1- Are Great-Eels also native to Shayard’s coasts, or exclusive to Erezza’s?
2- And when turned into Plektoi (instead of being eaten), can Great-Eel Plektoi alternatively serve as aquatic war mounts (or replacements for boats)?
After further pondering, another question came to mind: how do you reconcile your above-mentioned statement with your past answer concerning how “there’ll be no factions wanting to resettle on Shayardene land”? (On the original Uprising forum)
Can decommissioned Harrowers be repurposed to serve as underground burrowers/tunnelers/“mole machines”?
If so, then my MCs would like to find out if it’s possible for us to do the XoR version of the classic “digging from America to China” childhood fantasy? (assuming that most, if not all, of the Hegemony’s Wards can be deactivated)
Oh my goodness, I can already imagine the Vitamin D insufficiency! (from the widespread lack of sunshine)
Are snails also a staple food in Shayard? (Given its French inspiration)
Or is the ‘consumption’ of snails strictly limited to the “porphyra dye” example you pointed out?
If MC is as gender fluid as Laj, what’s the estimated allowable frequency? (that MC’s health, INT mastery, and XoR’s narrative would permit)
Will MC have the option of having an itinerant court/capital? (similar to the EU)
Got the Kindle book, and will get back to you on this later! (if any relevant feedback comes to mind by then)
Unless of course, high-CHA MC finds another social “glue” to replace Xthonic worship: e.g. Abhuman syncretism, Whendish paganism, Halassurq paganism, and/or Kenon cult of personality.
If an XoR NPC nation/faction gets annexed by another, then will their respective relationship bars (with MC) be merged into a consolidated relationship bar? (with the new bar representing the two former bars’ average score)
Wiendrj is the province you have in mind.
Anyways, what model of governance did you have in mind for your envisioned Shayard-Wiendrj union?
Austro-Hungarian style diarchy?
UK-inspired constitutional monarchy? (with Wiendrj acting as the Scotland/Wales to Shayard’s England)
Super decentralized tribal confederation?
Or some other model?
Looks like your MC is headed towards the direction of a Big Boss-inspired “soldiers without borders” faction of mercenaries.
(unless of course, you have a different intended analogy in mind)