Blue Shades (An Ex Super Hero WIP)

Hey guys, my name is Sherlockz and I’m the author of Blue Shades.

Blue Shades it’s a story about an ex super hero turned rogue in your quest to revenge against those who wronged you. Can you get your revenge and still manage to save your soul from your demons?

You will be thrust into the role of a powerful speedster in the modern metropolis of New Hope, an alternate version of New York city in a world filled with Super Heroes and Villains.

Currently the first version for the prologue is finished, And I’ll be updating this story as I write more things, feel free to give me feedback and ideas to where you could see this story going. This is my first story I’ll try to keep posting constant updates as write more, but who knows where the story of the Blue Speedster will take us.

To play the demo, you can go here: Demo


good so far

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It’s pretty good so far overall. I particularly liked the backstory of this superhero setting, it’s a rich alternate history.


Excellent lore dump without laying on thick all at once. You broke it up into separate parts so it’s easy to read and understand. I can’t really give feedback for anything else through cos it was a short I wonder who hurt the MC so bad it still bothers them even now.


Not Much but definitely good so far pace is smooth as well and writing is great. So I’ll definitely keep on eye on this.


looks good but to say much not possible yet for that to short so far, keeping a eye on it


Quite a move going for a full alt history beginning but I dig it, as well as separating the exposition into pieces. Although the only complaint I have is the numerous typos within the exposition. Outside of those. I am definitely interested in this one.


nice start I will be watching

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This was really good for how short it was. I did notice some typos but it’s way to early to worry about those.

I really liked the alt history. It’s always great to read somebody else’s alternative take on history especially when super serums are involved.

Super speed is one of the most overpowered sets of powers. Flash being a great example but they are also notoriously hard to write fight scenes for since most enemies can be beat by just using super speed to blur past them and rail them with punchs one after another.

Cannot wait to see how you tackle everything. Does MC power come from electricity or is it kinda like the speed force where the energy itself looks like lightening/electricity but it’s actually its own thing?


When trying to open stats at the beginning

also can you implement saves?


This was a great start. From the description i was worried it would be generic however, i was pleasantly surprised and really liked this WIP. I will be following its progress with enthusiasm and eagerness. Great job! :+1:


Maybe the stats wasn’t added yet which is why that happened.


This seems really solid so far! I love different takes on superhero stories and I can’t wait to see where this goes!

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quite interesting, I liked the writing, I found it very fluid, the combat as a sprinter has a lot of potential, I hope I can be an op in this game


Thanks I was kind worried that people would be bored by the lore dump because it starts in the first few pages. I like this style better than keeping it in the stats page.

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I haven’t created the stats page yet but will do it soon, also I’ll add saves to the game (As soon as i figure it out how to do it haha)

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Yes the typos are the thing that next thing that I’ll fix along with the first chapter. I had a friend who is also from my country read it and he noticed some repetitions in words that we Brazilians usually do without intention while writing in English. Thanks for the comment!


Yes, I’m trying really hard to create good limitations for the MC powers to not allow they to just defeat every enemy in the same second that the fight starts lol.

Their speed is a lot like the speed force, he feels the energy in the form of electricity inside him. And can expand it outwards, like how they can hack into the console of the building, but they can’t shoot lighting like the later seasons of the flash, it’s more like a nice weak side effect of his energy.

Using their powers, feeling the electricity inside their body, also makes they remember the shock treatment that they endured a few years before the story, making him remember those years without wanting it to.


So basically the electric is a double edged sword due to bad memory’s in the past on a certain mission. The MC probably needs to get therapy unless it hasn’t really helped since the MC quit being a hero.


Sounds interesting going give it a go know

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