Assistance with Wayhaven Fanfic please

One correction in this: Remember to include either an *else statement or an = sign as a catch-all. otherwise, if, for instance, n_relationship = 80 in your example, there won’t be any text showing (implying that N magically stops being your friend at 80)

*if n_relationship<40
  N still doesn't trust you. 
*if (n_relationship >50) and (n_relationship<80) 
  You and N are close friends. 
*if (n_relationship >= 80) and (interested_gender) 
  You and N are romantically involved. 
*if (n_relationship >=80) and not(interested_gender)
  You and N are bffs forever. 


*if (n_relationship < 40)
  N still doesn't trust you. 
  *goto next_label
*elsif (n_relationship < 50)
  *goto next_label
*elsif (n_relationship < 80) 
  You and N are close friends. 
  *goto next_label
*elsif  (interested_gender) 
  You and N are romantically involved. 
  *goto next_label
  You and N are bffs forever. 
  *goto next_label
*label next_label

Otherwise I’m seconding this. Strings can be used, but for something that changes a lot (and doesn’t necessarily change from one specific thing to another specific thing, but grows/shrinks over time) it’s a lot of extra work and much higher chance of bugs.


You’re right, sorry. Forgot about that exact value of 80 in my example.

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