An Unexpectedly Green Journey (orc life-simulator) [1.5+ Million Words] OUT NOW!

Haha! Yes- I remember reading that a long time ago and examining the picture to find clues as to who the poisoner was. The scene always stuck in my mind. I wanted to have something happen on the ride to the city and kept coming back to that scene.

You have excellent taste! I love Lone Wolf!


Hi- thanks for giving my game a chance. Hope you enjoyed it.

Quite a few others have added their voices to the want of a romance option, mostly with Merchadi (the elf) and some with Pascua (the princess). It may be something I add in the future- though it I added an ro thing, it would be as an expansive DLC (or optional FreeLC if not expansive) rather than content in the original game. Your orc would have to make some difficult choices regrading what it mean to be Orc. It couldn’t be an easy choice, something must be lost and given up to make these things possible, even in a realm of magic.

I’m not sure what the future has in store, but all things are potentially possible :slight_smile:


I assumed that somehow the orcs were neither masculine or feminine, they just were, and the cabbage patch was the ideal way of continuing the race. Face it, none of them have attractive enough habits to attract even a female orc! And a female orc would have to indulge in farting a drinking contests to gain any respect from her fellow fighters! No thanks! This is one woman who reckons if it ain’t broke, don’t try and fix it!



I know! Some great contrivances must be put in place to make this a possibility. You hit the nail on the head. The fact that orcs do not have to impress partners goes a long way toward explaining their behaviour.

Orcs are not masculine or feminine. Or, we could say they are both, depending on your point of view. Orc ashes act as seeds, which grow baborcs and sprout orcs.

In appearance, most orcs have the hulking shape of a stereotypical Conan. They don’t have reproductive organs or mammaries. I haven’t given much thought to how orcs empty their bladders. (Maybe a future DLC called DLWee.)

If I ever did add in some RO content it would be optional and not a part of the base game. It would also depend on how well Green does and the demand for extra content.

Stranger things have happened.


I may be a little tempted by the elf, but I think the game does an excellent job of sidestepping the need for romance and I can easily live without it. A balanced romance patch would probably need options on various paths for all gender preferences to keep everyone happy. I question if that will be worth the effort, the nonbinary nature of orcs simplifies some things a bit while complicating others.

Suggestion for a possible future city expansion: new content related to our upgrades. Finding spies, holding a tournament, chance to indulge during a feast and so on.


I’m in the same boat, it’s nice to see a game that doesn’t have romance in it, if only because it feels different, and there’s too much of a risk of putting it in and making it feel contrived


@BismDweller @Sujan_Dhakal

This is a good point.

I will say that my two leading priorities for developing this game, and the follow-up, are:

  1. Above all, remaining true to the story I want to tell. This is the freedom Hosted Games allows and I am grateful for this.

  2. Accommodating the wishes of players and fans.

If number 2 doesn’t conflict with number 1, I am always happy to, at least, consider it. I will always be open to constructive criticism and if changes are within my scope of ability and time, I’ll do my best to get them enacted. However, I cannot promise how quickly. In regards to bugs, I will try to get them patched as promptly as possible.

Any possible expanded content must be planned before I make an announcement. Once I start, I mean to see it through to completion. Right now, away from QoL and bug fixes for Green, I am prioritising A Shriek of Ash and Fire, which has taken a bit of a back seat the last few weeks

As to your city suggestion, it is something I was originally going to have. I wanted your orc to build a city and shape it to his choosing, a crime-ridden slum, a trading centre, a fortress or a holy city. The skeleton of this still exists as an unused placeholder scene in the game. There are also unused options to hold a grand tournament for your own holy city.

A city expansion remains a real possibility for the future, a way to be a great orc without becoming a god or emperor. A more modest, but significant achievement with the potential for a great degree of choices and reactivity.

One day, I may put up a poll to get some feelers on what future content is most desired.

My follow-up does have romance, although the story is not focused on it. It will have possible romances in the context of the grander adventure, rather than a grand adventure serving the purposes of romance, if this makes sense. I love epic adventures and have a couple more of them that I need to get out of my system before I get ahead of myself.


"Why she always look at me so funny? "


Yeah i agree, while i WOULD JUMP IN LAVA JUST TO ROMANCE MERCHADI, i think it may be better to leave it as it is because as others have said its a little bit too much effort and i like to headcanon merchadi wanting something with my emperor orc after he has given her a homeland but hes too daft to understand she likes him. And then finally the last thought he has on his deathbed is “was she flirting with me?” Then dies.


A couple things cheat master general are there cheats what exactly is that achievement?

Carriage/poison scene is there any way to not get arrested?

Gear can an option to change weapons or gear be added? Wearing heavy armor the whole rest of the story after picking light just because I joined the legion is frustrating.

Last thing I swear, where is the dragon?

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The cheats If your young orc journeys to the Western Hills, he’ll find an old Crone who can open up a cheat menu (in the stats screen) for your orc.

In the carriage scene, there are a few ways not to get arrested. If you are corrupted, you can commit a dreadful massacre of everyone around you.

Or, you can identify the correct poisoner. If you pick anyone but this, you will be arrested.

I thought I already allowed your orc to change back into their previous gear- I will check the code and fix it! A patch is due to come out at the end of the week and will include this change.

EDIT: Ah- I only included the option to change back into your shaman stuff. Will make a fix.

EDIT: I forgot about your dragon. @Sujan_Dhakal has it right. There is also another possible dragon near the end of the Emperor’s path.


Dragon is at the top of Mount skyspear in the west, right after meeting the crone of fate.

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FIXES FOR INCOMING PATCH (Should be sometime thisweek)
This list may well be added to as things come up

-A few typos.
-Demon bug, where you are corrupted although the shaman does not recognise it and won’t heal it.
-Added *page_break after enemy horde braces to declutter the screen during raider battles.
-Expanded the scope of some variables during a scene on the Dark Path which has given the ‘no choices’ error. This bug, rare as far as I know, came up in two reports, although I am still unsure as to the direct cause.
-Will add an option to choose to see the in-game art or not. Although, some maps will always show up due to their role in the story. (Stat screen maps, adventurer guild maps and the battle maps for barracks training)
-Repeated fight during the Flotsam arena encounters.
-Minimising the debuff after you have enacted Krog’s blessing to whoop the demon orc.
-Adding age checks for arena training events to ensure your orc cannot train for centuries!
-Adding a stats page describing your orcs base attributes.
-Adding a few extra achievements
-Putting diplomatic relations on their own stats page to declutter the main stats page.
-Putting army units on their own stat page.
-Allow the player to change back into light armour after leaving the Green Legion. (You can already change back into your shaman garb.)
-Gave more chances to get the Krog’s Chosen achievement.
-Stopped the infinite ageing loop in the tribal jobs section.
-Added achievements for meeting the sky folk and the fish folk and for befriending each of potential adventuring companions and the Royal Road Guild.

The above will be included in the patch at the end of the week and is currently in place. It involves an update to all files and will mean a restart- sorry about this!


Nice, that arena fights being fixed makes the goat achievement accessable now.
Krog’s chosen, I think, is also bugged; I found the temple in the western hills, the one right past the ogre.
Old legend is one that also has me stumped, if only because it seems all you have to do is achieve enough to become a legend and die old, something I’ve done a few times.
Would also like to see the automatic mature orc checkpoint be placed at the choice of becoming shaman, not after.

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Hi mate,

Fixed the Krog Chosen achievement. Previously it was awarded for one particular set of actions in the temple- although this doesn’t make any sense now so it will be available as long as you see through your training (once the update is out.)

The arena fix was for repeating fights in Flotsam- I think you are referring to another issue I may have missed. Could you tell me?

The GOAT achievement is difficult. There is a secret set of opponents.

If you have an embassy and good relations with the minor powers, you can find three new fights against a beastman, gnome and nymph.

The positioning of that shaman scene, before the mature hub, is tricky. There was I reason I didn’t place a checkpoint there- it messed something up, but I can’t remember it for the life of me now! It may be fixable in the future. For now, we at least have a previous checkpoint, although it is not the most convenient.

Ah- the Old Legend is a set of three achievements possible for the ending of your old orc.

One of the Greats
Old Legend

When you die, a final check totes up some legend points and you will get one of these. The Old Legend is a most glorious orc- but if you have got the achievement One of the Greats, it is even better!


Yeah, I got the embasy thing and fought through all the other things. I’ll run through the arena section again one more time. My final record was 43 wins and 0 losses. It’s also entirely possible I just skipped a fight by mistake, one reason I’d like emptied arenas to be removed from the fights list so it’s easier to keep track of how many places you’ve cleared out.

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I can understand this- would be much more convenient. The arena thing is complicated and a small change like this will, perhaps surprisingly, add a lot of variables which need to be carried over through several scenes. The arena should be a focus of one particular update, to do a big job, rather than tweaking bits which may bring in new errors. I will let you know.

As for your magnificent record! Amazing. The code for the GOAT is *if (arenavictories =44) and (arenaloss =0)

I just double-checked and counted the opponents to make sure it was right.

Either way, it is a legendary record!


Thank you I somehow completely missed that part of the journey West. Amazing story though title is extremely fitting it’s not something I expected or followed until the last minute. I thoroughly enjoyed your take on COG/HG formula. Branching choices were truly different and made me feel like I lived a life for each one


Welcome to the horde, mate! Thanks for giving my game a chance. Really love that you enjoyed exploring the world and carving the destiny of your orc.

All I ask is that people give it a try, the demo section is large. I think most can get a good feel for the game to decide if it is for them. I appreciate your feedback, it is very encouraging!



So you can’t get the cheat master general thing if you’re on the shaman path? Cause you con only go and look for the old crone after you’re fully grown and that’s the same time as the start of the shaman path

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Shaman path triggers when you’re 33, that’s plenty of time


Yeah, and she’s available from the start for young orcs.