Children of the Gods (Important poll #12306)

Sort of. The game is still something of a work in progress, and the part about our father is still being worked on. The bit with Poseidon is sort of a placeholder, and the entire scene was from before the update in December. I think that Zeus is meant to be our father, no matter what our choices.

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i am confused who is the father of the hero when he talked with zeus he said he is the father and than poseidon said the same

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Hmm, I see. Then I guess I better start switching my allure and wit stats. No offense to anyone, but I’ve never felt strongly to Poseidon, at least Zeus is seems wildly multi-faceted and you can either love love love him, hate hate hate him, or be skeptical but intrigued about him, same with Hades, but Poseidon? Both in mythology and the story he’s just kinda…there. shrug

“Honey I’m your dad!”
“Good gods, why? I’ve never even been to the ocean!”
“Ya wanna play some catch?”
“Catch a new dad? Sure! Where’s Uncle Henry? Hell, where’s Hermes? God, I’d even take Ares!”
“Oh, don’t be so overdramatic and catch the damn ba-”
“Whoa, I feel a sudden conversion coming on! Yup, yup, I’m definitely now a figurative child of my Lord and savior, Jesus Christ! Haha, good game, Poseidon, but now I gotta go pray 600 Hail Marys for my newfound family. See ya never!”


This actually brings up a question I’ve been meaning to ask, and sorry if it’s already been discussed but looks at the comment count well, I’m sure you all understand.

So…yeah, what’s goin’ on with Jesus in this world? We’re just ignoring him, right? Or is this actually factually another universe where monotheism just didn’t catch on like wildfire and the Greeks were never subjugated by the Romans and just colonized errywhere. That’s my current guess, actually.


Answering both questions. You’re free to believe what you will about Zeus and the other gods, but, in-game, he seems to see us mostly as a means to an end. That, and, aside from being the Bearer, we’re not exactly unique as his child.
I remember reading that there were plans for other pantheons out there, but nothing specific. Much less about the Abrahamic faiths.


While I do feel why a lot feel bummed out about Hades not being a dad (me too initially), am excited at the prospect though of Hades being part of my MC’s found family?

Like he might not have any real blood relationship – given that gods don’t have DNA, and titles like husband/wife, brother/sister are loose terms to best describe their relationship at least in Rohie verse – but he did raise the MC for at least part of their lives. In my run, she considers him very much her father as much as she does consider Athena her mother figure. So am curious to see if this actually comes up and if we can pursue the idea of bonding with Hades over bio-dad – especially during the pledging ceremony even if we don’t get his or Athena’s blessing. It’s just nice to acknowledge that blood isn’t everything

(Poseidon has a bit of an edge when it comes to bonding time since he seems torn up about not being an active father figure, so idk. Will see how the rewrite goes)


But necromancy and money powers!

Zeus is the canon father; the others are no longer options.

Just for the time being.

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No, sorry y’all. That’s word frm Rohie. Poisedon is no longer a parental option, either.
I’ve also been writing Priscilla’s journals, which will appear in the game as part of the eventual update! You can read 1 here :~)


…Okay :slight_smile:



ooooh boy…

Another bug here!

In the story the MC had a best friend right? And we got the option to choose their gender. I chose mine to be a male. However, later in the game the MC and all the characters refered the best friend as a ‘‘she’’ when clearly I chose them to be a he. Also, instead of saying the bestfriend’s name (the male name of the bestfriend is Sawyer) the game glitched and it said ‘‘BF_name’’ instead of Sawyer. Here’s a sentence that should sum it up, sadly I don’t have screenshots. And my memory isn’t the best either.

‘‘What happened to BF_Name was…’’

Instead it should be:

‘‘What happened to Sawyer was…’’

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wait, you got to choose the best friend’s gender?

the only options i got were

-bestfriend (one word)

i didn’t think to try the romantic options, and every time I chose ‘bestfriend’ it was automatically a guy named Benji.
However, I also get the same bug when asking Saint if he knew what happened to, ahem, ‘bf_name.’

Speaking of bugs, every time I’ve chosen an eye color other than black, Saint’s eyes are described as “the same shade as unspecified as yours,” which I’ll admit, makes me laugh for mo discernable reason.

So then stats and killing Saxon won’t make a difference over who our father is in the coming updates, correct?

I hope so, because I just tried to play as an allure-heavy MC who was more brainy than brawn, and yet after taking the AP classes she managed to edge out her Wit stat by two measly points (somehow) and got Poseidon as her dad and sigh I just don’t care about him at all.

Boyfriend and girlfriend can mean two different things:

  1. You’re in a romantic relationship with them.
  2. A friend that is a guy, or a friend that is a girl.

Sometimes in movies or even in real life scenarios some girls say: ‘‘Heeey girlfriends!’’ to their friends.
And I was pretty confused with the best/boy/girlfriend too, so I assumed that by boyfriend the author meant that our bestfriend was a male and vice versa because bestfriend was the gender neutral term for girlfriend/boyfriend.

I think you may have chosen “boyfriend” if you’re getting Sawyer. Sawyer is the boyfriend, Benji is the best friend, and Aelin is the girlfriend.


Wait so then if Benji is supposed to be a gender-neutral character…wow, ok, then that whole thing is either buggy or makes more sense in hindsight because the narration only ever used male pronouns for them in their first appearance, and then all female pronouns in every subsequent discussion of them.

I’m leaning more towards bug… :thinking:

Also thanks for the clarification. I really was under the impression that this choice set your romantic gender preferences because, well, that’s the kind of tact I’ve come to expect from choice of games.

wait, Benji is gender-neutral? As far as I knew, Benji was a guy…?

I assumed it was a bug, but okay, lol.

Well, that’s new.

Don’t know yet, gotta ask the author. Yeah, it was pretty confusing. I hope we can get some clarification. There were no signs that we were dating Sawyer so I assumed that he was a friend. I might be wrong though.