Children of Iseir Book One: Born under a Blood Moon (WIP) [Update 5/27/24 102K words]

The baby me was interesting. Yes, still watching. :slight_smile:

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Thanks for hanging in there. I hope the narrative picks up as I flesh out the world and secondary characters more and more.

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Hey again Rob. With cute I meant the baby stuff. Not the story itself. :blush:

The story flows well for me atleast. Didn’t encounter bugs and I am hyped to learn more about the family and other things the MC will encounter. I am not so good with feedback so I hope this is enough for now. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


No worries, I was only kidding. Sometimes my sense of humor doesn’t come through in text. Thank God for emojis :smiley: I’m just happy you are enjoying it, maybe you’ll have something for another scene later down the line.

Tried the combat system man at first I directly jumped into the story, the narrative combat first time am seeing it in if games it’s a good thing you are introducing it, but am gonna be honest with yeah it was not my kinda thing ,

Like fr the soilder i fought it too much choice to defeat him again I tired my lowering his stats still took 4 r 5 choices i thnk t kill him , also the character fought a Soldier basically goblin kinda npc if we compare with game would have been good t one shot or kill him in 2 r 3 choices,also after every move u added conversation i don’t think it’s necessary feels boring it would be good if it’s like fight between mc and some High level dude something, also man would be better if u add less options when fighting low level enemies like for the soilder fight u added many attack left right leg then hand then torso etc , that many options would be better when fighting some high level boss enemy if mc fight, the story looks like gonna have fantasy element and all as when the god intro is introduced and mc some kinda chosen one i thnk

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I’m happy you gave the fight system a whirl. So, the idea I had with it is that it will only be used for certain set piece fights. Like you mentioned, most combat will be handled as simple choices and stat checks. The fight system would only be used for really important fights, where weaving in narrative might be important. But, the boring bits are exactly the type of feedback I was hoping to receive. Too much stuff in between the rounds then?

Yeah like add in necessary fight scenes or make it medium kinda short scenes where mc taunts enemy or whatever u desire


Hey everyone!

I was kicking around the idea of waiting to push this update until I got further through the narrative. Still, in preparation for introducing several new characters, I’ve been deep into fleshing out their character profiles, and the writing is in limbo temporarily. So, not wanting to keep anyone wanting for too long, I released this update. The scene is lengthy, and while not groundbreakingly shocking, it allows you to get to know your family a bit more; it sets up the relationship stats page and lays the groundwork for the personality stats page. The update adds roughly 33K words to the project, unfortunately, many of which you’ll likely never see. :sleepy: When we get back to the story, I should have a good groundwork laid out for the characters you will meet, I’m chomping at the bit to get back into the narrative.

As always, I sincerely appreciate any feedback you have for me, such as typos, grammar, weird variables, characters, or anything. Thanks again!



This is well-written, I’ll get that out of the way first.

Unless I clicked on the wrong link it’s essentially a VERY detailed build-a-baby simulator so far, so can’t comment on the story as such yet. I did start laughing when I was asked to choose the baby’s ear shape and chin shape (it’s important to know that my baby MC can take a punch, a much overlooked quality in choice games) and then a personality test, it’s such a unique approach to character creation. If your day job isn’t an engineer or rogue geneticist, Rob, I’ll be very disappointed.

This looks interesting. My normal feedback would be that perhaps you are being intensely detail-orientated and creating an unclimbable mountain of work for yourself…but…in your case I’ve got the feeling that you have already have this all planned out and it’ll all pay off somehow.


I gotta say that I think the choices with the family seem a tad bit too complicated and I am forced to have negative emotions with 1 family member. This I don’t like. I am a happy baby that loves their whole family!


Hey Prawn,

I just wanted to express my gratitude for taking the time to try out the story and provide such thoughtful feedback.

:joy: I couldn’t help but laugh when I read this! You’re absolutely right—it does lean heavily into the build-a-baby simulator territory. And hey, it’s essential that your baby MC can take a punch, right? :rofl: Rest assured, though, there’s a full-fledged story waiting to unfold, so I hope you’ll stick around for that.

Well, you’re not too far off the mark here! I do dabble in writing between experiments to create an army of mutant mole rats in my basement. Muhaha. :joy:

Your feedback here is spot-on, and I really appreciate it. You’re absolutely right—I should be more selective about what I include in the final narrative. It’s much easier to trim down than to add later on. I tend to want to give readers more than they probably want, so I’ll make a conscious effort to rein myself in for future updates.

Once again, thank you immensely for taking the time to leave feedback. It’s incredibly helpful, especially when you feel like you’re scaling mountains! :grinning: I’ll take your advice to heart and aim for some smaller peaks to conquer. But who knows? Maybe my Molerat army can carry me to the top. :crazy_face:

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Short update but the demo was good, loved the interaction option and all,
Also would be good t have postive options interaction with all other family members

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Hey HarleyQueen!

First off, thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts on the new scene. Your feedback is incredibly valuable to me, and I truly appreciate it.

I completely understand where you’re coming from, and I appreciate your honesty. Let me elaborate a bit on why the choices might seem a bit complex.

Given that I’m using the Meyers-Briggs personality system to track the MC’s personality, I wanted to ensure that players have an equal opportunity to establish their baseline personality type from the start. This meant creating individual personality facets for each of the four family members. Since the MBTI system has eight aspects, it naturally resulted in a somewhat lengthy set of choices.

Additionally, I’m keen on creating a narrative where choices have real consequences and where players are forced to think about their decisions throughout the game. Conflict adds depth to the story, and I’m all for it! However, rest assured that there will be plenty of opportunities to repair any damage done, although I might throw in a few more challenges along the way. Sorry about that! :cry:


Hey Lordking,

Thank you so much for taking the time to provide feedback on the latest demo. I truly appreciate your support and am thrilled to hear that you enjoyed the story so far.

I’ve noticed that a couple of readers, including yourself, have mentioned the negative family interactions. I’ve explained my reasoning behind these choices in a response to @HarleyQueen feedback, which you can find above. However, I’m definitely open to reconsidering this approach if it’s something that the majority of readers would prefer. To gather everyone’s opinion, I’ll set up a poll to gauge feedback on this matter.

Once again, I want to express my gratitude for your continued support and for sharing your thoughts. Your feedback is incredibly valuable in shaping the direction of the story, and readers like you play a vital role in its improvement.


you should add the save system next update

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Will do!

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@Robd5822 Is that evolve part of the summary literal, figurative or both?

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Hey @Zarkrai I’m sorry I’m not exactly sure what it is that you’re asking. If you wouldn’t mind elaborating on what you mean by ‘evolve part’, I’d be happy to answer your question.

Pretty sure Zarkrai is asking about the physical metamorphosis type. If that’s what it is, or if the ‘evolve’ is more figurative. One vs the other, and clarity on which you intend with your word choice.

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Kind of what LadyUmbreon said. Does the “evolve” part mean literally evolving into another race or creature or “evolve” by just becoming stronger and stuff.

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