Blood Rights (WIP--Demo available November 6th)

Worked on this a little tonight again. Silly mistakes coding mean I loose a couple hours of writing time T.T

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I am up to 4,700 words, though. I was planning on having all the stat determination out of the way tonight but it looks like I’ll have to pick it up tomorrow (I only have the name portion left to do).


Another 1,400+ words and they’re not even out of the bar yet. I at least managed my goal of finishing all the scenes for selecting certain stats. I also decided to add physical description, too, so it took a bit longer. It was much easier to figure out where my coding errors were today.

I’ll probably keep posting whenever I get some writing done simply for the sake of motivating myself, so if anyone is tracking this just know it’ll mostly be me talking to myself, haha.

Edit: Tomorrow I’m probably going to start with condensing the number of .txt documents now that I have a better understanding of how choicescript works. Not that it’s terrible or anything right now, but I’d like to organize it a bit differently.


This question is probably OOT, but I wonder anyway.

How do you keep track of those words count? Text editor can’t differentiate between the code and the not-code :confused:

Word count for games includes code😄

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You can introduce me to the world, but after that, I want to start tearing open throats. A perfect vampire CoG has yet to come to fruition, at least for me. This, however, sounds like it could be the one. I think you know where I’m leading this:

What choices will we be making as a vamp? Because Monsters of New Haven High nailed it, for me. Drinking blood, creating thralls, and using my heightened abilities to kick my enemies’ arses is always a blast.


I wanna get them out of the bar tonight. I wanna get them outta the bar so badly.

What I’m going for is essentially a team of humans and vampires kicking asses in a spy-esque manner (so infiltration and kicking ass with the main goal of gathering info) but also world building, plot, character development, social issues, and grey morality.

The current difference between choosing the vampire route over the human route is that the former gives the player a decent stat bonus (the fighting scenes will be different, too). But the balance to this is that the player consequently has a thirst meter. Depriving your character of blood negatively affects stats and if the meter gets above a certain point your character will lose the ability to control themself and attack someone. That’s the idea, anyway. I’ll probably have to play with it a bit to make it work the way I’d like it to.

The interactions between the main antagonists and MC will also differ between the two routes outside of fight scenes. Mostly because it makes sense to me that said antagonists would treat a vampire protagonist much differently from a human antagonist.

I have four characters available to romance planned so far (although one will be sexuality locked as a lesbian), as well.

I was also considering adding a page of vampire lore/history of the world in the stats screen, though I’m not sure if that would interest anyone.


Thinking about where to take scene one till. I figure I’ll probably post a demo once that’s fully finished. The idea has been coming together a lot more over the past few days so there’s a lot more I’ve planned but I’m not sure how long it’s going to be. I’ll remember to consider this when writing tonight. Which I will go do now.

Not sure what I thought coding was gonna be but I didn’t think it’d be me sitting on my computer typing shit like *label milk

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Yay~ Spy-esque game! I don’t know why but i find these types of infiltration games super fun.

Another 3,000 words! Hell yeah!

And they’re still not out of the bar holy shit.

For anyone keeping track at home we are now at 8,875 words.

And I guess I can’t say they’re still in the bar because part of this is a flashback. Still, though, sheesh.

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I worked yesterday so I didn’t get anything done with this, but I’m planning on doing a lot today. With how things are going, I’m hoping to have a demo available soon.

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I’m ready for it!! :heart_eyes:

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I worked on this a bit tonight. A bit stuck on one bit, so I might have to think it over for some time. Doesn’t help that I’m super tired today, haha.

Can always ask if you need help :slight_smile:

Okay. So. I’m struggling to find a way to introduce the main conflict (the events that MC and team will be investigating). I’ve written parts of a scene and there is some that I like and will probably keep to use later in the game, but as it is currently, I feel that what I currently have written is…too much, I guess? IDK. I’d like more build up. I’m stuck as to how to do that. I know it means having something more subtle, but I’m struggling to think of anything that could connect (eventually) to what’s going on behind the scenes.

Currently, I’m thinking of still introducing this as a flashback in the beginning as I’d originally intended. I’m considering having MC and a choice of a team member finding something during an investigation (one that would otherwise be typical) that leads them to the first clues that there’s something big going on. I just don’t know what that investigation could be or how it could push in the direction of our main antagonists.

As it is, I’m definitely going to go through what I’ve written so far and break it up a bit more (through more fake choices, most likely) in order to give more interaction to the player.

Thinking of that, I might even delay the flashback scene and put it in further down the road at a more critical moment. At the same time, that still doesn’t fix my issue of not knowing how to write that damn scene, haha. I know I want it to be a more typical investigative scene as far as IF goes, and I know how to write that–I’m just struggling for content.

The what and why of that part are rather simple–they’re a team in charge of crimes revolving around rogue vampires. So I’ve been asking myself how this would lead to something bigger, and more importantly, why? The antagonist organization is supposed to be smart–they’ve been doing this under everyone’s nose for a while. They’re careful. So whatever leads MC to them has to be a complete accident and a lot of bad luck on their part (likely something like a pawn of the organization fucking up in some way).

I’d love some ideas, and sorry for being pretty vague. I’m trying not to spoil too much😄

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You could try the wrong place, right time approach in which te MC stumbles upon the antagonist and discovers part of their evil plan to conquer the world with demonic cows??

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Shit how did you figure out about the demonic cows???

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