Can't set up on Mac with Safari

When trying to open the Example Game in Safari I get following errors:


Couldn’t load scenes/startup.txt
The file is probably missing or empty.

and then


Couldn’t load URL: scenes/startup.txt
Error: NETWORK_ERR: XMLHttpRequest Exception 101

Then it shows ‘Loading’ progress bar but never loads

  • Safari 6.2.8
  • Mac OS X 10.8.5


Also compile.html outputs following (inside the main browser window)

Error: Could not open web/mygame/index.html
Your browser may not be supported. We recommend using Mozilla Firefox with compile.html.

Safari 6 is quite out of date. The latest Safari is Safari 10 on macOS 10.12. Try it there?

(If upgrading Safari isn’t possible, try switching to Firefox.)

Oh! Thanks for the prompt reply!


Alas the error stays

  • MacOS 10.12.3
  • Safari 10.0.3

Couldn’t load scenes/startup.txt
The file is probably missing or empty.


Couldn’t load URL: scenes/startup.txt
NetworkError (DOM Exception 19): A network error occurred.

BTW Can it be because of folder? The tutorial reads about unzipping package on my Desktop. I’ve set it up in my Google Drive Folder. Here is the URL:


I’ll try Firefox and report the results

Where should I report here or at the GitHub?

It works fine with Firefox. So the issue is closed for me, though it’s still there for Safari 10 on MacOS 10.12