All : The Replica Series

Hi,you’re sisters game was really good,now I will try you’re game.

I’m done with the game now,you and you’re sister have a talent for amazing righting,I love both of the story’s and can’t wait to see them when they are done,good luck to both of you. :smiley:

@John Thanks, that’s very sweet of you! I’m still working on the beginning of Chapter 5, but it’s coming along nicely.

Oh?! Already diving into chapter five eh? I’m looking forward to it ^.^

@Razgriz I want Chapter 5 to be very dynamic since the MC will show off their replica’s evolution, but that’s only a small part of what’s to come…

Oh you >.< you’ve got me all excited and waiting in suspense now

Hello all!

I just wanted to let everyone know that I am leaving on a business trip today and will not be back until Friday. I won’t have any free time so I will not be active on this site and my Chapter 5 update will take longer to finish.

I hope everyone has a great week!

Thanks,you to.

I’m back! \:D/

@John I got sick on the last day of the trip, but otherwise it was a success.

I’m excited to pick up Chapter 5. Although I couldn’t write/code all week didn’t mean I couldn’t think about it. I’ve worked out quite a few scenes and problems. *-:slight_smile:

Ah! SharpOne good to see you’re back in action! I cannot wait to get my hands on the recruit who hurt my Abigail… big bro MC don’t play no games when it comes to my little recruit getting hurt!

@Razgriz Glad to be back! In Chapter 5 the MC thinks about/discusses what course of action to take when you confront Wafae and her veteran, which won’t happen until Chapter 6.

It will be a rumble if things aren’t sorted out. :stuck_out_tongue:

How it coming

@Razgriz You’ll find that many veterans share that outlook.

@vampierkid222 I’m more than half way done with Chapter 5 right now. Unfortunately, my updates aren’t going to be as consistent as I originally thought. Chapter 5 has so many variables that I’m guessing it will take another 2-3 weeks for me to finish.

Hey I was wondering if their is a new demo update

@Reaper_General I haven’t posted anything new yet, but I’m close to finishing Chapter 5.

I’m eager to see this new chapter ^.^ you have raised my expectations. I know you’ll blow me away with this new update. I have faith in you :slight_smile:

@Razgriz You’re very sweet! In this chapter I’m introducing the hanging out scenes and the possibility of losing a fight (I give you quite a bit of warning to avoid this, but as the game develops you’ll find that failure always looms closely). This chapter feels very long to me, but that’s just because there are so many variables and choices.

@SharpOne the fight will be winnable yes?

@Razgriz Yes. There’s one major hint in the dialogue that should help steer you to victory. Each replica (Black, Grey and White) has their own unique techniques, which may or may not help you. Your choice of which power evolution (the puzzles from Chapter4) can also help or hurt you. And these factors and their related choices also effects your relationship with your opponent. For example, The Black can be the most interesting and can easily lead to victory, but watch out! This easily leads to your relationship taking a large dive.