Azrael: Chapter 1 (WIP) {48K Words. Action/Thriller/Crime/Superhero} (Updated - 26/08/24)

my big problem with punisher type vigilantes is that punisher is a legit psychopath who kills for even some petty crimes

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that ain’t no problem


That is why it’s upto the player to play as the punisher type or not

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To be clear im just talking about my own personal opinion on those types, it’s why i cant play as the “murder all criminals” type punisher but i also have issues with batman’s style of “i can not kill thete fore no one should” because i do feel some criminals are beyond redemption such as joker

So i hope we can have a more moddle ground in this rather than having to be on one or the other


You would absolutely have the middle ground option (though it’s gonna be very hard to make certain choices)


10/10 story can’t wait to see what happens next in the story ^^

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29k words written so far this month.


How many dialogue options seem right to you?

4 to 5 sounds right

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Well I don’t wanna include just for the shake of it without comprising with the quality. Dialogue writing is pretty important to me. I guess it depends on the situation.


Personally I think 3-4 choice is good 3-5 is expansive and more than 6 is excessive.

But depend on the scene some scene do need a lot of choice.


That makes sense

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I would prefer the choice is somewhat unique like
1st choice is aggressive.
2nd choice is restrained.
3rd choice is to avoid.
4th choice is to negotiate.

Somehow like that. It cover different aspect.

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I try to apporach like this, 3 variations of emotion - Stoic, charming, intimadating. After establishing the core dialogues, i can work on the variations while still keeping the feeling.

Thanks I have mostly following it.

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That’s already cover the most, beside next choice will add more complexity it’s always additive and multiplicative.

There is no meed to worry if reader do have an idea they would share it with you later, WIP naturally will go trough such.

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Why do we get interesting ideas at the most inconvenient time or place? :joy:

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Nature of humanity I suppose🤣

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Story recommendation - Batman:Court of Owls

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Man, you know what I feel about your story? :heart_eyes: though it has some bugs and grammer mistakes is on my top 10. Incomplete but very promising :grin: :wink: