Are there any low-stakes CYOAs that are more about self-discovery?

After seeing the Transgender WIP game it got me to thinking about games where the “Adventure” is just Self discovery. Alter Ego was a game from the 80s so it doesn’t count. But I was thinking it be interesting to have games where you discover who you are as a person and not save/ conquer/ destroy the world.

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Just to be clear, you’re not talking about specifically coming of age stories, correct? You’re asking specifically for low-stakes journeys of discovery?

I’m just trying to figure out how to reword the title for maximum effectiveness.

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Exactly where it’s not some big plot jus trying to survive the real world and discover your self

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I actually don’t know of any, but I’ll retitle the topic so that it reflects your request more accurately. Hopefully someone has an idea. :thinking:

It’s hard to find any CoG games without SOME kind of drama… but I have a suggestion or two…

-Sixth Grade Detective has literal sixth-grade stakes. You’re in no way saving the world.
-Creatures Such As We has you be a tour guide on the Moon who likes video games. Very philosophical, very introspective. Things happen, but it’s not world-shattering.