Played it again and the save function works for me, and how am I falling in love with this world more and more…
Also I looked in the stats, dont know why I didnt do it sooner, and I just love the names of the abilities! My MCs ancestors were totally pirates.
Tried to draw my MC Hector, but I cant draw rats so I used the rat creator on doll divine… and went a bit crazy with jewelry lol
Ohhh gosh, I love Hector! I think that’s a perfect amount of jewelry I’m gonna have to play with that doll divine now!
And thank you re: the stat names! They took a ridiculous amount of time to think of, ha. I’ll probably eventually change Make or Break; I don’t care much for that one, but I’m happy or fairly happy with the rest.
May I ask how much to how little clothing characters in that universe may wear? And the general style of clothing for people of MC’s standing?
Ah, and also, do the characters look exactly like their animal counterparts, but moving on their hind legs and having opposable thumbs and stuff like that, or do they enter a little bit into the anthro category, as far as face shapes and eye types go?
Yeah, I know, very technical questions, but I’d like to design my MC so I need to know
Of course you can! Apologies in advance if I get too detailed; I have lots of notes about this.
Clothing–generally, they wear clothes similar to clothing of the High Medieval Period (I’m pretty loose with this tbqh), although shoes are mostly only worn when traveling longer distances (not always; some Folk wear shoes almost constantly for different reasons, such as style or for the individual’s comfort). In addition, it’s considered impolite to wear shoes inside someone’s home or a place of worship or in places like royal castles. Public places like inns are perfectly fine with it.
The MC is currently a laymonk and dresses in a tunic, scapula, cowl, etc. Their day clothes, however, would probably be more akin to a peasant’s. This said, most medieval peasants (not counting serfs,) weren’t as drab and dull-colored as people imagine (they’re not quite the BRING OUT YER DEAD Monty Python types, if not quite royalty, either.) They wore jewelry like glass beads and rings of gold and silver if they could afford them, and liked colors as much as anyone.
But don’t worry; the MC doesn’t have to be in a laymonk’s robes the entire game. There’s also no tonsuring.
As far as anthropomorphism goes, I very much imagine them in the style of Jerome Jacinto’s (illustrator/concept artist for Ghost of a Tale, Tooth and Tail, etc.,) wonderful work (and any artists any of the Redwall covers, etc). They’re on the more ‘realistic’ end of anthropomorphic animals, but with some often very human-like expressions. I really don’t mind if folks imagine them in different ways, though; more furry-like, less, etc. Go wild!
I wouldn’t be surprised if another dear reader in here remind this game with the trilogy of Mice of Depftord by R.Jarvis which i admit i re-read this year, i like your proposition in here, very straightfoward and descriptive, to the point you can picture this world pretty easily, i’ll be waiting for how coming next in this peculiar adventure, keep it up good fella.