Children of the Gods (Important poll #12306)

Sawyer, Bob and…Aelin?

lol anyone getting an Aerith and Bob vibe? (warning: TVTropes)

I’ve been getting asked abt this a lot on tumblr, so I’ve talked abt it there. I’m going to leave it here too :~)

I am NOT a co-writer and anything Rohie wouldn’t tell you because it’s a spoiler is obviously something I won’t be sharing, either.

To answer your primary question abt the game:

It’s still being worked on! It hasn’t been abandoned. It’s currently on pause, but it will be taken up again at some point soon. Please be patient! The author has other commitments. Be respectful of that :~) I know you were told that you’d get an update before Christmas, and it certainly was the author’s intention to have it ready to share before then! Things happen. There’s no concrete timeframe for when you’ll be seeing it. Sorry.

Why is Zeus the only parental option?

Priscilla’s relationship with Zeus is one of my favourites in the whole game, and I hope tht when I’ve finished the journals, it’ll be one of yours, too. Within the context of her character, this makes sense. To me, and to the author. I know you were looking forward to Poseidon, but it really and truly is better this way. I don’t want to give too much abt it away, but Priscilla loved Zeus. She loved him, but she didn’t trust him for a minute. It’s such an interesting, complex dynamic and I’m invested enough in it to have wanted to write it, and have pushed for it to be the only one present. + Regardless of my own feelings abt it, there’s been a hugely plot altering change that throws the whole angle of any other potential relationship Priscilla might have had with 1 of the trinity out of focus. It’s entirely particular to her relationship with Zeus, and it just wouldn’t make sense otherwise.


First bone daddy and big bro Aeson, now surfin’ dad… at least I have cool uncles… and aunty and Ares are siblings and Aprodite…

Gods this is a raw deal, especially with that “son will overthrow you” prophecy, though at least a kid was never any goal of mine.

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I think this is what Poseidon thought in most stories involving him since he was so frequently disinterested in interacting with his offspring

And well let’s face it hades the god of the underworld having kids…or being a quality parent.
As much as I want hades to be my pops the popular uncle throwing presents and being my friend is just as nice.
Poseidon would have been cool as a pop but a loving and involved dad…
Zeus as bad as he is with relationships he had a fair record with the ones he at least tried to care for and didn’t create solely out of spite…for a time.
Gods are kinda dicks I’d probly have neutrality or dislike towards the gods and love for my adopted mom and for uncle hades.

Hades as a dad
Hades: here is a beer, here’s some smokes enjoy. If I see your soul floating around in the underworld your grounded mister!

I wanted Hades to be my father so badly. Instead I got tuna dad. And now tuna dad is no longer an option? I don’t want to stick with Zeus. And we are the ‘‘Big bang’’ right? Which means that we hold the world’s fate in our hands. Last time I checked, Zeus tried to kill everyone that could overthrow him. Somebody please castrate him already,


Wow, that comment brought me flashbacks of the time the shelter I worked at ended up getting a pitbull-chihuahua mix. It’s appearance is as alien as the combination itself sounds.

I thought she said something about Poseidon being father being something under consideration still (haven’t seen a ask confirm beyond that though on the children of the gods tumblr either).

But if that is truly the case, I’m…actually a little sad. I do understand that Zeus is one of Trinity with the most persistent connection with the Bearer’s mother, but he was far from the only one too. And just the idea of the Bearer being fathered by someone other than Zeus, seeing how they are effected by being the father of the Bearer and how they possibly change due to this connection was something I was really looking forward to (along with seeing how the King of the Gods handled said Bearer and learning how he managed to somehow get Pricilla guard down enough to have Saint created).

But the author has the final say at the end of the day and I have complete faith in @Rohie’s writing, so we’ll see how having Zeus as the only father once more goes.

Although…Evander is certainly going to be going through a good deal of rewrites himself if Poseidon is highly likely not a possible father anymore. :sweat_smile: He was created around the idea of ‘harboring the better aspects of Pricilla and his father’ and I just can’t really see this particular Bearer having anything in common with the King of the Gods. Though I guess I can keep the general idea around Evander and have it play it out the manner of the Sun and Wind Aesop: while those around Zeus follow him possibly due to his forcefulness and loudness, those who come to know Evander follow him due to something more genuine and his gentleness often coaxing others to him. And the major contrast of their outlooks and personalities could potentially be interesting to watch…in the same way as watching a violent wind trying to bend grass to its will is :laughing:. Evander is the kind of person who would work better with a father who is more laid-back (hence why Poseidon was a good fit to me), so Zeus will likely be in for a unpleasant surprise if he tries have Evander bend in a way the young Demigod is not interested in.


Well considering how little control the mc actually seems to have over even the tiny sliver of power they’ve got now, the time before daddy Zeus puts an end to the mc might be a couple of millennia away yet, providing the mc survives the trials and the war and after that even wants to live that long, mine probably wouldn’t if it meant being in constant pain while the essence tries to rot and corrode our bodies from the inside out.

For me Hades was the worst and most hypocritical of the bunch by far, what with the uncle Henry shit and playing family with Aeson while the mc was literally starving on the streets (which was much worse and more pronounced before several rewrites, it’s only the last rewrite that has the mc more or less surviving adequately).


My MC: Golly gee whiz, thanks Pops!
Hades: Wait, are you already drunk?
MC: slurring You c-can’t stahp me I’m-I’m the Bear of Evanescence!!
Dionysus: Pfft, lightweight.


ll i ever have a chance to kill the gods
or at least some of them
ll we ever see any other god except the greek pantheon

Mmmmm. I am a bit leery on this (love without trust seems contradictory imo, not that they can’t have a fascinating relationship) but Priscilla and Zeus’ relationship has always been enigmatic so I’ll reserve my opinions until after the scenes have been written out

But as of now, my gut has some alarm bells ringing (I honestly hope it’s not where I fear it will go)

[Like am all for dysfunctional relationships but I would be very very very afraid to call at least given what Priscilla has expressed so far and her current lack of agency in Olympus as romantic/being described as being in love. A relationship yes, but love feels very strong a word right now]

[But again, you’re privvy to knowledge that the rest of us don’t know so here’s hoping my worries are misplaced]

HmmmMmm //chin rubs on this// I really want to speculate on what kind of plot twist this is but am drawing blanks. Most I can think of is that Zeus could possibly be the last line of the prophecy and thus partially responsible for “the death of the Dove” – who in this case is likely Priscilla

Zeus had an Oracle in Dodonia, one where he shared with the Titan Dione (interestingly a femininized version of Dios, an ephitet of Zeus, and sometimes the namesake of Dionosyus). Anyway, in that temple, Dione would have priestesses known as “the Peleiades” or more importantly, “Doves”

Who could divine the future and read prophecies


Isn’t that the sort of love that Calypso and Aesop have at the moment? In their case it’s more in a platonic sense (as complicated as Cally’s feelings and Aeson’s hesitation to truly handle the situation may have made things between them), and it’s clear the two care about one another. Yet, @Rohie has stated that the other issue with their fracturing friendship is the fact that neither of them feel like they can trust each other anymore.

So I guess that means we have two loves that are extremely contradictory (currently confirmed anyway since I’m pretty sure Olympus has a track record for those types of relationships); one in the past (Pricilla and Zeus) and one in the present (Aeson and Calypso).

I wonder if the Bearer will (at the very least) have a chance to develop a bond with another male character (not just one of the Trinity like Hades or Poseidon) that causes said male character to be something more like a father figure to the Bearer rather than what Zeus is probably going to be for some players?

“This has been the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals, maybe ever” -the 45 president of the United States of America.

Well I still hope we can interact with Poseidon in some way…I feel empty now- like when your little cousin broke a piece of a beloved object of yours and you can’t do nothing about it but lay down and contemplate about your existence in the world.


Definitely going to miss the Poseidon option since he was the father to my first Bearer, which made him particularly special to me (Now I know how those eager for Hades as a father probably felt when the news first got out).

But let’s just patiently wait and see how else Zeus behaves in this new update and how this may effect some of our Bearer playthroughs before we get too in depth with opinions on the matter.


Thanks @Okami-Nora. But the one we should worry about is @Logan3000x , I think he had a mini heart attack up there in post #11965.


Pretty sure more than half of us had a mini heart attack when @gia said that @Rohie decided that Zeus will the only available father the Bearer will have due to his more prominent connection to the Bearer’s mother :laughing:. The announcement of only one possible father now (and that father being Zeus) was probably the equivalent of what Pandora went through when she opened the box: very few things revealed weren’t fun things for most of us.

That said, at least it was finally outright stated what the situation with the father deal is like now (which was how it was originally going to be, according to @Rohie). And those who were interested in having Zeus as a father to begin with now don’t have kill Saxon to get him and can have more stat raising freedom this time around too.

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Yeah, disappointed as I was, limiting our possible fathers down to just Zeus surprisingly opens things up for RP purposes.

Before, my happy-go-lucky, hero-because-she-genuinely-wants-to-be, alluring-as-all-get-out, not-quite-so-ironically-named Helena had to kill just so she could be Zeus’ daughter, but now she can finally waltz into Olympus with clean hands and perhaps salvage a friendship with Sage which I think would’ve been nearly impossible before.

Just because I’m genuinely curious about how many people chose a particular father, here’s a little poll to pass the time:

Which father did you originally favor for your most commonly used Bearer?

  • Zeus
  • Poseidon
  • Hades

0 voters


10 Votes in…
Zues is sad no one voted for him yet.
Hades and Poseidon are bickering on who is the better dad, currently tied
11th vote Poseiden is ahead again
Zues…walks off and lightning-bolts some random god.


To be fair having Zeus as our dad is the most appropriate… after all, aren’t we the Big Bang?
Eheheheh-- … I’ll walk myself out.


It seems that Tuna king is up on the chart and zeus…well is around there.