Children of the Gods (Important poll #12306)

Oh I was curious, since the second flashback already has been chosen by us, will we get completely new choices to vote for by the time Rohie’s ready to write the 3rd flashback?

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If Apollo really is described as being a mix of Santiago and Adonis with a bit more narcissism involved, I can see him possibly being relatively nonchalant about the matter…unless a bond with the Bearer gives him some pause about the matter (especially since it may involve the Bearer themselves, who may be able to strike up a friendship or something akin to a romance with the Sun God). I’d really hate to be the people who might be the cause of the Bearer’s death if they happened to have a close bond with Apollo; hard to imagine the Greek God being calm when he either learns about or sees firsthand the loss of a close companion.

Of course, his slightly younger self may have some slight personality differences for the current Apollo.

Who knows; maybe the King Arthur past life will be the 3rd life we’ll be experiencing (it was a very close second). Or we’re going to relive the French Revolution (the Bearer and Bestower did accidentally cause it after all).

Though I do wonder if there was at least one life in their past that the Bearer and Bestower managed to live through in actual peace up until the end of their lifespan. Something that they could consider one of their better lives, where much of it was simply spent creating unknowingly timeless connections with certain people (possibly even including the Bestower themselves).


Well I do agree that a younger Apollo would be somewhat different from the current Apollo due to changes in personality. I mean, 400 years after seeing some messed up stuff as the sun god probably can do that to just about anyone.

Unlikely, since they didn’t do that. You were put on trial and you either pled guilty or innocent. Everyone who pled innocent was “proven” guilty by a bunch of ten-year-olds screaming that you were harassing them with your spirit.

@MichaelCrank In The Crucible that was indeed the case, but I actually feel bad for the real-life girls. Abigail Williams and Betty Parris (the pastor’s niece and daughter) were actually only 11 and 9 respectively, and they were tricked. Basically, the town well was contaminated by hallucinogenic mushrooms or something like that, and the girls became very ill over it. No one could figure out what was wrong with them, and since it was the 1600s, everyone freaked out and called it witchcraft. They scared the crap out of the girls, who started to claim that they “saw X with the devil.”

tl;dr The entire town of Salem was high and paranoid.

I’m excited to see how the author mixes the historical witch hunt and The Crucible’s…dramatic reimagening.


Tbh. I’m rather curious what Apollo’s doing in America during the Witch Trials. Doesn’t seem it would be the kind of place he’d like to hang out in

Though the idea of Olympus as early as that keeping an eye on the Bearer would be interesting


It happened during winter time, didn’t it? So I would imagine it was tough for the village to get access to clean water that wasn’t from their well. But I completely forgot about the mushrooms thing until now, thanks for reminding me about it.

He is the one that put the mushrooms in the well.


Salem Resident: Stranger, what are you doing to that well?

Apollo: [vigorously emptying a sack of mushrooms into the well] None of your Goddamned business!

Hermes: [cackles evilly in the background]


Lmao okay now that was hilarious

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I swear, you guys and your dark senses of humor… :sweat_smile:

I laughed more than I should’ve at this comment, but yeah, I’m not sure there’d be anything interesting for Apollo here, especially during a time when most had a intense fearfulness toward anything that could be considered magic/miracle.

Part of me is half thinking that one possible way the Bearer’s magic manifests during their last breath makes them seem like an angel rather than a witch/wizard, which horrifies everyone because they think they harmed a angel and Apollo’s (possible) following wrath is seen by those around him as ‘divine punishment’ for the harming a pure being.


I feel like I read this somewhere before, but remind me how, please! :smiley_cat:

This is assuming that the MC is actually caught/put on trial. The irony is what if the MC was part of the judge/jury/executioner side of the equation

And what if Cronus’ minions were already manifesting at that point


Please correct me if I’m mistaken, but wasn’t there a poll to vote which god to be a romance for the MC and Apollo won? I probably could see a romance path in the flashback if Apollo is involved in it

Hermes seems more likely to put hallucinogenic mushrooms into a well.

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I wouldn’t put it past Hermes to do that since he loves to prank people. He probably thought it’d be funny to watch people flip out

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Here’s the quote about it.

Although @Rohie could’ve just been screwing around with us about the Bearer and Bestower accidentally causing the French Revolution. :laughing:

Then Evander is probably going to be killed due to using his own influence to protect the accused ‘witches/wizards’ from as much harm as possible and being found out and punished for it.

But Cronus doesn’t have minions, @squarelyblue.

He has puppets. :smiling_imp:


Huh… Now I wonder what these two did to kick off the French Revolution…

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That’s why I had Hermes cackling evilly, I’m thinking Apollo lost a bet or something and Hermes put him up to it. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Damn, I was gonna have a crack theory about how the Bearer and the Bestower in that cycle were Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, who irl died only hours from each other on July 4th, and that by signing the Declaration of Independence and bringing France as allies in the Revolutionary War which put a strain on France’s economy that set inflation to skyrocket thus creating civil unrest and therefore indirectly causing the French Revolution BUT THEY WERE TOO OLLLLLD. MY JOKE WAS DEAD ON ARRIVAL. :sob::sob::sob::sob: WOE IS ME.


I was going to suggest Eris. She hasn’t made an appearance except for the first flashback and I doubt it will be the last

As for end goals though of the big bad and what not does beg the question. As impeccably-stressed pointed out, we know the gods want to defeat Cronus. But what does Cronus want? His throne? If so why not hold onto the essence versus splitting it? Did he foresee something? If he knew his kids would dethrone him, was this a longstake gambit?

Something else doesn’t quite add up as they’ve pointed out. So anyone want to guess the missing puzzle piece :))