there but that would be problematic for a all host of reasons. In particular, good luck declaring war on the theurges because they won’t be swayed by promises of freedom and equality. In addition I was talking more about unifying narrative, some sort of collective dream that brings people together and gives them a shared frame of reference like “God is great” or “Our empire is the greatest empire ever and the only bastion of true civilization” or “our nation is, like, the best” or “look how awesome I am. Don’t you think I will do a great job ruling the universe?”. Democracy and equality on their own do not have enough strength to fill that position especially because I still don’t think those ideas have much purchase on the population at large. I think the best route for you would be to sell it as a pseudo communist “from each according to their ability to each according to their need” type thing.

i have more charisma than mss. coward I don’t need a poisoner and I will be very happy when she burn in a stake. my number goal is burning breden in a stake and she will burn if she is a assassin or a potato i don’t care at this point is personal. Even if she could give the entire empire to me i will slin her anyway. So i don’t attend reasons or stuff BURN BREDEN BURN

but we can not keep sword can we?we have to leave it outside of ward right? so we have to give it someone. i understand it would still be a huge help in future.

i read somewhere that brenden agrees to marry but says no to she is willing to sleep if she has to. or say she likes him.but her priority is still same.that is what i am saying. if you could not change her and your group could not.should you let her get so many members killed so finally she can start loving?

how the hell do you romance someone else?as i male i click on female for romance.but accept brendon all people i get are simon or that helot who killed some aristo kid. never got anyone else

my my Mara is quite angry

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I was wondering, what’s the most awe-inspiring feat of theurgy we’d be able to do? Enchant ourselves? Go to the mountains and sing ‘let it go, theurgy all the way!’ while making a huge castle?


If Breden is female rest of romances will male my friend. I don’t care as Mara is bi. But yeah Breden has powers like that. I don’t want to angry people explaining again why I hate her and how false, superficial and coward she is I hardly found in her any virtue and has the empathy of a potato she doesn’t give a shit anyone else than herself and her supposed mission however she is a coward of first calibre. She is Judas.
A brilliant made villain