Blood For Poppies (Public Beta Test Now Live! Game Complete! 10/9/20)

Public Betatesting Now Live!
Game Link (Updated 10/9/20)

Blood for Poppies is fully written and ready for public beta! Oh boy! Come and break my game! As always, thanks for the support, and I hope you folks have fun playing this.

  • I created a guide . Download via DropBox here: This guide details how to attain all endings in the game. It is not a complete guide to all choices in the game, but it does cover many of the major choices. It is full of spoilers, but will be helpful for giving betatesters a frame of reference for how the story is supposed to play out (in case things go wrong).

  • @LacetheDisgrace and @Farside are the same person; I switched accounts after a long hiatus. I rarely check my @Farside account. I know this has caused some confusion and has likely contributed to rumors that BFP is still dead! Tell everyone that BFP lives!

  • You may report bugs either via this thread or through private message to @LacetheDisgrace . Whichever is more comfortable for you.

  • When reporting bugs, please be sure to include a screenshot of the error so that I know exactly where in the game to look. Windows comes with a “snipping tool” that’s useful for this purpose.

  • General suggestions for improvement, criticism, and detailed feedback are also welcome. If you simply have an idea that you think would be cool, please share with me! I can’t promise to implement every single suggestion along these lines, but I welcome them nonetheless.


  • I’ve implemented a save system, at least for ease while beta-testing. Whenever this thing becomes a hosted game, I’m not sure if the save system will still be appropriate. As I understand, COG seems to have its own save system. I used CJW’s save system (ChoiceScript Saving Plugin (Update: Sept. 2019) ). It’s awesome!

  • Shout out to @DashingDon for a great hosting site.

  • There is a mechanism that allows you to skip the first two chapters of the game and go directly to chapter 3. However, keep in mind it may be possible to set certain stats that aren’t actually possible using normal gameplay. I certainly don’t recommend using it if you haven’t played the first few chapters already.

  • The stat formerly known as “Manipulated” renamed “Malleable”. Manipulated is too easily mixed up with its opposite (Manipulative) due to how similar the words sounds.

  • This change was made at the good advice of @War_Doctor. In chapter 2, Carmelle’s second proposal to the MC used to have no substantial followup. I’ve expanded this choice to include new content and scenes for MCs who pursue this path. This new content diverges depending on whether the MC made a deal with Carmelle, or the MC decided that they should instead be in charge of the deal. During chapter 2, the game will prompt you to make a choice about what you do during the day. Select the choice: Speak to Carmelle about your plans.