An Unexpectedly Green Journey (orc life-simulator) [1.5+ Million Words] OUT NOW!

Anyone tried the Non-Shaman City Orc?



Yes, you did it! Reign over the world and make them fear the skies!

Also, good going. Coding the city path was very tricky for my neophyte skills. I think some quirks still linger.


I recognise your name- you have posted in my WIP thread many times! Great big green thanks for the support! I always knew youā€™d make a legendary orc :smiley:

Haha! Yes, Green has gone blue!

Absolutely love you relishing the exquisiteness of repulsiveness. The tribe shall be awed into admiration of it!


Found it -(Goblin_Opinion >85). So the little green gits must really like you. You start on a high footing with them, to begin with. It helps to choose the gobbo as your best mate. too.


Hi Loremaster,

Sadly, you can only build a shaman city- OR- corrupt it into a demon city. I took out the other city options. perhaps, in a future update, I will add something around this.

Some references to this might remain in the game.

You can help found the city, but can only get to rule it through being a shaman. Or, on an alternate path, the Green Emperor can found the city, though you donā€™t get to ā€˜manageā€™ it as you have an empire to rule.


Just did the Adventurer path btw.
Is Veigrid evilšŸ˜­


Anyone tried successfully going into grand palace?


Ah- Veigrid is very interesting to me.

She is not ā€˜goodā€™- though she does not see herself as evil. She serves Cruth, the god of time and entropy. The eventual decay of everything- is the only rule/law she observes. As such, perhaps she is lawful-neutral?

She is more than willing to pursue evil or goodness to further the schemes of her god. When you are an old orc, if you have furthered her schemes to the end of the adventurer path, she can intercede on your behalf if your protege gets to face off for the position of chief.


The grand palace is inaccessible for most of the game. However, at some points, you can enter it- you may have done so already on the other paths. If you rise to become a King, you enter the palace during the Battle of Grandardgard. You can get a big parade celebrating your achievements just outside if you survive and complete the adventurer path.



Hello there, Iā€™ve never played this game before and Iā€™m wondering how does the game mechanics work if the protagonist becomes a ruler?


Hi Rainbowshow,

Through your orcs rulership, they will rise from chief to king and then to emperor if you choose this path. This will be through war and diplomacy. Oftentimes, this is affected by who you met during your life. Time will advance as you scheme and build your kingdom, focusing on war, diplomacy or even culture.

In the later stages, during a time of peace, you will guide the direction of your lands. Some of these will be through interactions with visitors to your throne room if you do not choose the war path. Youā€™ll also make preparations for your succession, whether it be through democracy, trial by combat or royal appointment.

Eventually, a great challenge will rise to confront your lands. If you survive this, the epilogue will reflect upon your actions and your legacy.

It is not overly management-heavy. The ā€˜heaviestā€™ management path is if you become the shaman of a holy city, where you decide on what is built, who you hire and what policies you institute.


Hey james hope you have a nice day
So ive played the game around 3 or 4 times now and have found the perfect way to play it (get all allies, most stats high etc) but one thing ive noticed is that when your fighting a dragon/any other thing one on one if you dont like the options that you have you can just enter the stats menu and come back and they will change to suit your orcs abilities

Is this intentional?because it makes the fights really easy lol

By the way warlord green emperor is the best path.


Wow! I think this is down to the events being randomised so everytime you leave the stats screen, the scene is randomised.

I will ask the HG people about this, after the weekend. Iā€™m not sure I can do anything about it, except rewrite the scene to un-randomise it. Iā€™ll see what the experts say.

Haha! Best to keep this rare bit of secret law away from the masses. You have turly mastered the dark arts!

-The Green Emperor path is my fav too:)


Why did you have to bring it up?! I donā€™t want this game to ā€œThe great tournament 2ā€ me and force me to lose all checks!

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Oh- did The Great Tournament 2 have this but fixed it?

-For now, we can call the stats screen issue and ā€˜Act of Krog.ā€™

Lol i know i know my bad:(

Nah seriously though, he can keep it the way it is so if anyone wants ā€œkrogs helpā€ they can use this technique and anyone who doesnt want it can just not use it

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What yā€™all favourite non emperor path?

  • Dark Lord
  • Shaman
  • Adventurer
  • Gladiator
0 voters

Not entirely, the combat doesnā€™t exactly work like it does in this game anyway. You can change the outcome of certain stuff like jousting matches, canā€™t reroll actual fights though.

Got to admit. This approach makes the story a really good ā€œpathetic POVā€ game. Where I genuinely feel first hand embarrassment and rage at every encounter.


Haha- I think I understand your point. Not all of the fights in green are randomised. Some follow a set pattern of events. Though the dragon fight is the hardest in the game, especially since your orc is not yet in their prime here.

James if you ever release a dlc/update where i can romance the scorned elf i will sacrfice myself to krog in your name


It would take some contrivances but in a world of magic, all things might be possible.

Quite a few people like Merchadi. Me too! But is giving in to the allure of the Scorned Elf going against the principles of orciness? Perhaps Merchadi only wants what she cannot have?

I will dwell on this.


That is all i ask sire.

So after finishing the games a few times there is one thing that i like the most. In most games you spend the whole time trying to for example become a king or conquer the world and after you have done it, it just finishes. You dont get to actually feel like a king

I love this game because for example in the emperor warlord route you spend the game trying to SQUISH THOSE PUNY HUMANS AND HALFLINFS and then after its done and you expect the game to finish, it keeps going and you get to write laws and decide the future for your kingdome and lastly, have one final fight and even meet krog.

I love this game man, thanks for making it and congratzā¤ļø


Cheers, mate. I really appreciate it.

I always wanted to do a sim which encompasses an entire life. The story is, really, not conquering the world or becoming a god, but your orcā€™s life journey.

I wanted a final act the player could remember- and a chance to be a hero, even if you have lived a life of brutality. Orcs may, most often, be the villains of the story- but sometimes even villains can be heroes. A little twist, of sorts, for the ending- and a glorious send-off.

I am so happy you enjoyed it!


Itā€™s impossible for me to ignore a passion project like this. Iā€™ve always been an advocate for getting more people into IF and this game seriously might be one of the easiest to get into. Simple on the surface, miles-deep depth hidden below.

Iā€™ll be pointing to this game for a long time to come.

I got your back. Krog bless! May you raise many cabbages.