Arceus: Awakening (WIP) [85K words] [Update 26/5/2024]

The first option
Usually we use " can " depending on the intention

He and she for gender selectable sometimes are not capitalized when in the beginning of a sentence.

It would also help to put a description for each ROs gender preference.

I don’t understand what you mean.

Hello peeps, It is about time for another update to keep you all in the loop. Progress has remained slow as I have had quite the past three weeks, which is mostly due to the amount of creative focused RPs and projects that I have become a part of taking a good bit of my brain juices. But not to worry, for while it may exhaust the mind, it no doubt adds new ideas to it. Still. It is steady. And while I have not for my sanity decided to focus on the word count for this portion I am writing. I am fearful that it will spiral towards the 12k mark. Which given that It is entirely the planning phase, it makes me fear that the entire chapter may end up being alone at above 60k words.

This is mostly a good thing for those who wished for more indepth options and branching, as excluding portions that are different based on your relation with your handler, it will leave you with 4 distinct paths that as it stands currently. Do not have a distinct connection point from which I can use as a milestone. The good news in that is that it will give you plenty of reason to replay the section based not only on what gear you have acquired, but which plan you decided on executing, and the woes that come from that decision based on how you go about executing it.

It means unfortunately that the time it will take until you get your hands on it will be extensive due to the sheer amount of writing it will require. So I do hope you are able to bear with it, with the noted upside that unlike the previous wait; it being an action sequence means that it should be easier to write than LI dialogues. Which are the bane of my existence.

With that. I hope you have had a wonderful week, and may the rest of august be nice and cool for you all!


Holy shit its already been a month? I could swear it was only two weeks… Nevertheless. I am making progress, it is an interesting journey writing two similar yet separate planning phases based on the choices you’ve made already. Which may be a bit of a large undertaking given the relative unlikelihood for one to go through the path that unlocks this different version. But what can I say? I like having minor choices feel important. Even if they mean my workload is increased dramatically. Thus far I have clocked in an estimation of around 10k for the intro and planning phase of this chapter, likely will have to make the paths separated in the backend to make edits and writing simpler since unlike Knott. This chapter’s action portion won’t likely converge at a set point again. Which means as of yet, 4 different paths with their own choices and minor events.

Still, I do apologize for not updating you two weeks ago as I had originally planned. I will try and not have that happen again, hard as that may be thanks to university beginning in a few days.

I hope you all continue to have a wonderful month, and have an even more wonderful year.


I had seen this WIP a few times. Just tried it. Anyway…

Sulk around and stalk Knott from afar, no need to get the attention of his bodyguard, lest he suspect something. (Skulk)

You might weasel them into brining up to the VIP lounge with them. (Bringing)

if you’re agile enough and remain unseen, you could just bypass the guards and make your way up out back through the rainwater drain you saw earlier. (If)

You maneuver the pedestal closer to the door, moving the vase slightly more to the edge and then knock on the bathroom door a few times, resulting in an “Occupied!”, you pause for a little before, Knocking again, “I said occupied!”, you give one last pause before knocking with extra force three times and speed-walking out. (Needs a rewrite. I get what you’re saying, but you need to make it clear that the voice comes from the occupant)

Going to be hard to single him out here, so you go back to sulking, looking for opportunities and seeing if there is something you can take advantage of. You note one last hallway to your left and looking through it; you see a bathroom sign just before it rounds a corner, which is interesting given the rather short distance between it and the other bathroom in the main living room area. (Skulking)

“Oh it’s nothing really I just have something I need to show Knott in person.” 'll see if I cannot talk my way to the top. (I’ll)

She squints a little as she looks you over. “Who are you?” She’d ask, clearly wondering what you are doing in this restricted area. (She asks)

You move away, sulking out to the bathroom door. At least it seems so judging by the running sink, making note of the hinges, you stand by the handle side and wait. (Skulking)

“Ivy is growing up so fast, aren’t you?” Your mom states before you give her a kiss on the cheek and she laughs before she places you back on the stool, grabbing onto the plate and taking a bite out of one triangle. It tastes as good as it always did. (isn’t she)

I shake her hand, giving a smile, “Likewise MsJorgensen” (spacing)

You hear a few whispers in the dark, but you’ve seen this pony show before. (dog and pony show)

Aww…" she’d mutter, looking down a little before rubbing the back of her head. “Well. It was worth a try. I’ll like, find something else to do or something. See you around, maybe.” She’d say with a surprisingly quick return of cheer before she walks off back towards her apartment. (she mutters, she says)

He’d say as he straightens out, and you quickly place your order. You see him nod a few times before taking a tray out to fish out the pastries from display, still letting off some steam.
“That’s quite a wholesome get-up you have there.” He’d remark. Giving a smile over. “Thanks.” You say simply. He shakes his head, before continuing to grab the pastries. Once he has filled the plate with your order, he slides it over across the counter towards you. (He says, he remarks)

You place your phone in your pocket as you stare at her, watching her glance at the sticker repeatedly before she eventually says, “Are you like… taking orders?” She’d shyly ask, to which you just shake your head. She frowns a little before she looks to the sticker, then back to you again. “I’ll wait…” She’d return to her group after muttering that quietly, sitting with them as they continue chatting. (She shyly asks, she returns)

Thanks for holding down the fort," he’d say as he places the bag under the counter. (he says)

To be a master of it requires years akin to acquiring a Master’s degree. (You know, a masters degree only takes 1-2 years :sweat_smile:)

#I feel like I am being stalked by someone. I’d like you to find out and see who is behind it." (Can be selected repeatedly)


But you can’t get master’s before getting bachelor’s, so it’s possible to count them both for the yearcount, so maybe that’s the intention?


Maybe… Plus, you do need to spend a couple of years in high school before applying for college. :thinking:

Another thing which I forgot to mention, you can buy pretty much everything at the shop, and it doesn’t seem to affect the money you have in the stats screen. Only thing I couldn’t buy were the goggles.


Oh dear. I can’t believe I have misspelt skulk so many times. But this is an immensely useful list of things I need to correct. So thank you! You can be rest assured they’ll be fixed come next update. Though thay bit about the shop is uh… hooh boy I forgot to have it deduct from your balance upon purchase. That and the repeat choice will certainly require more immediate fixes.

Thank you for the comprehensive work again. Listing them all down like that mustve taken a good deal of time.

Okey dokie. The money and repeating choice should be fixed now. No more infinite money glitch for you peeps. Thanks for bringing it to my attention once more!


Hiyo! It is that time of the month again. The university has been an experience so far, and has shown that it will do its utmost to delay me. Therefore progress has been slow once more. But things are clearing up as a routine becomes more established. meaning that ideally come mid-october, progress should be ramping up with the starting availability of slightly more time. Keyword. ideally.

That is about the gist of all there is to say, and so I shall bid you all a wonderful rest of your september. And a hopefully happy October as well.


Heyo! It’s that time of the month again. Progress remains at aforementioned pace. Although plotting out has proven rather successful. Likely will have to split the route soff into chapters unlike Knott’s section to keep it manageable. This also means a good deal more freedom and less repetition on the paths. It also means far more wordage, so I am unlikely to be finished by christmas. However this did open up my mind to stats and how exactly I plan to have them function given your relative starting position. As rather than a traditional rise in power as the story progresses. You sort of start out near that peak already, which means failure in the game over sense will NOT be present. Which promptly makes making stats difficult, doubly so for improving them in a traditional sense.

So I am leaving that decision to what you all may prefer to see based on your own biases. Would you prefer a standard stat that goes up based on usage and starting focus?

Or would you rather a more trait based system? Wherein, you have focuses you start with and are particularly good at and will always succeed in throughout the game. But you also have traits you have not picked, which will likely fail should you pick an action that requires that trait.

Or. Would you prefer a mix of the two? Starting with traits that can be further upgraded through purchased items or usage? Allowing you to accept the less risky early fails to eventually acquire more traits than you started with so that you have more options when the risks rise?

Naturally those are all not final and subject to whether or not I can manage the technical side of things. Of course. If you have any suggestions in regards to this matter. Or hell. If you would prefer it not have stats at all. Please do not hesitate to say your thoughts. This matter has confuddled me to no ends.

  • Traditional stats
  • Trait system
  • Combination of the above
  • Other (ideally state said other.)
0 voters

With that. I bid you all a wonderful rest of your Spooktober. May your horrors be fun, and your outfits spooky.


When it comes to creating linear stories or linear sections, stats are useful as you can populate the linear sections with choices which increase/decrease stats without branching. Hence, you can easily write a linear section where choices still ‘matter’.

You can’t do this as easily with traits, so you’ll need to fill the linear sections with fake choices. I mean, you could have heavy branching in both cases, but it might be too much work for a first time writer. Besides, I do think long and linear is still a better approach with this audience.

If you want a combination, here’s another approach. Use traits to measure skills/proficiencies, while using stats to keep track of personality metrics.

I mean, using multi-level traits is an option, but this is ultimately just another variation of the traditional stat system, just with smaller number increments. (Not saying you can’t do that- it could work)

Why not? Everyone is asking for cheat modes and unlimited modes nowadays. I even coded an optional stat free system into my current project.


Hello. Just to keep you updated. Ive recently underwent surgery abd that understandably has effected my ability to properly focus on writing. So itll unfortunately be unlikely for me to make progress this week. Will hopefully be in a better state come next biweek.


@Dryinspection focus on recovery, we will be here waiting cause your work is worth waiting for. please feel better soon