Choice of Rebels Guides (SPOILERS)

Apologies for reviving a dead thread but I am somewhat in need of an optimal low-anarchy run for a 2INT1CHA Aristo MC, I tried all the guides posted above but still ran in several hurdles:

  • In some days, I don’t have enough bushels forcing to go raid the Yeoman farms for food thereby increasing my anarchy needlessly (In fact I was 1 point away from getting Simon/Suzanne)
  • The numbers of wounded outlaws kept increasing forcing me to dedicate more mules for them
  • I can’t seem to raise my reputation with the Church despite me being a secret Theurge and maybe raiding a temple/tithe farms one or two times, so i can’t raid any of the Church properties?
    There are several other minor things but I things but I think I’ve figured out all of them, so can anyone give me tips or advices.

Temple raids have a pretty big relations penalty and give an extra anarchy point. I think that you should be fine with one or two tithe barn raids if you don’t let your secret Theurge lead them and wait until after week three when you have the needed mules, weapons and better morale.

You can lower anarchy by a point by letting the band decide what to do with Fedrel, but you won’t get the compassion points from trying to exile him.

You can get three mules from the merchants by begging by yourself after the smuggling or the tax raid. Surprised the hell out of me when I discovered it by accident, you can even get two with a 0 cha character if you have kids in the band.

I haven’t followed the guide in the first post so I can’t help with the food situation. Are you feeding the healthy children too well? Characters who raid more can have better rations, but they also make more enemies. I have maintained healthy rations with a secret Theurge and successfully recruited Simon, but it’s been a while since I did that.

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Thanks for all the tips! I was able to manage a somewhat satisfactory playthrough yesterday night and save it. I was able to solve the food problem by constantly selling excess mules and getting bushels that way, even despite a miscalculation on week nine forcing me to raid a yeoman farm. Speaking of which, the yeoman’s opinion of me kept swinging back and forth: negative, then positive, then negative again, and finally positive, lol.

I was able to squish out an okay-ish relations with the Clergy by bribing them at the end of Chapter 3 and only raiding the monastery once during the Winter. Don’t know why they kept disliking me throughout the entire winter but at least I managed to control it in the end.

The tips about begging mules from merchants was very useful, I might try it in a future run again, though the tax raid and smuggling tended to appear late in my game (week 8-9) so I don’t know if I could cheese it for much. Also, when I choose to negotiate with Calea, she sent a letter about the Merchants having a bad enough opinion of me that they hired armed guards, despite me never touching them during the winter, and help them in smuggling operation, but I digress.

Funnily enough, when I did my improvised run using a bit Ramidel’s points, I chose to trust Breden and even married her/him, only for Radmar to kill him/her with an axe to the neck, don’t know if it’s the game trying to force me to be true to guide or not, lol.


I get the smuggling in week six if I begin by setting it up and don’t steal any mules from the merchants (which Theurges can get away with once if Zvad is deputy and if they do that first).

The mule begging trick can be used earlier if you try to disarm or execute quickly and stop the looting by pick the nationalist option before the winter, but that costs anarchy and the trial option gives more blood to Theurges.


I keep getting smacked around during the battle. What is the key to having my group fight and win? It’s driving me crazy.

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Have a decent number of followers after the winter, have 75+ in your opinion stats (especially helpful on either of the national fronts), buy weapons for everyone and try not to anger the other classes too much. Finding the balance between having a strong band with many resources and ending up facing too many enemies can be a little tricky, but this is less important if you’re a secret Theurge.

This is some general advice if you prefer playing by ear, but there are pretty good guides in this thread.


So is there a way to make the yemon like you if you steal from them? I’ve avoided it in all my play through cause I didn’t want to make them mad. I usually just stick to the church and the guards. But it doesn’t pay out as good.

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Do anyone know how to survive with exceptionally strong morale if the mc doesn’t go to jail after the harrowing? It’s hard to manage and feed the lot of people that’s twice the previous gameplay whilst trying to keep the opinion of the merchant and nobles high. (2CHA1INT)

Also, I played (2STRENGTH?1INT) and managed to be backed by the laconiers but couldn’t press lead the attack for the last plektoi. Does anyone know how to remedy it? (I still ended up killing the plektoi with a knife but TT)

What’s the favorite build and route you guy’s play?

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Just give them an exceptionally big amount of money after the winter (I am talking around 5 grand) and then some more before the army comes.
And make sure not to hit them too much, around 5 times or less

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Hi, very excited about the second game coming up :tada:

I hate myself and I’m hellbent on making a 2INT/(?) halot low anarchy playthrough (all compassionate 2int I have seen was for aristocratic mcs) since all these years I only managed high anarchy to make everyone survive.

Any tips? Thank you in advance


Either get 1 CHA as well and order the helots to take them alive and give them a fair trial, or fail miserably at stopping the harrowing. The first gives you around 150 rebels for winter and 3 anarchy, at which point you can start planning your raids to keep it below 20, while the latter gives you 42 rebels and 0 anarchy, making it more of a race on getting enough followers to properly stand up against the archons forces.


I guess I should write a Low Anarchy (conventionally defined as < 20, runs that get Simon) guide one of these days.

These runs are fairly easy to play and win the battle with, so long as you don’t randomly brutalize the first Noble Estate you come across, but you need to be judicious with both raiding and recruiting, which is counterintuitive to many players.


Here is my unoptimized (As in you can win and have good numbers and rep but you most likely won’t have the highest numbers you can get for followers or rep as you might in a true minmax run, Hugh will most likely end up doing one :smile: ) guide for a nice (not pacifist), devout, cosmopolitan 2 int 1 cha Noble Theurge Eclect medium anarchy (At least for book 1 and book 2) for running/splitting up (which I will call running in the guide until the last chapter) and fighting both not robbing any at the start(though still holding trial) (be warned right now the fight path where you loot the nobles at the start is a bit too reliant on rng, I’m still trying to work on it with looting without raiding the yeoman more then once. I been working on this for 4 days so I’m a bit sick of it for now :smile: A bit latter now and that turns out not to be the case :grin:) Please give any advice to make it better

If you want to know more about levels of anarchy read head if not skip to the first part of the guide. The levels of anarchy at the last chapter are zero or less anarchy, very low (3-4 and it’s very bad for battling), low (5-9 still bad for battle) medium low (19 or less), medium (29 or less and is the best spot for battle if you are not going crazy with the raiding), high (30 and more and is funny enough good for battle so long as your hidden notoriety doesn’t go crazy high).

For book 2 right now low is less then 21 which cause people at the place you spend the most time to start falling apart but makes them like your rebel group more, medium which doesn’t change the places stats and high which is 41 and makes them unite more and hate your group more. They also like your group more and unite if you win the battle or even win and split which there is a COM 2 CHA 1 guide on the main book 1 forum. They like you less and fail apart a bit if you run away or spilt.


Warmed or Detached
Don’t stay silent the first time
Not a heretic
Any depending on who you want to romance and their gender (2 ro’s are the opposite of what you pick and 3 are the same, if for some reason that bothers you then you can edit the game)
What ever first name you want
did not take a Karagond family name and whatever name you want
Kiss (If you want to romance them and maybe marry them for the achievement
and the code though you will not be using it here/Be closer/talk more (This is the nice unoptimized nice guide :smile: so no being a dick to Breden at least for now)
Less than human
Nothing like
Any options you want until
Sword or Woods
At any cost or children
Call out
Take them alive
First or second
Take the phials
Has a point
Nobles (or Woods if you are fighting and don’t want risk rng in latter weeks or anarchy getting too high. You will miss on having your noble family swords plus the first few weeks are a bit risker)

For winter if you can’t meet all the teaching points don’t worry, the important thing is to get the ball rolling and I’m probably doing it way more then necessary even with splitting

CHAPTER 2 Winter part 1 (Week 1-4)

Wait for sick
Take away all mules
A healthy diet for all sick outlaws, and a subsistence diet for all healthy ones.
Sell nothing
Buy 13 (20 if fighting to be safe) (If Woods nothing)
More Mules
Send scouts out (If running/Woods)
Convince with Breded
(If woods raid Yeoman)
Scout institutions
Garrison (if fighting no matter what since you are going to need the arms it gives you) and Tax
(If woods raid Yeoman garin barns with all but 20)
(If woods teach 2)
All you can (You can also try 30 if you raidied the nobles and see if you get lucky, if so recruit with who is left)
Keep secret
Same (eat more if you don’t want to risk rng)

Week 2

Ask Breden
Sell 1 mules
Buy 57 (or as much as you can)
Smuggle visit her yourself then apologize then pick whatever
(if woods beg 20 with yourself no Breden if it’s a option or Elery)
If fighting and not woods Raid yeomen for mule
Recruit both with Breden until 10 is left
Teach 10

Week 3

First or second
Group if you want to share, sole leader if not (You get 2 more votes)
Sell 1 mule (skip if woods)
Buy 22 (24 for fighting to be safe) (skip if woods)
Raid the Alastor and Monastery for mules If you are going to run or woods
Led yourself
Bring Elery
Do her plan
Ah Angels
Ask Breden
If fighting and not woods send Breden to beg
Set 14 mules for the sick for the fist theurge visit.(keep eye on it)
Beg 48 Yourself (50 nobody if fighting or woods)
Hunt 20 if needed hunt the rest if really needed
Teach up to 20 (make sure there is 10 or more left)
Rest recruit with Radmar

Week 4

Sell nothing (sell 1 if woods)
Buy 30
Sell 1 mule if fighting and not woods
Attack Garrison (If you are going to battle even if you raid nobles send Breden to beg with 40 beforehand)
(That convulsion before dying…that look of realization…ah, Angels)
Beg for more Mules Breden if running
Bug for food 60 yourself if running
Hunt 40 and Hunt with the rest too if needed (If fighting just hunt with what you need)
If you can Recruit with Radmar and Tech 10 or Practice if less then 10

Stop getting recruits at 200 or more adults if woods
Stop getting recruits at 160 or more adults if just fighting

CHAPTER 2 Winter part 2 (Week 5-10)

Week 5

Sell 1
Buy 40 (or 50 if woods)
Beg 50 Breden (40 if fighting and not woods)
Sabotage (Just look if fighting and not woods)
Only one way
Tell them so you can destroy them better
Burn (If running or woods)
Recruit until 10 is left Radmar (If woods then Breden)
Teach 10

Week 6

Sell nothing (sell 1 if woods)
Buy max
Buy 40 if you can afford it (without selling more if not woods)
Smuggle when ever it comes up
(If woods hunt 20)
Beg 60 Breden (Skip if woods)
Hunt rest (skip if woods)
(If woods recruit 40 with Radmar, teach rest)
Put as many mules for the sick as needed and make sure to keep it that way until the second theurge visit
(If you get really unlucky reset)

Week 7

Sell 1 mule (If you think you can get most by buying with what you have in woods don’t sell
Buy 40
Hunt 30
Beg 30 Radmar or Elery if he is not there (40 if it looks like it’s needed)
Recruit 40 or if less all yourself
Teach rest

Week 8

If Smuggle happen Sell and buy nothing
Buy 57 if needed
Recruit Radmar until you have 20 (If woods and above 200 but not 210 and have Radmar as a option recruit 20)
(If woods hunt bears with 30 if you have more then 50)
Teach rest (if woods 40 then practice)

Winter part 2

Week 9

Righteous anger
Sell one if needed
Buy 56 if needed (Buy 50 if woods
Beg 60 if needed
Recruit Yourself until 20 is left
Set sick mules to max of what is needed
Teach 20
Recruit rest with Radmar

Week 10
Buy what is needed
If you are past the recruit limit Teach all
Recruit all Breden (if frighting then yourself even if you didn’t raid nobles)
Sell 1 mules (5 if fighting even if you didn’t raid nobles)

**TAX RAID DO IT when it comes up but before it sent Breden to do something**

Bring just Radmar if fighting if not bring everyone
Cut hand
Spare all

Chapter 2 part 2

All land
Pick what you what with Breden just be warned of pissing them off too much if you want to keep them around
Pay Diakon and keep track of what he said about how much the Herot likes you
Give extra
Sell until you have 29 mules if running or all that you can if you are going to fight
If fighting Buy enough weapons all adults +25 or +30 if you can clearly afford it
Pay for training if going for the battle
Give 1200 to Yeomen (if you raid them once or twice for mules only give 1500, if woods or you really made them mad give 3000)
If the Diakon say they love you give 400 otherwise Give 800 to Helots (if fighting with raiding nobles at the start 900)
Save the rest to give to the priests latter
Breden usefulness is at the end if you want to risk loosing them but remember this is supposed to the the NICE Noble guide :smile:
Accept them
Let them keep their sword they are very very good with it and you are not
Do what you want with their romance though be warn they will freak out if you are too aggressive with pursuing them

Aim for about at least 153 and at most 210 adults by the end of chapter 2 if you are fighting. Don’t aim too higher then that if you are fighting since arms cost a lot. You get 10 in the second half of chapter 2.


Let Simon/Suzane rob the strangers while you inspect the cave.
Pick what you want until “But you recognized them” then ask all then send Ciels and Alira along with Zvad
Enjoy our hospitality then Jovial with them then Pragmatic outlaw
About yourself then What do you make of our rebellion then all four provinces
Divine Order you proclaim
Have a guess pick all then Give me a hint then put in compassion
Where you’re going then about your master then all but “And how long have the two of you been lovers”
other advice then What are the signs then yes then I believe i
About yourself then preoccupations then cousin the Archon then “Shall we ask him”
What do you make of our rebellion then “We’ll end Harrowing” (might be a bad idea if he tells others nobles about your plan but for right now it gets you a achievement. If it turns out to cause problems even with what happens then I will change it. Yes the answer to this is indeed track though I doubt it will come into play until book 3) then any then ask all questions
Pick what you want until I don’t know what’s nature then counter to nature or law can change
Free all the lands then “Where you’re going, and why”
Ask all
Believe Strategos Nomiki then Who are these enemies then What next, then, kurios?
Pick what name you want (You can edit it in the code if you don’t like the options given)
Linos to lead us
I offer them a place in the band then I cheerfully accept it (There is a way to “hold on to them” and guarantee their survival but there is a very good chance they will shit talk you to the only major noble faction that you are likely to be able to side with using this guide if you keep your personality stats so I don’t recommend it here)

I will be splitting the guide here for people who don’t want to implied that their mc is in love with a certain male noble and for those who might want to get more involved with dealing with him

CHAPTER 3 part 2 Love Path and/or avoid the whole thing

Pick which one you want though the second and third will cause you to lose a bit of noble rep if you care (You will have a very good chance to build it back up in book 3 according to the author since that is where you will meet the full major noble factions for Shayard which is why I’m not caring too much about it in this guide so long as it don’t go into hate)
Get a message then walk out to meet her
Two or three then stop attacking

If you don’t want have a thing for Hector
Pick one or two
Send the message and Give the whistling call

CHAPTER 3 part 2 Non Love and Non outright battle (for this chapter not the last one) path

CHAPTER 3 part 2 Non Love and Non outright battle (for this chapter not the last one) path

Pick one or two
Send the message and Give the whistling call
One or two then About Hector’s veneurs
Hit back at the wealth and return his grin
Grab just Simon if you are going to fight if not then both
If you have Breden Incite Brecklander peasants if not full group
Pull aside Simon if you want to continue their romance (or avoid losing faction rep thanks to their stupid month) but don’t kiss them or push them into having sex.
If small group discreetly cut your hand then release them
There’s a trick I read about in a book

CHAPTER part 3
Pick what you want since the bonuses are now here until counter the rumors
Pick what you want with the dad but don’t hit him

The moment of truth


Korszata (If you have at the very least enough arms for all but 20 adults and 250 adults in total ) and Radmar
Talk Suz down if needed
If you don’t win the vote then it’s because Breden leadership was too high or/and you didn’t have enough arms. (You can still win but lot more followers will die nobody impoart though) If this keeps happing and tell me and I will change some things around.
If for some reason you have a huge lack of arms (50 or more then all your adults) spend all you money buying them if not then
If rep with Helotry and Yeoman looks bad to you pay the Helotry 200 and the Yeoman 550 then if you still have some money
If rep with the Helotry and Yeoman looks good give to the priests in multiples of 50 until you spend 2050 or run out (For the three of them if you want to save money you can keep using the checkpoint until you get the rep you wanted with the least amount of money)
Make your choices until
Bjel, Suz, Alira
Running messages
Attack the Theurges, then the supply train.
If less then 3 Theurges (Very Unlikely) kill them one by one and grab the loot If not

Unlimited Power Star Wars GIF - Unlimited Power Star Wars - Discover & Share GIFs
If it shows up “Absolutely. When better than after we’ve just killed their magi?”
season 4 hill GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
Harry them
Bow Arrows GIF - Bow Arrows Shoot - Discover & Share GIFs
Pick any until I confront and question Breden
Cut if it’s a option if not use Phial
Pick any until I confront and question Breden
Make your choice
Cut to levitate it
With all my will
Get myself to cover. They can find me!
I want to find an outside ledge where we could make use of the sheer mountain cliffs.
Use Phial
Charge GIF - Charge - Discover & Share GIFs
Use Phial

The rest is all you but I tend to pick Korszata as leader and bring along Suz since you can’t fight for shit but they can.
Congrats if you want and have a pc you can edit your save into the wip for the next book

CHAPTER 4 SPLIT (It's the most risky path since if the vast majority)

Split up
You really should not be able to lose the vote
Make choices until
If rep with Helotry and Yeoman looks bad to you pay the Helotry 200 and the Yeoman 500
If rep with the Helotry and Yeoman looks good give to the priests in multiples of 50 until you spend 5000 or run out (For the three of them if you want to save money you can keep using the checkpoint until you get the rep you wanted with the least amount of money)
Hopefully you can slip away (I did so with 550 followers) if not prepare for pain and switch over to Chapter 4 run
Make your own choices until I cut my hand and prepare to use Theurgy to levitate it.
Get myself to cover. They can find me!
I want to find an outside ledge where we could make use of the sheer mountain cliffs.
I use Theurgy to sweep it from the path.
I’ll use my own blood.
If you got away then you have WON and the rest of the game is yours to make choices, I tend to go with Korszata as leader and bring along Suz since you can’t fight for shit but they can.
Congrats if you want and have a pc you can edit your save into the wip for the next book


Zvad, Elery, Korszata, Gillian, Alira
Evade them
If needed Ask Breden to change his mind and support me if he does not hate you or ask Suz
If you don’t win the vote then it’s because Breden leadership was too high or/and you didn’t have enough mules.
Make choices until
If rep with Helotry and Yeoman looks bad to you pay the Helotry 200 and the Yeoman 500 then
If rep with the Helotry and Yeoman looks good give to the priests in multiples of 50 until you spend 5000 or run out (For the three of them if you want to save money you can keep using the checkpoint until you get the rep you wanted with the least amount of money)
“…divide their loyalties as best we can.” I’ll litter the wild with messages to sap their morale.
We’ll march through the night. There’s just enough moonlight, and their Theurges and scouts will be abed.
Make your own choices until I cut my hand and prepare to use Theurgy to levitate it.
Get myself to cover. They can find me!
I want to find an outside ledge where we could make use of the sheer mountain cliffs.
I use Theurgy to sweep it from the path.
I’ll use my own blood.
If you got away then you have WON and the rest of the game is yours to make choices, I tend to go with Korszata as leader and bring along Suz since you can’t fight for shit but they can.
Congrats if you want and have a pc you can edit your save into the wip for the next book

You should have good (slowly growing) or high rep (on way to folk hero) with both Helotry and Yeoman
Nobles at neutral (are unpopular)
Priests at neutral (mad about your Theurgy) or good (small degree)
Merchants at good (see opportunities)
Also at very very least 200 followers if you fight (If you run/split you should have around 400-500 if not more) most of the time I have 200-400 if I don’t screw up the vote