An Unexpectedly Green Journey (orc life-simulator) [1.5+ Million Words] OUT NOW!

Omnibus ratings are an aggregate of all omnibus platforms. They will appear the same on the iOS, Google Play and Amazon omnibus, and are an aggregate of all these platforms.

Plus, too early to say what ratings mean for sales. Dragon of Steelthorne was an outlier- it had about 15 total sales for each omnibus rating. It varies wildly by game.

(I think it is possible to leave a rating for An Unexpectedly Green Journey without buying it? Since it is possible to die before the end of the demo?)

Google Play Store reviews are regional so you might not see anything depending on where the reviewers are geographically located.

Anyway, itā€™s kind of pointless since itā€™s full of ā€œwhy isnā€™t this free!?!??ā€ reviews and trolls.


Thanks for clearing that up. Yep, you can die before the demo ends- still, a good review for what is worth something (just not a sale). Although, hopefully it would lead to a sale.

Old Steam wisdom used to say that for ever 30 players thereā€™s one review as a rough average. I would have assumed that mobile players would be a degree more likely to review. Iā€™ll try to wrap my head around these things. I kinda just want to stick my head in the sand.


Just stick your head in the sand for now. :rofl: It is impossible to calculate sales from reviews/ratings because they just vary so wildly by game. Trying to guess what percentage of players left a review/rating is a recipe for insanity and wonā€™t change the real numbers, which could be far from our actual estimates.


Yes- no numbers! Just booleans and strings!


I meant the Google Play report.

Somethingā€™s up with the Shaman armour switch after the patch, it asks me to switch over to light armour. You simply canā€™t live without all those ingredients and potions.
You are currently wearing the heavy armour of the Legion, but you once wore light armour. You can re-equip your light armour and throwing axes and remove the Legionā€™s armour, if you wish.

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Shouldnā€™t it be a Strength check instead of Presence ? Same for the choice below this one.


I have never seen troll reviews in CoG and HG games. Then again, now knowing that the reviews are regional, it makes sense


Hi Bism,

Iā€™m not sure why that is happening. I will change it to an if/else statement with labels.


Hi mate,

This is a larger scale battle, not personal combat. To lead and inspire the lads, you need presence.

Strength is more important for one-on-one encounters.


I just found this story today, and whilst I am loving it, it is also making me want to throw my phone. Iā€™m attempting the Shaman path, and for the life of me I cannot get anywhere.

No matter what I try to do, my wealth just plumets and I die/go to hell. I canā€™t see to find any way to increase my wealth. Everything to try and make my city better costs, yet there doesnt seem to be some way to make money? I
taxed everyone to crazy amounts, I taxed minimally to try to just get people to live here. I donā€™t know what else to do

Does anyone have any hints on how to last more than 1 event in the Shaman path? Thanks!!


Hi Loopypenny.

I would consider the sham path the hardest.

Ensure you build something to appease Krog- If your wealth plummets, can you borrow from the bank?

(If you get to ascend- you may escape their punishment entirely for not paying)


Thanks for responding! :blush:

I have attempted probably 10 times now, Iā€™m persistent haha. The first thing I build is always to Krog, so maybe Iā€™ll try not doing that. Iā€™ve taken a loan, but I spend it trying to improve the city. I think Iā€™m failing to understand the mechanics of this part of the game. I never really saw any reward to things I built, but it cost lots, and havenā€™t worked out how to actually make any money.

the events I managed to get - the first attack from the plains, and I win. The imperial army. The cyclops army. I have also yet to find a way to beat them.

I guess Iā€™ll just keep trying!


Make sure you follow Krogā€™s directions for his special buildings- this gives you a fighting chance, One you can, also make sure to learn special Shaman powers through the shaman circles. This greatly helps some of the events.

A few of the specialists you can hire also add different ways of dealing with events and threats.
Yes, it can be very tricky here- it is a balancing act. I know you can do it!


If so probably better to have the check be a little different, presence >40 or having a slightly different rewards cuz the rewards are the same, it feel like an illusion of choice because all four check are the same with the same rewards, the text is the same aswell. Iā€™m not too fond of this way of having more choices if it is all the same anyway, something to consider for your next games.

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Hi PandaCraventai,

Sorry, I meant the noise and fury one should have presence. The muscle and brutality should have strength (as it is explicit). Bit tired today, missed what you were asking. In battles, presence is often a leading stat but if you are expressively asked for strength then it should be strength.

So yes, this is an error. Will get it sorted.


No worry mate, itā€™s a bloody long game, some error here and there is more than expected, i just have bad habit of playing IFs while code diving to know the exact reward. Do learn some interesting way some author does their check while code diving tho, some of them are so bloody complex i have to do math to figure out if i can pass the check :rofl:

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Thanks, mate.

Yes, very long- and that scene once developed into something else, which was modified and cut short. There are a few scenes which were cut back-leaving a bit of a stump- which I worked into other paths.

I am not a coder- I just wanted to make an epic adventure game and it ended up being huge and very complicated. One day, I hope all the little quirks can be smoothed out. Biggest thing is ensuring nothing game-breaking appears.

Cheers for the support and help, mate. Iā€™ll be compiling a list of these small errors to put in an later patch/update.


The only unfinished paths are Normal City Path and Bounty Hunter Path (?) I think that you have time to figure out how to separate this path from the Shaman City Path. As for the Bounty Hunter Content, I donā€™t know if you should make this into a DLC, what would the Bounty Hunter Path consist of if the Orc MC decides to go through with it. My idea of a Crime Lord Path DLC is still active, I am not sure what other ideas for DLCs will come up to me, because most of the jobs consist of human jobs/professions.

I also want some jobs in the freelancer path to have an effect in certain paths/adventures. Like for example, the Blacksmiting Job, depending on the Quality of Items the Orc MC decides to make, it would have an effect on not just relations from some races, but they should be an upgrade to the heroes in the adventuring path, for example High-Quality Armor can benefit from Grimm, Caitriona, and Urbimora, maybe the MCā€™s Orc Raiders from the Raider Path can benefit from this as well in the Raider Path. That is one of the things I want for an overhaul of the adventuring path, I wish that my MC can bring them but the Rules of the Royal Adventurer Guild wonā€™t allow my MC to bring them for Idle Adventuring, maybe if you want, try overhauling that as well.

I have still yet to see the Halfling Recipe Book have an effect on the Big Belly Path.

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The variable for light armour must be set as true or something. I sent a bug report as well which will hopefully include my game state to give more information.

Try to get a lot of loot in the earlier part of the game so you can start with more city wealth, donā€™t spend it on stat improvements with the possible exception of the recipe book. Have good horde stat before visiting the Crog city in the north so you can build it with your clan and lead the holy council (havenā€™t tried to take it over by force yet so I donā€™t know how that will work). Make sure to visit the empire in the east and try to win everything there. Save the prisoner, kill the priest, cheat to help the knight, start an embassy, ETC.

Donā€™t try to build everything and spend some of your turns hiring professionals. Good luck!

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Really enjoyed the game, my favorite path was the city builder shaman chief. Honestly @NumberedEntity you donā€™t need ROs, itā€™s actually refreshing that this game doesnā€™t have one.

Hoping that a shriek of ash and fire will be as successful at this game


@NumberedEntity I had the ā€œNo Selectable Optionsā€ bug, which I emailed. Been patiently waiting for an update, and now Iā€™ve updatedā€¦ every time I try to load the Becomng A Darkspawn option, I get the ā€œYOUR LIFE AS AN ORC HAS COME TO AN END.ā€ game over screen. Which is weird, because that was fine. It was a later option that wasnā€™t.

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