Choice of Rebels Part 1 WIP thread

I had to refresh my memory about how to read source code on Dashingdon.

I think I found an error in the amount of wealth deducted when hiring paid informants for Chapter 4.
  *label intelch
  How many informants do you want to hire, at 370 silver apiece?
  *label intelch2
  *input_number intelsale 0 30
  *if intelsale = 0
    At the last minute you can't quite bring yourself to spend that much on spies.  Is there anything you actually do want to spend on?
    *goto lastspend
  *label intelbought
  *if (intelsale*370) > wealth
    *set intelsale round(wealth/370)
    *if intelsale > (wealth/370)
      *set intelsale -1
    Unfortunately, your ${wealth} silver will pay for at most ${intelsale} informants.  You choose a more realistic number to buy:
    *goto intelch2
  Your scouts on the edge of the Rim will periodically check in with your ${intelsale} informants.
  *set intel +intelsale
  *set wealth -(intelsale*70)

I think the last line should be:
*set wealth -(intelsale*370)

I did enjoy having the extra wealth.

I think I found the reason why blood phial use is not handled correctly for the Plektos fight on the cliff in the source code.
    *label scramb
    Scrambling up the hill, you find the Theurge's crumpled body, Alira's arrow protruding from his black coat.  "You were right, ${addressu}."  Your chief ranger slides down the slope, looking shaken but triumphant. "Must have been trying so hard to keep the beast from falling, he couldn't keep his armor up.  
    *if religion < 20
      Thank Angels."
    *if religion > 19
      Thank Ang... thank swiving bloody kenon."
    *goto plektwar
  *selectable_if (blood > 0) #I use a blood phial.
    *goto plektheurgy

I think before the “*goto plektheurgy” statement there should be the following:
*set blood -1

        *selectable_if (blood > 1) #I break two blood phials and strive harder to lift the beast.
          *goto levplek2

I think that before the “*goto levplek2” statement there should be the following:
*set blood -2

              *if blood > 0
                Using your own blood, or a phial?
                  #My own blood.
                    *label cavetheuplek
                    *if consc < 1
                      You feel your head begin to spin, and realize you won't have the strength to wobble a rock -- not so soon after you last drove yourself into unconsciousness.
                      *if blood > 0
                        Before you collapse, you fumble for a blood phial.
                        *goto bloodph1
                      Giving up the plan, you roll away.
                      *goto notheupl
                    *set consc -1
                    *gosub theucavepl
                    *if consc < 1
                      *set plekfight +1
                      When you regain consciousness, Alira has dragged you down into a dim-lit cavern filled with other terrified outlaws. "You killed the Plektos, ${addressu}," one says quietly.  "Just one left.  Heard it howling out there."
                      *goto fight
                    *goto darkplek
                  #A phial of aetherial blood.
                    *label bloodph1
                    *set blood -1

For other Plektoi fights, there appears to be a “*set blood -1” to deduct the number of phials used.

  *selectable_if (int > 1) #I use ${wisardry} to bring down part of the cavern ceiling onto the hound.
    *if blood < 1
      *goto cavethplek
    *if blood > 0
      Using your own blood, or a phial?
        #My own blood.
          *label cavethplek
          *if consc < 1
            You feel your head begin to spin, and realize you won't have the strength to wobble a rock -- not so soon after you last drove yourself into unconsciousness.
            *if blood > 0
              Before you collapse, you fumble for a blood phial.
              *goto bloodph2
            *goto plekrallych
          *set consc -1
          *goto darkplek2
        #A phial of aetherial blood.
          *label bloodph2
          *set blood -1

I had to go back to Chapter 2 to see if my MCs could survive with INT 2 using less Aetherial Blood. On the plus side, I managed to improve their performance while cutting back Aetherial Blood usage a little, but Chapter 2 is very unforgiving of mistakes and bad luck in the early weeks carries over into later weeks. One week of subsistence rations instead of full rations causing my MC to be sick and thus miss the chance to raid the Architelone was horrible luck. Most other events are somewhat less vulnerable to bad luck.

I do think it is kind of silly in terms of game mechanics that during the food poisoning in Chapter 4, an INT 2 character is better off confronting Breden even if the MC believes Breden is innocent because confronting Breden cuts down on blood usage needed to keep Breden alive.

Is this intentional?

I would initially have chosen Stormwielder but @57Faults has convinced me. Stormwright sounds much better.