Choice of Rebels Part 1 WIP thread

Ah, sorry. Thanks for the reply.

@COGZealot, please don’t take what I’m about to say to heart. I’m a cranky, tired old author right now; and I know you didn’t mean the request badly.

But it occurs to me that Keep It Tidy, while an important forum principle, is a less than apt heading for the “don’t ask for updates” rule.

As I work on my game tonight, it’s 1 am where I live. My two-year old son has a fever and I have to break the writing every hour or so when he wakes up wailing for a drink. I’ve been up working on my game til 2 or 3 every night in the past week, living on three pots of coffee a day. I’ve also squeezed in as much Choice of Rebels as I can during daylight hours, in this last week before I finish my foreign language study and start a new and demanding job.

A couple months back, I’d been hoping to have the whole game done by now. It’s discouraging and disappointing that I’m not going to be able to do that; but I at least want to be able to push an update (a fairly big one, you’ll be happy to hear). I’m stretching myself hard to do so. To get a query phrased as if there might never again be an update, starting with a testy-sounding, we’ve-been-waiting-a-while-already ellipse…

Well, forget tidy. Don’t Crush Authors’ Sensitive Spirits is the heading I’d suggest. And please don’t ask for updates.


While I knew that saying anything at all was a risk, I’d only seen you come back to the forum recently, and it had been a long time since I had found out about Choice of Rebels(which really could be marketed as it is, IMO other authors have done so, even if it ends on a cliffhanger).

I apologize for the post, but I had seen the game as mostly abandoned( which happens), so when I saw the author was on, I was hoping to get some form of conformation on that point( the reasoning behind that was that I didn’t want such a good concept to simply sit there since I had so enjoyed my many playthroughs). I don’t pretend to know you, or think that you have alot of time on your hands( God knows I don’t want to be one of those people clamoring for updates, though I guess I came off as such), we do what we do everyday, and you have to do double that amount, which is amazing.

I am thoroughly sorry if my comment angered you( from my point of view, I only mean’t to ask if the work was ever going to continue( not for another update), as I had only been on the forums for a few months… Which probably explains my ignorance and callous comment. :anguished:

I’ve never thought of myself as someone clamoring for updates, I simply mean’t “whenever you have the time and decide to use it.” Im thankful for the polite responce( or any responce really), and of course I have no idea of the workload you are under, and nor would presume. So… I apologize. :cold_sweat: If you have gotten to the end of this I am thankful, since I truely mean’t no harm, though I definitely caused some. In hindsight, I probably should have used another word then “Update”, apologies to the Moderator for any trouble caused, I’ve also reread the forum rules, not that that excuses anything. :slight_smile:

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As a fellow old guy, living in a foreign land, with a pack of hellions at my heels, I just want to say you are an inspiration.

I probably shouldn’t have watched American Dad so shortly before reading this, but now I’ve got you starring in a crazy variation of that show’s opening tune in a Himalayan setting “good morning NSA” stuck in my head. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Are you actually allowed to live with your family (on or off the base) during most of the week?
If so the modern mercenary armies have come a long way since my dad last served in 1979.

It has it’s perks… That’s why I didn’t include “demanding job” in my list.

The game has never been abandoned. It has at times been put on a shelf while the author dealt with pressing real life responsibilities, but he’s always popped on every so often to touch base and give us updates on his situation. You probably missed the most recent updates where he let us know he’d be posting less so he’d have more time to work on a new update.

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Generally, the moderaters don’t allow people to post on abandoned games. If it’s been abandoned, they will shut the thread off (part of the Keep It Tidy thing). If you see a lot of people discussing a game, even if the author is not part of the discussion, then the game is probably still being worked on. :slight_smile:

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That was a very kind apology, and I know you meant no harm. Thanks for enjoying the game, and I hope you find the new update satisfying when we get there…


I think I have come across a rather big continuity bug, but if someone could do a quick run-through to see if it happens to them, I would appreciate it.

Also, if you think I should put the bug in spoiler tags, I will do so tomorrow. However, it is a bit lengthy to describe, so I hope the following makes sense.

I was playing as a noble Theurge (high Intellect, weak combat), had de Firiac in my band, and it is in the section where Horion/Linos come travelling through. I treated the two very well, though it probably doesn’t matter.

At the screen where you could have Linos declare you Eclect, make yourself Eclect, etc. I chose Option 2: No I want to declare myself Eclect without relying on the priest.

Once you get past whether you believe it or not, Linos has a small screen where he questions whether anyone would follow a woman/man who declares themselves Eclect without religious authority.

The next screen basically has a good number of people not believe you, and your experiment failed. This is the expected result.

The problem?
The screen after this automatically jumps to where Linos and Horion are dead. There was no choice about letting them leave, or anything.

The choices on this screen also act like you are Eclect (though you didn’t get this appellation), especially the second choice.
2. I tell them they’re right, but that an Eclect stands outside the normal rules.

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Whew, thanks so much for catching that. :slight_smile: My first guess is that you found a path through that doesn’t *set horion greater than 0. Do you recall how they came to camp on that playthrough, i.e. did you go out to meet them in the woods or did someone else bring them back?

And a question for everybody: if you had to pick a sigil for your rebellion, a simple symbol that the illiterate rebels can draw on walls, night letters, etc., what would it be? One word, please.

A candle

Turns out that candle isn’t 20 characters so I figured I would comment on that rather than just listing my favourite words.


I am going to beak your rule, sorry…

  1. Broken/Burning Harrower

  2. A Broken Iron Diadem

  3. A threshing flail crossed with a sword

  4. A double helix rising out of the water/earth or burning or surrounded by wisps (depending on the religious ritual)


A Black Circle on a White Background, for the emptiness cult that my PC sets up.


A broken sword, to represent how we will break the power of the Thaumatarchy.


A smiley face.

I’m kidding.

Jeez, I don’t know… My main rebel has high cosmopolitan and high devout, but I don’t know what could symbolize either of those. Does the Xthonic religion have any particular symbols? Now that I think about it, I could use a circle to represent unity, like the different regions uniting against the Karagond oppressors. But that seems kind of boring.

Ooh, I got it! She’s a theurge! A broken blood phial! Blood magic being used against the oppressors!

Edit: Oh I forgot about my other rebels. The other noble will either have a broken chain, representing the helot’s freedom, or a traditional Shayardine symbol. And I’m still working on my helot.

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This brings up a good point @Havenstone. What are the symbols of hegemonic power? The rebellion could be defined as in opposition to these symbols. I got at some of that with #1 and #2 in my list but I have no idea if that is what most people really associate with the Hegemony. I could be suggesting a “broken tie” was symbolic of opposition to the US because the President wears one usually.


Those stupid Americans and their ties! We shall burn the ties!

Edit: Hmmm… Maybe we could have the option to type in our own, like with our names? We just wouldn’t receive any bonuses.


Or a generic one like additional followers or something.

“Your pink elephant nets you 100 followers!”

Now that I think about it, I’m concerned that people will abuse that to trick rebels into leaving naughty graffiti all over the hegemony.