An Unexpectedly Green Journey (orc life-simulator) [1.5+ Million Words] OUT NOW!

Advice on the best way to subjugate the empire without actually invading? To get the gamer of thrones achievement, that is.
I would’ve liked to proactively end slavery once becoming chief, instead of being pushed into doing so when you’re trying to make peace with the empire, Or when you get to write it into the constitution while cementing your legacy afterwards.


Hell yeah man. So theoretically i can train forever as a gladiator without getting fucked because of old age?lol


Did you already get the Green Peace achievement? That is the less warlike one. It all hinges on your discussion with the Emperor, manoeuvring him into allyship rather than your overlordship.

Your orc can end slavery, as you said. However, before he gets the chance to do this, you do not have to engage in the foul trade. It is a deeply engrained practice which takes an orc of authority to abolish. Otherwise, it would be a token gesture.

When your orc finally gets to do it, he can do it across the entire continent rather than just the Plains.


Yes- you found a loophole into infinity and beyond. But the next update will try to foil your plans!


I understand that there are those who want their orc MC to have a romance (a Hosted/Choice game without ROs heresy). But in my opinion wouldn’t a bromance be more appropriate and easier to weave into the narrative? Gim Jym spring to mind.

An example. Maybe in the mature odd job wander path, you come across a wounded Conan the Barbarian like character (not necessarily human), and they offer you to join them on their quest for revenge, and you can join them for the loot or for a good fight. After completing it, you can partner up with them as adventurers, starting up a mercenary company, or maybe build a new tribe together. The last one I don’t know how plausible that would be.

Maybe my example isn’t the most exciting, but hopefully I’ve got my point across.

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Yeah, I got the green peace achievement. I’m assuming I get gamer of thrones from there?
Edit: I got it, invested a crap ton into culture, convinced the emperor to take our religion seriously, then used that religious influence to finish the job during the peace meeting



A borcmance is much more in character than a traditional RO. A really cool idea- with a narrative parallel with Gim and Jym. That is, unless your orc kills him/her. Maybe, at the end, they could start up their own Green Gentleman Tavern! But loads of possibilities. I will add this to my notes for a possible DLC.

With the conventional ROs I admit it is pandering, on my part. It is just something I am considering now only because the game is out and having optional DLC is a way to add content I wouldn’t want in the original game. Also, now that I have some people spending their money on something I have made, I feel ‘pandering’ to customers is not a bad thing. Indeed, to a degree, it is an obligation.

But, I make no promises. I like to think that if I say I am doing something then I will do it (within reasonable expectations regarding the excrement that life throws our way)!

Thanks for the great idea! And for your stellar help with the follow up!


Great work, Sujan. It can be hard for me to remember everything and you have just reminded me! I must admit, I do love the non-fighting methods you used to get that achievement, these show some of the game’s depth of approach- though it is the harder path.

At a later date, I should make a little note/guide which helps directs players on the action needed to get some of the rarer achievements. There are 1 or 2 which, although possible, I can’t see anyone but the most obsessive players discovering.


Ok, more suggestions:
Military makeup and factional relations really should be in separate tabs on the stats screen; on mobile, the main page is almost 20 pages long as it is right now.
In the arena, once you clear out a location of fights, it should be removed from the list.
There should be more flavor text throughout the arena plotline for players who go undefeated, more people commenting on it or something.
An achievement for finishing all of the quests on the adventurer’s guild plotline.
An achievement for getting eaten by that ogre and cutting yourself out, (I really loved that scene.)
On the king path, when those elves come up to you in your throne room and tell you that they’ll sell you their remaining crop of slaves, an option to grab them and torture/drug the answers out of them would be nice.
An achievement for dying at your coming of age ceremony, if only to poke fun at the player a little.
What I really would like to see is a biographer, a small encounter where, once you become famous enough, asks is he can chronicle your lift story. You’d get to put whatever slant on it you could to frame your character, and it’d have an effect on the epilogue text, when your legacy is getting revealed.
I’m not sure how to really explain this but choice of robots and choice of magics have a sorta running recap of your character’s life in the stats screen as the plot progresses. We already have something like that in the fights record, but I’d like to see something more substantial on that front, give it that more epic feel.
Gamer of thrones refers to conquering the humans with diplomacy and religion, but you can build the entire empire that way. Either by expanding the requirements for that achievement or creating a new one, there should be something to acknowledge pulling that off. For clarification, it would be something like:

  • Intimidating the forest elves into surender at the outskirts of their forests.
  • Making peace with the dwarves and taking control of them from there.
  • Opening up contact with the halflings and also making them a tributary.
  • And then everything with the humans that I’ve already mentioned.

I’ll admit I felt ridiculously smug with myself when I managed that completely soft takeover.
I’m not sure how practical implementing a lot of this would be, but you seem open to new ideas as long as they don’t lead to major structural changes, so, like, yeah…
Addendum, on the romance thing: I’m gonna be the dude with the unpopular take here but I think you should stick with the original plan and leave it out. Can’t see any way you could make it work without making it feel contrived, and that’s the last thing you’d want.


I am always open to hearing feedback and new ideas- even if I can’t do everything. At worst, it is something I will consider for new projects. It is a win-win. You have played the game and invested your time into it, and seemed to have mostly enjoyed it. Your suggestions come from a place of wanting to make it even better. BTW- appreciate the effort of putting this all into words too, mate.

Will get those achievements added. Haha- love the coming-of-rage achievement idea! More undefeated text is a rewarding idea too. I’ll add that to the list for future updates.

The HG content review folks are not keen on torture. I had to change a few things in the game (not much) because of it. I think I would come croper here adding a torture scene- the forced drugging could be interpreted as torture too. Although, there might be a way around it.

I really like the idea of a running recap. For the grand orc arcs, I have provided an extensive epilogue- as a satisfying reward for completing the game. Because of this, tt might be redundant to have a recap- but will give this a look in the future.

You do get to help a bard write an epic tale of your life, in one of the wandering orc scenes. If you have done enough, the book becomes a best seller! Or it might be a dusty tome found only in longdrops.

Excellent work, mate! Many thanks for the effort you put into thinking about this and for giving me much to consider.

EDIT: Eeek- 20 pages is a long scroll. This might take a bit of work, for a later update, but spreading it to another page is sorely needed.


Yeah, I just wanted to be able to get those slaves without paying for it, you could probably just terrify the crap out of them via intimidation anyway, no need to go further.
Speaking of the whole slaves thing, an achievement for never buying or using them, attempting to do so, and freeing all of them when you get the chance.
The achievements thing comes almost entirely from the fact that I don’t like the numbers 70 (achievements) and 700 (points), so it’s a side goal of mine to come up with 30 new ones to get that nice, even number.

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Haha- It would be great to have a nice round 1000. There is certainly opportunity for it.

Once things have settled, I think adding achievements can be done relatively easily. The slave one gives a great incentive and reward for a certain playstyle- but I will wait to do this one as it is quite complicated to track all the variables pertaining to slaves. One problem with having a big work is that is a slog to keep track of everything when it is not fresh in my mind.

Anything you think off for this, chuck my way!


More of a long-term thing, but the Arena fights as they are, well, they feel like kind of a slog.
More unique combat text with each of the arena fighters would fix that immensely, but that’s gonna take a while. Nothing huge, but you can only read almost the exact same lines of text so many times before you feel like you’re just grinding. As it is right now, it’s just a dozen variations of the same thing with different weapons. This is really just an asthetic thing more than a mechanical one.
The puzzle in the final quest of the adventurer’s guild path probably could’ve been done better. Visual puzzles aren’t really the best in a textual medium, I couldn’t solve it so I just popped open the code to find the answer.

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The arena fights were a slog to code too. They are functional- and the text changes slightly sometimes, but not vastly. There are many lines of repeated text- and it is wearying to think of different ways to describe very similar actions- very ‘creatively sapping’ if I can get away with saying this. Ideally, I would want more variance. It is possible but this is something for a much later time. It would be a big project and I want to prioritise my energy for my new WIP again.

Apart from the release updates and patches, over this month, I plan to gather a lot of changes into one larger future update.

Yes- the puzzle- In my defence of the puzzle, it is the only one. My thinking was that, with the text description describing a nub (like a nose) between the two ovals, a player may think of eyes. Lots of the adventures had mention of eyes- or empty eye sockets. It landed with some but I have heard dissatisfaction from others. Still, I will be stubborn with this as it is a one-time thing- a sprinkling of variety.

Much of this can be applied to the creation of a future DLC, avoiding some of the pitfalls.


Fair enough. And that, I think, should be everything. At least for now.

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When trying to kill the rangers with fire the game tells me that they are wiped out. Yet, it keeps returning to this page with the option to kill them with fire available again and again.


Fireproof rangers, must be a nice gig


Hi Chance,

Yep, caught this one already. It will be fixed with the next patch I will send off later this week.

-The goblin spider riders should mash them in the meantime, for minimal losses.


Phew- Releasing games is stressful :exploding_head:

EDIT: Although, for such a large game, I think the amount of errors is not that bad- two handfuls! :face_holding_back_tears:

Like it- I will have had a unique unit variable to keep count- but good stuff. Will add it to the list of future updates.

-Light of the Empire achievement signals completing the adventurer path- defeating the final ‘boss.’ Did it not show up?

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Achievement idea: something for gathering a huge variety of unique military units. I don’t actually know how many you can get and some might be mutually exclusive, but you can put together a seriously freaky force by the endgame.

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… Please tell me that the whole attempted poisoning scene on the carriage ride to the capital is a lone wolf reference. that section kept giving me déjà vu, and it took me way too long to remember where that came from


I half wish there is a romance option with either the human princess or scorned elf