Hello and thanks for taking the time to check out my demo!
OG demo 7k words // AU demo // tumblr post // voting is now closed, thanks for participating! [19 April]
BAD WITCH takes places in an alternate universe, one where magic exists and witches run the world. In this magical, matriarchal society, there are several rather famous (or infamous) families, your character being the latest in a long line of witxhes as powerful as they were controversial.
Bad Witch isn’t going to be for everyone.
This is a story of excess & indulgence. Of lust & love. Of luxury & depravity. Of horror & debauchery. And of rediscovering your inner witch
In an alternate reality, Witxhes — along with their epic stores of magic — were discovered centuries ago, and humans wasted no time waging war against them. It was a pretty silly move in hindsight, as the combined force of the Witches easily crushed the humans into submission.
Humans were relegated to a lower class of society (Humanes), and the bougie Season of the Witch began. Witching Society flourished and quickly took over the world, and would eventually trickle down to influence the Humane class. Witxhes tend to be quite opulent & over indulgent, and often revel in their personal vices.
The story centers around a close-knit witxhes coven nearly a decade after their graduation from a prestigious magic school. During your time at Ariadne Academy, your coven (affectionately nicknamed the Silverlakers) was closer than any other coven. The nine of you shared an intense hunger for magic that seemed to go unmatched amongst your peers. Thousands of nights were spent reading old spellbooks cover to cover, or out in the woods singing & chanting and breathing life into the same stale old magic.
Now… this is where things take a little split. I’ve been working on this story for years but when I started thinking about converting it to an IF/non-linear format, I started looking at the story & characters from a different perspective. Aaand then I kind of wrote an AU fanfic for my own story, which brings me to my predicament. Each storyline has its own advantages & disadvantages, but I’m genuinely interested to know which one readers might prefer. So I’ll be sharing both demos & hoping there’s a clear frontrunner.
When the story picks up years later, MC and the rest of the Silverlakers are still incredibly, almost unreasonably close. They take codependent to another level entirely, but what does it matter really when you’re so blissfully happy, loved & content?
It isn’t until your past (and the skeletons in your closet) starts beating down the door that MC must reckon with their past.
•personalise your character’s witchy home, and how it relates to their magic
•decide what kind of relationship (if any) MC has had with their ex since breaking up at graduation. Also choose what originally drove MC to end things
•currently (1st chap) is in first person POV
When we meet up with MC this time around, things have irrevocably changed. The coven has long been fractured, and has little in common with its former self. MC keeps in touch with one or two Silverlakers but the connection is tenuous at best. But after years of avoiding their covenmates and running from the past, MC is finally forced to confront the ghosts that haunt them.
•choose how to approach your old coven — try to rebuild what you’ve lost, or turn your back on them for good
•couch surf with what friends you have left, or explore luxury hospitality accommodations
•currently in third person POV
As will probably become obvious fairly quickly, I’ve been HEAVILY inspired by stories of Magic Schools That Shall Go Unnamed, TR0N, the awe-inspiring creations of Alexander McQueen, Gossip Girl, & Hellraiser. This is essentially my twisted love letter to the horrifically beautiful parts of our world.
Currently I’ve written (1 Chapter of 21, about 7k Words) and plan on updating regularly, as I’ll be working on it full time.
And although I’ve been working on this story for a decade, and it’s IF counterpart for nearly 3 years now, it’s nowhere near as polished as I planned for it to be. But I know that if I didn’t just post it, I’d be fussing and perfecting it forever & ever. So I’m aware that it’s a bit rough. I know I need to add/work on character descriptions, specifically with the Silverlakers, and that will be included with the next update.