Anyone know of any free fantasy CYoA games?

So my credit card was recently stolen (they spent like $1200). I need a fantasy CYoA game to comfort me, preferably with good RO’s, anyone know any?

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Cinderella Phenomenon? It’s decent but I suppose it might get a bit depressing.

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The Great Tournament Is a very good , lengthy and enjoyable Fantasy CYOA that is currently Free … and it has good romance options… if i am not mistaken there are 4 ROs :slight_smile:

Loved that one! My first RO was Nadine, but unfortunately I have read it many times before :(. Thank you tho :-):grinning:

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I like sad stories :), never heard of it before. I’ll definitely check it out! Thanks!

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Do you have an Android device? “Choices That Matter” is a Tin Man Games serial story app (two stories are complete and the third is updated periodically). The first story (“And The Sun Went Out”) is 600,000 words altogether so that’ll keep you busy for a while. It’s often bittersweet. Each tale has at least two romance options (and I’m in love with all of them, having invented some, written most, and edited all the ROs). It’s a REALLY good game (I say with a complete lack of humility - you can see a thread on it here at Choices: And Their Souls Were Eaten (fantasy steampunk) and download it at On Google Play, you can watch ads to get through it for free (but you need to watch them again to replay it - with a story pass, you can replay as much as you like).

Also IF Comp games are all free (including the original version of my Hosted Game, Scarlet Sails). Anything that makes the top 10% is going to be excellent, but there are also loads of reviews all over the place so you can pick and choose to find something you love.

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try magium it is free and has one of my favorite storys so far
and there is 1 and a half books writen so far that means you gone get a lot of reading

Magium has a great story though it’s unfinished.
There are the delight games like wizards choice, witch saga etc which have a good story but your choices don’t really control the story that much and it’s linear. Other than that you have visual novels that are free and feature a lot of ROs, some are really good like Everlasting Summer