An Unexpectedly Green Journey (orc life-simulator) [1.5+ Million Words] OUT NOW!

Ah I see. Thank you for the information.


Don’t know if this has been caught, but you can do the day to day chores and duties in the tribe as a young orc for as long as you like, without any age checks.



Thanks mate- caught it!


Glad the Loremasters, @Sujan_Dhakal and @BismDweller could solve it for you!

Welcome to the horde!


Loremasters? What is that?


A master of lore- Like you, Patrick! Those who know the mysteries of Arbit and orcs.


Epic, I like storymaking, so knowing the lore of the worlds is my thing


I just got a bug report which was so helpful- it pinpointed a few issues, which would have been difficult to find by myself. I think I know who sent it… Big thanks!

Ok, so I will send the patch to HG tomorrow (10/10/24), at the end of the release week.

Patch 1 will include:

Responding to community feedback, Patch 1 comes with a variety of bug fixes and Quality of Life updates:

Bugs Squished:

-A few typos have been corrected.
-Demon bug fixed. The shroom-addled shaman often refused to notice and heal your orc’s corruption. He has prayed to Krog and this should no longer be an issue.
-Expanded the scope of some variables during a scene on the Dark Path which has given the ‘no choices’ error.
-Fixed the Dark Path when you succeeded in corrupting Flyhtclap on your 4th try, which resulted in a game-breaking error.
-Fixed it so using the wealth of your city to expand the Royal Road doesn’t take it out of your own Loot!
-The arena fights in Flotsam will now disappear as an option after you have fought there.
-Fixed the Ser Matridom fight, in the arena. This wasn’t appearing due to an incorrectly assigned variable.
-I have minimised the debuff after you enact Krog’s blessing to whoop the demon orc. This will leave most orcs stronger than before. Ultra buff orcs will have a slight penalty as Krog’s jealousy seeks to keep your hubris in check.
-Added age checks for arena training events to ensure your orc cannot train for centuries!
-Likewise, I have added an age check for tribal jobs to prevent you from shovelling the longdrop for an eternity, even if you want to!
-Players can now change back into light armour after leaving the Green Legion. (You can already change back into your shaman garb.)
-Added extra chances to get the Krog’s Chosen achievement. It used to be tied to one set of events, which is no longer appropriate. Now, all orcs who complete their temple training in excellent standing will get this achievement.
-Fixed the incorrect display of your epithet on the Big Belly ranking board.
-Trap options in a scene during the Guild Jagged Divide quest now show up.

Quality of Life Updates:

-Have added an option to view the in-game art. Some maps will always show up due to their role in the story. (Stat screen maps, adventurer guild maps and the battle maps for barracks training).
-Adding a stats page describing your orc’s base attributes.
-The stats screen can become lengthy and cumbersome to scroll through. Diplomatic Relations and Army Units have been placed onto their own separate pages.
-Added page breaks after enemy horde braces, during raider battles, to declutter the screen.
-Added several new achievements- including some for gaining a high rep with your adventuring companions.

EDIT: The community spirit around perfecting these games is great. Massive thanks to all of you who have invested time in helping me to improve our grand green adventure. :boar: :green_square:


I still need to figure out the entirety of the Orc MC’s Journey and all of Arbit so that I can come up with new content ideas.

I do have a similar world like this one, but the geography is mostly archipelago, it is called Lightseeker Islands, like Arbit, Lightseeker Islands has Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, Halflings, and Minor Races. But their history is different, and the Pantheon of Arbit is also different, there are otherworldly beings like Aetherians and the Kitsune as well. And the Main Kingdom is devout on Sanctumisim. As for Lightseeker History, it is somewhat similar to both the Fantasy Lucidverse and Cataphrak’s Own Universe (Kendrickstone and Infinity Sea). Unlike Arbit’s Orcs, Lightseeker Orcs are stronger, somewhat smarter (Otherwise there wouldn’t be any shamans and mages there), they don’t eat Halflings, only regular meat, they know how to swim (Sorry Krog), and thanks to Duke-King Ethan (Current Ruler of Lightseeker Kingdom and Leader of the Lightseeker Alliance) Lightseeker Orcs co-exist with other races like Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, and Minor Races.

The Lightseeker Alliance consists of a Council consisting of the Leaders of the representing race, Grand Duchess and First Elf Frye represents the Elves, Chief Faragon represents the Orcs, King Halvatir represents the Dwarves, and King Richard represents the Halflings. The Alliance seeks to protect the weak and unfortunate from any threat imaginable, and they supply their allies with all they got to ensure prosperity.

I am not just an Arbit Loremaster, I am the Creator of the Lightseeker Universe.


The Lightseeker Universe sounds fascinating, with a deep lore and premise. I imagine it is rife with intrigue. Also, very interesting to set it in an archipelago, it makes sense that orcs would be fonder of the waters here. Some great inspirations too, with Kendrickstone and the Infinite Sea- and a touch of Arbit/Krog Pile :smiley:

Are you planning to make a choice script game using your creation?


I am not sure, my plans to become a game developer are fading, it becomes more like a story concept than an actual game


So, just finished the Adventurer path for the first time after buying the game on Steam, and I took Veigrid with me for the final mission, and it actually seemed to give her a unique/special (?) ending due to time god shenanigans? Which seemed pretty interesting.

But it does make me curious to know if other adventurers also have unique endings for the Adventurer Path, or is it only Veigrid who has one? Because if so, then it’s a bit of a bummer. Because it would be pretty dope to see multiple ending types for this path, or maybe even unique missions that are suited for a particular member that you can do to increase your relation with them.

On another note though, I highly enjoyed being an adventurer although I wished there was more content for that path. A lot of the gals were pretty charming and lovely, and I’m wondering if there are any plans to make some of them into ROs and initiate romance which would lead to new and unique developments down the line. Cause that would be great.


Hi J.D, really appreciate you journeying into the world of Krog Pile.

If you have high enough relations, you have possible scenes where you can meet your old adventuring pals again when you are an old orc. They might help guide your ‘adopted’ pup along the right path. Some are more present than others as some have a very self-serving nature. Also, those you have good relationships with are likely to turn up for your orc’s funeral.

The adventure path is a very good candidate for a future update and I will take your suggestions on board. I really like the idea of individual missions.

Veigrid was an exception ending due to her… disposition. Though she too may gift your orc a final boon in his old age.

I am debating introducing ROs for your orc. Many have mentioned this. It would have to mean that your orc strays away from his very nature and goes through a physical, and emotional, change. There are possibilities here, in a world of magic.

Thanks for the great feedback, mate. May many more glorious adventures await you!

EDIT: Patch 1 should be live everywhere apart from Google Play- as they like to draw out the drama a bit more.

EDITEDIT: Patch is live on Google Play now too :slight_smile:


With the caveat that these numbers come from just the iOs omnibus app:
Bad news: only 197 people played through the game and bothered to leave a rating.
Good news: That rating is 4.9 stars out of 5.
Curious to see what it looks like on other platforms.


Love that it’s got 4.9 from almost 200 reviews! Wow.

My post was slightly different but I changed it.

In many ways, I don’t want to know certain things until the end of the month. But knowing the review score is something I would always like to know.


I dont know if there is an error but for playstore it is showing 1k+ downloads so it is anywhere from 1000 to 9999 and reviews it is only showing the review i left when i bought it. But it is a 5 star review so 100% 5 star reviews … yay!?

1 Like


It is a perfect start.

I was able to look through the Google Play Store and found that many games don’t show reviews. I wonder if you have the get a certain number first? Also, perhaps some people just leave ratings without words?

Yeah, I couldn’t figure it out. The Google Playstore seems to process things at its own pace.
Never done this before so can’t really asses what is good/bad- but I do know that 5 stars are good!

Cheers mate. Love that you played my game and appreciate it even more that you left a good review it:)


For me it is showing reviews are shown by region , so maybe it is country specific thing?

Oddly specfic , can be due to limited downloads as well , playstore is sometimes weird.


I can’t see any reviews- though I can only peek at the store on my Windows PC. I think (pure speculation) that games might have to reach a download threshold, as you said. I can see reviews for certain 'big hitter; games, but none for others- even some well-known titles.

And yes- the wording is… interesting.

Mate- thanks BIG time. Krog will visit your dreams (in a good way) and bless your axe and shaman trickets!

At the end of the month, I’ll be able to get a fuller picture. Beforehand, I try to ignore some things- best to ward off the unorcly anxiety!

Although I won’t ignore bugs and things. Just all the ‘selling’ things.


Just restored my website purchase on IOS, I think they’re combining ratings because it shows up as 4.9 with 199 ratings, which is pretty close to the GP number. People must still be reloading and experimenting.


GP number?

The rating is great though! Hope it stays like that :smiley: