Choice of Rebels Part 1 WIP thread

Your bandit group controls a border region; much like the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan or Israel and Syria, crossing over to pursuit may not be viable. Air power is very powerful but it has been resisted and countered by mainly ground guerrilla forces in multiple conflicts and in multiple regions.

The constant observational ability of satellites combined with drones and normal fly-overs is something that does not seem to translate over to this storyverse, so I see it as more viable to resist than you do.


Any chance we’ll be able to call on the Brecklanders again, if we left a good impression?

I think we have seen very little of the Hegemony’s weight thrown at us and they have no need to show restraint other than as a calculation on how much blood to spend vs how much they can reap. Consider too that they regard that border region to be part of their sovereign territory and its population as an essential resource. Obviously from a game perspective resistance can’t be entirely futile, but if this rebellion is going to be anything more than a low level insurgency theurgy has to be a weapon in its arsenal.

Their version of a drone seems to be iron boned hunting hounds. I think there is a reason those aren’t in the mix yet…


Given that Calea is the smart, practical one who is most likely to collude with you as long as there is an upside in it for her, I’m kind of surprised that there isn’t an option to approach her instead of her cruel brother. Stumbling your way into a meeting with her because you’re besotted with her vicious brother shouldn’t be the only way to meet and come to an arrangement with her, especially when you’re playing a noble who grew up with her and knows her well. I don’t see any reason why you can’t tell the servants to take your message to her instead of her brother. Either way she’ll be the one reading it. lol


Wait a minute Sigmar essentially is the same as Talos from the Elder Scrolls series. Think I’d be slapped with copyright claims if I make a character called Talmar Sigos and have him conquer the hegemony before letting him arise to godhood via blood magic?

Please can you make an option to speak with Calea without having to make a fool from the MC? Plus that i am a straight male.

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I for one, am loving the idea that straight males feel like their straight male character is demeaned in a game in order to get the upper hand.

Makes up for all those years of high-level chainmail bikinis.


Wait if you are an aristo aren’t you first cousins with both Calea and Hector. Awkward…

Aristocratic incest is, or at least was, not unheard of, I think.

Just look at the family tree of european royalty…

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With cousins aren’t incest at all, it was so comon in aristocracy circles It’s even no uncommon here in rural communities of spain.

They don’t even need to be aristocrats for that, there’s plenty of people from small villages marrying their cousins hahahaha :smile:

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That’s all true but the fact that the MC, Calea and Hector likely share a living grandmother remains…awkward.

Should certainly may the Angelday reunion more interesting.

Maybe in your culture but certainly not in Europe traditions or in this universe setting.

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@cascat07, I think you’re second cousins.

I got the impression MC’s mother was from the same house.


I’ve got a few tweaks for the fight with Hector, of course I’m probably slightly ahead of myself with these suggestions:

  1. It makes sense that Kalt/Simon would perform better than Zvad and Radmar, but because of the boost the ambush goes better than if you were the bait, and they were in the ambush party. Unless you use Theurgy effectively, which can bark fire. (Sorry not sorry.) It feels a bit counter intuitive for it to be better to lead the ambush party, when Kalt and Simon perform similarly to a player with COM or CHA 2 respectively.

  2. I’d like to use Theurgy as a part of the opening ambush. Maybe try to throw someone’s horse around or something.

  3. I was confused why there wasn’t an option to use a blood phial when trying to heal Zvad while they are dying, obviously it would be a waste but I’d like that choice in there.

  4. I think the randomness for the follower losses works well, but I’m not entirely in favor of using it for determining if Zvad makes it back from guarding the caravan’s from Hector. Unless that event is inevitable, in which case you’re mean and it’s fine.

  5. I do find it a bit odd that you don’t receive a bonus to the ambush for having COM 2, but that’s probably more to to do with the ambush going better with Simon or Kalt as bait.

lol. That’s an amusing turnabout, but I’m not sure what gave you that impression. To have had a relationship with Hector you need to either be a gay male or a straight female, and decide that you were infatuated with him first, before being given a choice to decide if something happened, and if so, what it was. Straight males only get to choose between being competitively verbally/physically bullied and being extra viciously verbally/physically bullied. There’s no objectification occurring.

I wasn’t necessarily asking @Havenstone to write in the possibility of a previous fling with Calea as currently exists with Hector, although I do find the idea of Calea objectifying a straight male helot MC (or possibly even her MC cousin) an intriguing develoment worthy of further exploration. Primarily I was asking that any character, gay or straight, male or female, be able to approach Calea directly to see if an arrangement can be made, similar to the one that is made when she shows up in Hector’s place for the assignation the PC attempts to arrange with Hector. It makes sense for a noble MC, at least, to have this option.

Oftentimes it was expected between cousins. It served as a way to keep wealth/land in the family and to reinforce the family bonds between branches of the family that were separated by significant distance. It also reduced, but didn’t entirely eliminate the possibility that wives would be abused by their husbands, as his family was also her family, they likely visited and got to know each other as children, and the entire family could lean on him if he mistreated her.


Let me sho you the power of Sigmos! (If you rember that one guy in windhelm)

Before the Veneurs my gay male MC has always had more of a dislike towards Calea, for killing his friend Dann, than he did Hector. So yes, it might be in character for her to objectify a male Helot (being a Helot the character’s own orientation wouldn’t matter all that much, I figure), who knows if not for the rebellion we might have been next. Then again Helot or Noble we might just not have been her type, that’s up to the author to decide. In any case I think it’s fair to say the Keriatou’s should not expect any kind of mercy from my MC, not even if Simon pleads for it.