Anyone ever written a Gamebook?

Like a Fighting Fantasy or Lone Wolf style book with dice and stats and the like? I am toying with trying to create one or two based on either Batman or Spider-Man, so I am curious if anyone has attempted one before…

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I haven’t myself, but I know @Felicity_Banks won the Windhammer Prize 2015 for After the Flag Fell - you may want to check that and other entrants out!


@GreekWinter has!


Yes I found that website the other day, there’s some fun short Gamebooks on there! I think I might be making a demo for what I have in mind at about 100 sections…

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Thanks Mary! My gamebooks are similar to the Fighting Fantasy style dice-roller adventures and take place in a post-apocalyptic world that draws inspiration from Stephen King’s The Dark Tower. They’re available in paperback and DRM-free ebooks (PDF, epub, mobi) on my website, and they’re also available for Kindle on Amazon! Each book is the length of a good-sized novel (ranging from 120k to 180k words.) The first book, ‘Westward Dystopia’, is on sale on my website for 20% off the paperback edition.

I’ve also adapted the first 2 books into Android apps using my own gamebook engine with die-roller, music, and original artwork:

Book 1: ‘Westward Dystopia’ for Android

Book 2: ‘Spire Ablaze’ for Android