Any Star Trek type?

I think working your way up to captain, or other paths would be great.
Plot bunnies are loose tonight lol. Perhaps this is a new race heading into space. Humans are considered one of the lost races. No record of what happen to them, where they went, or why. As you climb to what ever position you want they may desicover the truth of the core of four and what happen to them. The core of four is human and three other races.
Of course the core of four is consider to be just fables and stories by most. But a few races remember, some even are hidding dark secrets that could change the very understanding of the universe.

Just putting this out there for anyone looking for an interactive Star Trek story. Picked this up in the steam sale and although I haven’t played far in, it actually looks like it might be quite good (in a very retro pixel art from the early 90’s graphics kind of way) as it’s got a storyline and some of the responses are quite amusing and voiced by the original cast. You’ll need to search for a manual (you can find one online) to play it properly, and I recommend to turn the combat off at the start- it’s down right awful.

Is that the game where you have a random red shirt guy who is solely there to die when you fail?


That’s the show, as well!

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A few years back we made Starship Adventures (a group initiative, which included @Felicity_Banks, @Eric_Moser, etc). It’s a hosted game, and might be along the lines of what you are looking for. It is a bit more on the comedy-side, but very much in the star trek kind of spirit:


Probably. There is a random redshirt in there and that’s why they usually come along on away missions isn’t it? :stuck_out_tongue: I haven’t played a lot of it yet, but did manage to get everyone killed at one point… and then the whole Federation died (whoops).

I read this thinking FairyGodFeather was back, then I was disappointed. But to keep this on topic, what Starship adventures was sorely lacking in was the ability to hit on guys or have your sexy “bridge bunny” be a super-hot guy, instead of the girl we got.

I actually played Judgement Rites and 25th Anniversary back when they were hot, I think if you do them correctly you can make all your Redshirts survive, some, if I recall correctly, even seemed like likeable young crewmen (never crewwomen though, that was, I think, one of my gripes with the Redshirt system in both of those), playing into the trope that women are somehow inherently less expendable in fiction. .

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Not sure which one it was but I got stuck on the episode where there were holograms of an angel and a demon on this planet with a ruined civilisation and you had to merge them. Also there was one with Terlene from the Original Series in WW1?

I’m sorry it wasn’t to your liking @idonotlikeusernames. Thing was when we wrote it, it was primarily as a parody rather than a romance for exactly the kind of reasons you’ve just listed above. We were using the classic sci-fi tropes of the expendable and relatively forgettable “redshirt” guy of little consequence to the story if they should meet an untimely end (which everyone knows is pretty likely if you play the odds), and the beautiful woman on the crew who usually never ends up being more damaged than a few fashionable rips in her clothing regardless of how good she seems to be at her job. After establishing those assumptions, we then tried to completely subvert what everyone though they knew into something quite different.

I had to take a peek at a walkthrough in the first episode I played. Sometimes it can be hard to be sure exactly what they want (like carrying a practice dummy through an enemy ship without being noticed apparently?)

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