An Unexpectedly Green Journey (orc life-simulator) [1.5+ Million Words] OUT NOW!

It has to do with where the page break command is located, if I’m remembering my CS Lore correctly, I know for a fact this has come up in other games before and there’s a really easy fix


The trick is to have the rand rolls done at least one *page_break before they are used.

If they are on the same page it re-rolls them every time you come back from the stats menu. Of course it does this with the trick but since the outcomes are not visible it’s irrelevant.


Mainly just preaching to the quire here, really enjoyed my first Shaman victory and there’s clearly a lot of content left for me to explore.

Minor issue: I triggered a stat penalty when Crog took his gifts away after the demon fight, they were lower than they were before it began. I did a bit of code diving and it’s probably just how Fairmath works. Happens with stats over 49 according to a Fairmath calculator.

Excellent work!


Best Hg this year by far.


Right back atcha horde brother!!!

@Sujan_Dhakal @Alice-chan

Thanks for this. So to stop it I need to add an extra ‘mouse/button click’ after the die roll?
So very solvable- although, depending on the scene, maybe it adds a level of annoyance for anti-clickers? Will play around with it.


Fairmath is a blessing and a curse! I can tinker with the code to add a non-percentile value, but ensure that it doesn’t go above 100.

Was it a massive debuff? If it isn’t, I can see a dramatic purpose is being weakened after the effects of a Krog blessing have worn off.


Good to hear from you again, horde mate! Thanks for joining the WIP and for all your input. I am very happy at the reception! I hope the game is finding a player base among this lovely reception too.

Cheers, chief, Raises a tankard


You could also lean into it and make it one of the cheats, there’s one game that does exactly that, But it’s probably best not to experiment right now, just fix the thing and then think about what you’ll do afterwards

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Having fun. Anyways…

The combat stats for my side and the opposite side are printed out twice. Is this supposed to happen?

For the gladiatorial fights, I think there was one 3x match on the coral islands (or something) which could be replayed again after beating it. I can’t remember though. I’ll see if I can reproduce this on another playthrough.

(I think) I got corrupted by demons, since I woke up in a rage and started massacring stuff, but Groc keeps telling me there is no curse on me.

Possible QoL suggestion for the next update- allow players to see how much each item costs at the goblin merchant at the shop menu without having to inquire about the item.


Great to hear from you, Mr Chance Picasso!

Yes- here the stats appear twice as the enemy had their move in between- They Braced. Perhaps a page break would make it more presentable.

The demon curse thing will be fixed in the next update. My big bad here, I missed a variable. Sorry- in the meantime, try to go back to a checkpoint save before the corruption set it.

-Good suggestion- I’ll have a look. I wanted to use the fact that you couldn’t afford it as a very minor blow to your presence/horde. This would partly show how orcs respect the great shiny shiny! I couldn’t do this by quoting the price directly. Will double check over these things.

-With the gladiator might- was it Flotsam? The place with the sailors and pirates? Will sort it out.

Massive thanks, mate!

I was planning to get a fix to HG and K. on Monday- but, it might be a little later. I don’t want to disrupt everyone’s progress so early on. What do you think?

EDIT: Good list! More like this are always welcome. :face_with_peeking_eye:


I think it was the place where you had to fight three enemies in a row, and one guy was armed with a chain. :thinking:

Tough decision. :sweat_smile: :scream:


FIXES FOR INCOMING PATCH (Should be sometime next week)
This list may well be added to as things come up

-A few typos.
-Demon bug, where you are corrupted although the shaman does not recognise it and won’t heal it.
-Added *page_break after enemy horde braces to declutter the screen during raider battles.
-Expanded the scope of some variables during a scene on the Dark Path which has given the ‘no choices’ error. This bug, rare as far as I know, came up in two reports, although I am still unsure as to the direct cause.
-Will add an option to choose to see the in-game art or not. Although, some maps will always show up due to their role in the story. (Stat screen maps, adventurer guild maps and the battle maps for barracks training)
-Repeated fight during the Flotsam arena encounters.
-Minimising the debuff after you have enacted Krog’s blessing to whoop the demon orc.
-Adding age checks for arena training events to ensure your orc cannot train for centuries!
-Adding a stats page describing your orcs base attributes.
-Adding a few extra achievements
-Putting diplomatic relations on their own stats page to declutter the main stats page. This ties in to other variables and may cause future problems so have to have a good look.
-Putting military matters could also do with having their own stat page. Same issues as above> Will take a closer look.
-Allow the player to change back into light armour after leaving the Green legion. (You can already change back into your shaman garb.)

Things for a future patch (These I need to consider for a bit)

-Adding page breaks to prevent stat screen ‘cheat’ during fights involving random die rolls. -I may have to be selective here as some sections are very heavy with random rolls and page breaks might prove cumbersome or slow the pacing too much. Feedback and opinions on this are very appreciated.
-Putting prices in initial choices when buying stuff- Have to be careful of the length of the choice text and the use of shop owners pouring scorn on poor orcs.
-Some unexpected stats during the shaman city building section- This was very hard to code and I worry that messing with it could derail it entirely.
-Extending the time between events during the shaman city-building path.
-Adding more comments for an orc with an undefeated record in the arena.
-No slave and diverse army achievements


Yes, and I also want to give the Orc MC more opportunities for adventure and glory or infamy. I also want their Orc Bestie to have more influence in certain paths and adventures. And I want them to sometimes be more involved on the MC’s Idle Adventuring. I also want the Halfling Recipe Book to also have an effect on the Big Belly Path. In the Freelancer Path, in the Capital, the Orc MC overhears a certain plothole in the Gladiator Path when trying to do the rumors job, I want that info to directly influence the Gladiator Path, maybe by warning the trainer and adding in ways to prevent the attack on the Grand Arena after MC defeats the Demon Champion (Yes, the champion is a demon, the reason that Gregor refuses and delays the MC a chance to fight his champion) depending on Arena Rank, Horde Numbers, Allies, Krog Piety, etc… (Maybe Groc can help in any way to stop the attack?) I also want the Gladiator Path Ending to link to the start of the Dark Lord Path if the MC chooses to consort with the Powers of Beyond and Below (Arbit’s Dark Pantheon) and is strong enough and/or has the right allies (Mostly Dark Elves), other wise is the normal ending of the Gladiator Path. I want the Orc to have more chances to become Clan Chief even after Morgorc dies and before Slappa becomes Chieftain, maybe in the same way Slappa become chieftain by his own horde, if the MC has enough of his own orcs and allies. Maybe overhaul the Adventurer Path by improving the quests, party and relationship system to have a chance of true friendship and romance (Yes, I want the Orc MC to be unique) and ensure that the choices the MC makes during the Adventurer Path matter to the rest of the world.

As for new paths, maybe the Orc can start a criminal empire different from the Shaman City Path, organize jobs, crime businesses, and crew members, maybe the Goblins, Robber Orcs, and Dark Elves can help if he has enough support?


Loads of meaty ideas here.

One of the reasons I don’t link all the paths together is to give players insight into events and to encourage another playthrough. As you said, you can overhear the gladiator champion’s secret on the wandering job path. Perhaps this would push the player to want to explore the gladiator path.

Also, I wanted to have ageing be a factor, which is why Slappa becoming chief is a cut-off point. Your orc must make choices that affect what he can and can’t do- this is part of the ‘philosophy’ of the game and gives weight to each choice. To be able to do everything in a single life would take this away. Your old orc can usurp Slappa later, through his ‘adopted’ young orc. This gives the old age section something to aim for.

I love the idea of having more instances involving bestie. This is very doable for a later update. Also, I was initially going to have your orc rise through the ranks of a thieves’ guild and become the kingpin of a criminal empire. Dark elves would be great allies for this. I might have this as a future option! We will see.

As for romance, I haven’t made my mind up. It would take some contrivances, but magical worlds are full of those. A few people would like a chance to get closer to Merchadi too. But, if these things were to ever happen, it would be with consequences for your orc- a loss of orciness for sure.

As to the adventurer path- the problem with stopping the rise of evil is that the world would never know the impact of that evil. You might have saved the world, but the world never felt the threat to know it had been saved. Still, an expansion is an option I will look at.

These are all wonderful suggestions and would fill a massive expansion. Much is doable. I can’t make any promises yet but will let the forum know if/when I start an expansion/dlc/content update. Watch this space, mate!


I just continued playing without praying as I was strong enough on my own, but I think that my presence went down by 20 points or something. I was messing around with the values from the code in the calculator and 80 goes down to 59. Maybe variable decrease depending on stats, a flat decrease without Fairmath, storing the old values in temp variables or something?


That’s a big drop. And great suggestion. I will fiddle with it before the next update to sort it out.

EDIT: For convenience’s sake, I have massively nerfed the debuff. For most orcs, it will leave you stronger than before. If you have very high stats, the decrease will only be minor. It means that, for most, they will get to keep some of the effects of the blessing. Or, Krog will have mildly tamed your power to be a git. We can’t have the mortals getting too big for their boots after all.


Ok, update on the island.

I had managed to beat the salt queen, and later received the option to fight again.

Then I could do this:

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Great hunting!

Did it loop back to the start of the contest- or the choice to take part didn’t go away?


After winning the fourth and final match, I went back to the menu where I could pick the different fights or train. When I chose the coral island option again, I noticed that the option to enter the tournament was still available, and I could redo the fights all over again.

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Gotcha. I see the issue. Cheers, mate. I appreciate your time going back to find it.


GOBBA IS THE BEST FRIEND i love him man, which is also why adventurer path is superior because you get more gobba content.

Also, how old can your orc get before the game ends? For example in the gladiator path you can keep training over and over and also get stronger but is there a point where if you “waste” too much time the game ends and you cant progress anymore?


WOW! Haha, I didn’t even think about this. Yes, you can exist in a perpetual training cycle, repeating over and over, in the arena sections.

I will add an age check here.

‘Old age’ hits your orc at different times, depending on their achievements. If your orc has made great progress as a raider, gladiator or adventurer, they have up to 57 to complete their tasks before decrepitude withers them into being a shrivelled green git.

If your orc has shunned glory, old age can hit them as early as 45. In any case, your orc has been blessed with a longer life than most.

At present, the checks are mostly on the hubs. But crafty orc players have snuck their way to immortality!

EDIT: Keep in mind that you can do multiple arena training sessions before a year passes- so you still have time to get buff.